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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ShrinkyDinkMe22

  1. anyone know if the recovery for the single incision is any worse as far as pain is concerned? i assume it would be but just curious if anyone knows for sure. i get that ones who have had single dont know how the others felt and visa versa. my surgeon said i am right at the cusp for it but he wont know until he gets in there and sees for sure.
  2. Had my sleep study on 9/7. The sleep tech said that she believed I did show signs of it but that of course a dr would review it and get back to me. Heard from the pulmanologist today and I did have a few episodes but not enough to qualify me as sleep apnea. He is sure that it will get better after the surgery. I'm just so excited that I don't have it .
  3. ShrinkyDinkMe22

    Woot...no Sleep Apnea!

    Good luck!
  4. ShrinkyDinkMe22

    Tomorrow Is The Big Day!

    Good luck everyone! Here's to a perfect surgery and a speedy recovery.
  5. ShrinkyDinkMe22

    Happy Anniversary To Me

    Congrats lady! That's so exciting
  6. ShrinkyDinkMe22

    Complete Success!

    joisey, glad all went well!
  7. ShrinkyDinkMe22

    Complete Success!

    AuroraB: i think it depends on your doctor and your comorbidities/symptoms. i am getting sent because i have heartburn/reflux. because the sleeve can cause reflux he wants to get a good look in there and make sure there is no damage to the lining of my esophagus and stomach. mine is also checking for haital hernia and if i do have it he will repair it will i get the sleeve done.
  8. ShrinkyDinkMe22


    Joisey01 how did it go? i have mine on the 21st at 430pm.
  9. ShrinkyDinkMe22

    Which Is Worse....vsg Or C-Section?

    interesting post! i had a c-section on 3/14/10 and i had no pain. i am not even exaggerating. i was up walking around the day after, was released a day early from the hospital and then was driving by the next weekend. i hope the vsg holds up to that . i always heard terrible stories of c-sections and when i had to get one last minute with my daughter, aside from being scared of what was wrong with my baby but i was also afraid of what the c-section recovery would be like. good luck to all of you!
  10. ShrinkyDinkMe22

    Approval Letter Just Arrived!

    woohoo! congrats
  11. ShrinkyDinkMe22


    I have been contemplating wls for some time now and was always going to do rny. Partial because i only knew of rny and lapband. I wasn't truly fond with either but knew I neded help. But then back in July I leaned of the sleeve. For me I feel this is the better option. Mainly do to the fact that my intestinal tract is not being screwed with and there are no malabsorption issues. Those two were big for me. Whatever you choose Is a big deal and I think you just need to do your research, pros and cons of each, talk to your gp and surgeon and make the best decision for you! I also like that there are less restriction later down the road with the sleeve.
  12. ShrinkyDinkMe22

    Woot...no Sleep Apnea!

    Thanks . I was surprised. Not because I thought I had it but bc the pulse ox thing I had to do the weekend before they said was consistent with apnea which was why I was sent for the study.
  13. ShrinkyDinkMe22

    The Card?

    i personally was never told that but i have read it on this site before that people have been given cards for exactly that reason.
  14. ShrinkyDinkMe22

    Hating My Body Even More?!

    yes! i am just disgusted with myself as of late. i can't pinpoint why i feel this way and before i didnt but i feel the same way.
  15. ShrinkyDinkMe22

    Sex... Oh My God... Sex!

    this post is fantastic. thanks for posting i'm not a guy but definitely can't wait for skinny sex and to have some drive back. i am so disgusted with myself now that i just dont want to do anything....
  16. ShrinkyDinkMe22

    Hi To All Thirty Sumthings Lol

    woohoo! congrats!
  17. ShrinkyDinkMe22

    It's Official! I Am An October Sleever!

    congrats! thats so exciting!
  18. are their differences in the diet that dr alvarez suggests as opposed to what most seem to suggest in the states? if there are can you please share?
  19. ShrinkyDinkMe22

    Ot~Did You Know?

    when i went to my seminar on 8/4 i was told that the duodenal switch, rny and sleeve were all none reversible. maybe my dr was wrong...but i have never heard that rny was reversible.
  20. i see some of you in your responses suggest people go to a specific forum. stupid question but if those forums do not appear on the forums home page, how do youfind them? for example a recent post about eating badly someone suggested going to the over eating board... i dont see that on the forum hom page. any help would be awesome!
  21. ShrinkyDinkMe22

    Eating Badly

    so glad to see this posted! i have been doing the same thing and then feeling like complete shi*t afterwards. i definitely will chekc out that board
  22. Thought it was gross. I haven't started a ore-op diet or anything. Just bought a few of those based on people's reviews here.what are some other shakes you all like?
  23. ShrinkyDinkMe22

    Tried Muscle Milk....umm No Thanks

    i tried the rtd chocolate light. i know they will not be a milk shake but i just didn't like it at all. years ago i drank isopure dutch chocolate. i will have to see if those are still around and check the carbs and protein on those. maybe if i plug my nose and drink it thanks all. i have a list going of the ones you suggested.
  24. ShrinkyDinkMe22

    Medic Alert Bracelets? Do We Need One?

    Definitely will ask my surgeon as well. Not sure. I again about the convention. I find it bizarre that every surgeon is so different. I specifically asked mine about NSAIDs because I get migraines and take excedrine migraine. He said te first few weeks/months that I shouldn't while I'm healing. But after that shouldn't be a big deal. I'll have to check again
  25. ShrinkyDinkMe22

    Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg - I Got A Date!

    Yay! Congrats! I'm hoping to get mine done in oct or nov! I'm so excited to do this an start my new life I can't take it anymore.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
