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Everything posted by ShrinkyDinkMe22

  1. Good luck to you all!
  2. ShrinkyDinkMe22

    At patient registration...

    Good luck to you guys!
  3. ShrinkyDinkMe22


    Welcome to the group! Once it starts it goes quickly lol. I started the process in august and was sleeved last Monday. Good luck to you!!
  4. ShrinkyDinkMe22

    12.10.12 Group

    I'm doing really well. First week was rough but doing much better this week. When are you getting sleeved?
  5. What Lisa said Mine was, water, Gatrorade, broths, jello, things like that. I couldn't have anything that was purple or red in color Good luck!
  6. Anyine iron deficient anemic? If so do you take a chewable? If so which one? I'm only 5 days postop and I refuse to crush up my iron pill so my hubby just picked me up nature's plus chewable iron with vitamin can and herbs. My question is, is it okay to take this with the herbs in them?
  7. ShrinkyDinkMe22

    iron deficient anemic

    Thanks all. My Dr did tell to continue iron supplement but it's a tablet. So i sent hubby out later night to get a chewable. He came back with the above. I hesitated taking it because of the herbs. I knoe I can take vitamin c but it had trace amounts of rose hips and a couple other items in there. I will wait until Monday and check with the Dr. I wanted to make sure I got back on something bc i know surgery csn make the iron low again and my wonderful monthly friend came a few days later (tmi sorry). But that was the other reasons I felt like I should get on something right away. And I refuse to crush up the tablet is have. The pill tastes disgusting on my tongue lol. Thanks all!
  8. ShrinkyDinkMe22

    Light headed :(

    Are you recently sleeved? Could be dehydration. I was sleeved on Monday and yesterday having the same issue. I got some. Gatrorade g2 down and that helped. I also realized that my pain killer as screwing with me. I was lortab elixir. I stopped taking it.
  9. ShrinkyDinkMe22

    Less than 3 days post op but..

    Glad you're all doing well! I was sleeved 12/10 and I'm just not hungry. Been forcing myself to "eat" usually a 1/4c of broth or soup and I'm full. Been trying hard to get water in. Yesterday I didn't do so well but today was better. I didn't get discharged until Thursday night and everyday is getting better! Except I keep getting random gas pains that started in my abdomen and hurt and I let out a huge burp and it goes away lol. See you all around!
  10. And bad Amanda Peet movie where she dates three best friends.
  11. ShrinkyDinkMe22

    Sushi Success! Woo-hooo!

    Yay! I was worried about this. Hopefully my sleeve accepts it as well!
  12. Haha you learn thay from "whipped"? That was the first time I ever heard that.
  13. I to had Gerd prior to sleeve. My, surgeon did an egd to make sure there was no damage to my esophagus, stomach, and duodenum. Once that was ok it was submitted to insurance for sleeve and got approved. I have to take a ppi for 3-4 months post op and then maybe try to get off them a d see how I do. Hope you get it figured out.
  14. Since I had my first appointment with my surgeon I've lost 40.6lbs. 17lbs on my own prior to preop diet, about 15lbs on two week preop, and almost 9lbs since surgery on 12/10! And my monthly friend is in town so you know I've gained a little because of that. I cant believe it. I'm so happy!
  15. ShrinkyDinkMe22

    so far I've lost...

    Thanks all, so much! I'm feeling really good today. I just put a pair of jeans on that were snug last weekend and today fell off hehe. Hopefully this keeps up for a couple more weeks. And clear liquids were only in the hospital so I did that tues thru Thursday and then was released on full liquids. Do that for two weeks then puree/blended for two weeks then software food for two weeks and I think by week 7 I can start adding normal foods in gradually.
  16. ShrinkyDinkMe22

    so far I've lost...

    I didn't notice a difference except that it came a week early. I was sleeved on 12/10 came home 12/13 and got my period yesterday morning. I've been reading its common from the stress of surgery to come early. I was one of the lucky ones . As far as cramps go about every third one for me is really bad. The one prior to this one and this one haven't been bad, no cramps. So the next one might be... Good luck to you all, I'm finally feeling back to normal today and just ready to conquer this!
  17. ShrinkyDinkMe22

    Finally home

    Surgery was on Monday at 130. I had single site incision. Surgeon said it could take about an hour and a half to two hours. It ended up going much better than he planned and he was done in an hour fifteen. I had a lot of swelling the next day in my tummy so much that I failed the leak test Tuesday morning. I had the repeat test today and there was a lot of improvement but fluid is still moving slowly. I did get released tonight and have been home for about an hour. Still pretty gassy and having some chest pain thay goes away upon belching. Yesterday I had buyers remorse because I felt like **** and wanted something to eat. But all in all I am doing really good. Moving around fine. Haven't really had any pain. I have one incision inside my belly button and then one that's not even an inch just below my sternum and to the right a little. That's where they held up my liver. Glad to be home and resting here. My two years old is made at me for leaving her for four days :-(. But shell come around soon enough. Hope all the newly sleeved are doing well!
  18. ShrinkyDinkMe22


    Np & thank you!
  19. ShrinkyDinkMe22

    3 week liquid diet?

    If you pick a good shake that's has lots of vitamins and minerals I think it shouldnt be a problem. But again I'm not a Dr. I had to do a two week 4-5 shakes a day plus clear liquids. I started that around 316 and the morning of surgery (12/10) I was 300.1. So almost 16lbs in 14 days. The shakes they put me on were Bariatric advantage and I had to purchase the through my center. They were ok. They got kinda thick upon blending and yiu could doctor them up with fruits and sf syrups. But Dr said it definitely did my liver some good Good luck to you and always check with surgeon first.
  20. ShrinkyDinkMe22

    Recovery time, nausea, and air?

    I had bad nausea and threw up a few times 2 days post op. I'm now 4days post op and have terrible gas. But the nausea stopped. Never had any pain. I only have two incisions so I'm sure that helped but I was out of bed the next morning. I didn't get in my room until 630pm. And had nausea so I stayed put.
  21. ShrinkyDinkMe22

    post op for December 11th

    I was the 10th and doing ok. I was in the hospital until last night. My first leak test in Tuesday didn't go well as my sleeve was very swollen. Did a repeat yesterday and it went much better. First couple of days were rough with regret, nausea, some vomiting. But I got though it and am now home. On the plus side I don't have much pain. Haven't had pain meds since Tuesday night.
  22. Does the place you will have surgery through have a therapist that specializes in Bariatric? My place has one and it has really helped. You can do one on ones with him or twice a month he has behavioral classes. And he also runs a sleeve specific support group.
  23. My day is here. I've been up since 330. Surgery is at 1230, have to be there at 1030. Good luck to all you sleevers this week!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
