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Everything posted by ShrinkyDinkMe22

  1. ShrinkyDinkMe22

    Looking For Dec Sleevers Out There

    I just had some refried beans. They are delish! I'm doing better this week. Was having a hard time trying to get all my liquids in. But everyday is getting better.
  2. ShrinkyDinkMe22

    Pureed Foods

    Lol I just bought the big can from Sams Club
  3. ShrinkyDinkMe22

    Endoscopy Tomorrow!

    My Dr seemed to only do them if you had reflux prior to getting sleeved. He wanted to check out the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum prior to surgery to make sure you had no problems. Bc reflux can get worse with the sleeve. At least that's what my surgeon told me.
  4. ShrinkyDinkMe22

    Endoscopy Tomorrow!

    You will do great! It's a piece of cake.
  5. I was sleeved on 12/10 and just went back to work today. Do you sit at a cubicle? If so it shouldn't be to hard to bring your lunch. I get on purees Thursday and it will still be a little hard to hide that but for the most part I don't get bothered too much during the day. I also didn't tell anyone at work as I work with about 700 people and don't really want everyone knowing my business. In time I'm sure I will tell people. But for now it's just close family and friends.
  6. ShrinkyDinkMe22

    Strong meds vs. small stomach

    What did they give you, augementin? I get bronchitis and lots of sinus infections and always get a strong antibiotic if needed. Didn't think about it doing a number on my tummy. I do know that the lortab that they gave me my sleeve doesn't like that at all.
  7. ShrinkyDinkMe22

    red puffy incisions?

    I'm not a Dr but those look infected. I would definitely get in to see him right away. Feel better!
  8. prayers to you. every day will get better and better! good luck.
  9. ShrinkyDinkMe22

    Ladies--Menstrual Cycle Issue

    Definitely call your dr to be safe but I was told that the estrogen in the fat cells can really screw with your period. As you loose weight that estrogen gets released. To some it can toy with your menstrual cycle. I know the change in eating habits I started prior to the preop liquid diet made my period come a week early. Then I got it again 4 days postop and two weeks early. It last 2 days longer than normal. So i do think that the stress of surgery plus the estrogen csn effect us. But again only your dr can answer that for sure. Good luck!
  10. Awe sweetie. Hang in there. I can only imagine how hard this is. But stay positive for both you and that beautiful baby of yours. I hope your have a very merry Christmas. I know its not ideal just keep reminding yourself your in good hands. Keep us posted. <3
  11. ShrinkyDinkMe22

    Going home right after the sleeve?

    That sounds a bit odd. Although I was in for a longer time bc of swelling in my sleeve. I had two leak tests and was in Monday through Thursday night.
  12. the dissolvable prevacid is a prescription. you can probably get over the counter and crush it up. but i would definitely consult your doctor first. hope you feel better soon!
  13. Hi all. I had surgery on 12/10 yesterday developed a pain under my right rib line which is also in line with my right boob (sorry just trying to explain where it's at). It only hurts if I touch it but it's very tender. I feel fine otherwise and I assumes its a pulled muscle of sorts. I know our livers are right there as well I have one incision that is to the left and down about 2" from the pain. Where they held up my liver during surgery. I don't believe the pain is from that but maybe it is? Any thoughts? I'm eating, well drinking fine, feel fine been going for walks and such. Hubby and I, did do a lot of running around Friday maybe I just over did it? Thanks for your help.
  14. ShrinkyDinkMe22

    pain under right rib

    I do but like I said it only hurts when I touch the area. It's not a constant pain. I just took my lortab to see if it makes it feel any better. And yes. I did have a stone or two that were not problematic prior to surgery. I didn't know I had them until the ultrasound. And I did read that some get stones and end up having bladder removed after sleeve. Hopefully it doesn't come to that but I will definitely keep an eye on it. Thanks!
  15. I haven't noticed acid since surgery but my Dr puts everyone one 30mg of dissolvible prevacid. So far haven't noticed any acid. I had it bad prior to surgery. Maybe try the prevacid.
  16. ShrinkyDinkMe22

    Endoscopy tomorrow at 9am!

    Doing well! Yep I was sleeved 12/10. Down 16lbs since surgery and a total of 47lbs. It's a lot harder mentally than I was prepared for but I have a great support system and I'm doing good. Had a rough first week. And now they think my gallbladder might be inflamed a bit bc of all the weightloss. Have to keep an eye on that. When are you getting sleeved?
  17. ShrinkyDinkMe22

    Endoscopy tomorrow at 9am!

    I'll tell ya what. I had two egd's and it was the best 10 minute sleep I've ever had lol. Enjoy!
  18. ShrinkyDinkMe22

    Rny VS Vsg

    My Dr brought up the same thing and said in some patients who have reflux prior to sleeve get it worse after. But he also stated that a lot of their rny patients are complaining of reflux and supposedly you're not supposed to get reflux with that procedure or have a better chance of not getting it. So my Dr feels as long as your reflux isn't that bad to begin with and you treat it after surgery then it's okay. But to each their own. I did not have a hernia repair but there a many on here who did. Good luck. Just do your research and ask lots of questions.
  19. ShrinkyDinkMe22

    pain under right rib

    i did call the on call surgeon. he didnt seem too concerned as i dont have a fever, nausea, etc. he did say that its very possible to be gallbladder pain because of the quick weight loss. if it gets any worse or i feel bad then i am to call back and come in to er for an evaluation. thanks for the help!
  20. ShrinkyDinkMe22

    pain under right rib

    And thanks . It's been rough but I'm doing it. Lost 16lbs since surgery and the rest prior.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
