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Everything posted by ShrinkyDinkMe22

  1. ShrinkyDinkMe22

    your last meal before pre op ?!

    Yum. We love Texas del Brazil. Well used too . Mmmm bacon wrapped filet. My last meal was at red lobster
  2. ShrinkyDinkMe22

    Chewable iron

    I take two Celebrate multi chewable. They have Iron in them. I also take these. http://m.vitaminshoppe.com/store/en/browse/sku_detail.jsp?id=NT-1168
  3. ShrinkyDinkMe22

    Low blood pressure scare

    I would definitely let your dr know. Especially if on bp meds. You probably need to dosage adjusted. 43 is pretty low. I think they day anything under 90/60 needs immediate attention. Good luck!
  4. But as we all have learned each Dr is so different. But I would definitely call just to be safe.
  5. My diet consisted of 4-5 meal replacement shakes plus sf jello, popsicles and clear liquids and broths for 14 days. My nut said if I felt I had to cheat to eat good protein. I did cheat a couple of times but it was a bite here and there with a chicken breast of beef roast. I would definitely call your surgeon or Bariatric place. The whole reasoning is for the shrinking of the liver. I have seen posts where livers where too big and in the way and Dr closed them up and didn't do the surgery. I took my preop very serious as to not cause complications while under. They will probably tell you everything is ok but to be safe I think I would stick to clear liquids, jello and broths until surgery. Good. Luck and keep us posted.
  6. ShrinkyDinkMe22

    Dec 10th sleeves? How are you?

    I'm doing ok. Started purees Thursday night. Had refried beans with cheese and sauce. Which was really good. Today had a scrambled egg. That didn't sit very well. I'm down 16lbs since surgery. Haven't lost any weight in a week. Down a total of 48lbs total. Starting to feel back to normal. Some days I have a hard time getting all my liquids in. Those days I feel tired and weak.
  7. I feel ya. I gave up coke about 3 months before surgery and the last couple of days have been wanting a coke from McDonald's so bad! I won't do it but I want it lol.
  8. ShrinkyDinkMe22

    Inches lost?

    I did a lot of measurements. Neck, chest, waist, big part of my belly, thighs, hips, calves, ankles, biceps, forearm, wrists. I think that is everything. I did it the day I met my surgeon, and have done it once a month since then. Then it's just simple math like the above poster said.
  9. Sleeved 12/10, so I'm 18 post op today. Scale has not moved since saturday. Well I take that back in gained almost 2lbs. How does one gain when you are on full liquids and water? I don't get it. I'm not upset by any means but just questioning why? I track everything, am getting my liquids and protein in. I just started purees last night. Overall km down 48lbs since I started this journey in august. I lost about 17 before the liquid diet, 15 on preop liquid and about 16 since surgery. I guess I just got used to it coming off and no nothing for his week and I actually gained. Fooey!
  10. ShrinkyDinkMe22

    mexican coke

    Just cut it cold turkey.
  11. ShrinkyDinkMe22

    WLS and C-Sections

    Doing good. I'm down almost 50lbs total. 16 of that since surgery. Been at a little stall this week.
  12. ShrinkyDinkMe22

    WLS and C-Sections

    You talking to me? Lol. I ended up having an emergency c section with my child as baby's heart rate kept dropping and not coming back up. I had heard nothing but scary c section stories. So when I was told by a group of 20 people (nurses, drs, etx) that I was going in for c section on top of being scared for my baby I was scared of the section. So when I was able to get up and move around pretty well after that scary evening I had I was so happy and blessed.
  13. ShrinkyDinkMe22

    WLS and C-Sections

    For me both the c section and the sleeve were comparible pain wise. I had a pretty easy recovery with my c section and was out of bed the next morning. Same with the sleeve. I did however have terrible nausea with the sleeve.
  14. ShrinkyDinkMe22

    WLS and C-Sections

    I was sleeved 12/10/12,have had one c section in 2010. My Dr never mentioned that the c section could be a problem. I had single site sleeve gastrectomy and only had two incisions. Not sure of that helps you at all....
  15. I'm only asking you this because I went to through this as well. How many times have you tried to lose weight only to loose and then probably gain it back plus some? I think we are all here bc we couldn't keep the weight off. The biggest thing is hate is that I can't have a coke from McDonald's! I do miss eating big meals but I'm slowly learning that I don't need all that food we used to eat to survive. My thought process is slowly changing the further I go.
  16. ShrinkyDinkMe22

    Im approved

  17. One of the posters on page 2user names is eat that frog. Sorry I wrote 'the' not 'that'. Thanks for letting me know.
  18. ShrinkyDinkMe22


    Not sure. I know they have to be taken the same time everyday. Might want to ask your dr. I know in the hospital I was getting two a day at 330am and pm. But when I got home they were once we day and I picked 1030am as my time. One day I forgot and did it when I remembered at 2pm but then the next day I went back to my 1030am time. I definitely don't nd it easier to do it myself than my hubby doing.
  19. My plan is fairly close to eat the frogs. Was sleeved 12/10. I'm 17 days post op and just started purees tonight. Been on full liquids since the 13th. When I had soup or jello I could only get down about 1/4 sometimes a bit more but usually around a 1/4. Tonight I made refried beans with cheese and sour cream. I scooped out a 1/2 and maybe have had 1/4 of it in 30 minutes and I'm stuffed. Kinda sounds like you can eat more than most of us early postopers. Definitely need to focus on protein like others have said. I know right now I can't have Chipotle veggies. I can't do, veggies or fruit until 8 weeks out i think. Did they give you a diet to, follow or did you have to see a nutritionist?
  20. ShrinkyDinkMe22

    Endoscopy Tomorrow!

    Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear that. Was the anesthesiologist not watching or what happened? I'm sorry that happened to you.
  21. ShrinkyDinkMe22

    post op for December 11th

    Congrats everyone on your wl! I'm 12/10 as well and down 16lbs. Having refried beans now for dinner. They are delish!

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