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dylanmiles23 reacted to Christian Zaccone for a blog entry, Food Inake.
I have been extremely focused on this. FYI my schedule is backwards cause i work third shift however a typical day for me consist of 900-1000 calories max.
- 3am turkey sandwhich on petridge farm light oatmeal or wheat bread ( maybe a slice of tomato 3-4oz turkey and 1 oz cheese )
- 10am granola Bar or 2 poached eggs on 1 slice of same bread with a little shred cheese on top.
- 7 pm 6 OZ of chicken or Beef with maybe a little Brocoli.
Midnight - when I get in work I have a medium Iced Coffee with 1 creme and splenda.
I drink about 60-80 ounces of water. Workout 6 days per week.
So if im eating say 1000 calories but im also working out 500 of them.
dylanmiles23 reacted to colorado_chick for a blog entry, New Year
Happy New Year! I had an amazing holiday. I can't believe how quickly I threw all my healthy eating out the window. I was on vacation for 10 days. For some reason I immediately converted back to pre-band eating. Which is also known as out of control. After I got off the plane, I immediately went through the drive thru and ordered a family pack of fried chicken strips and a side order of mac and cheese. After that I ate non stop. And I had complete mixed emotions - on one hand it felt so good, it had been a long time since I ate like that. But on the other hand I had about 6 stuck episodes in 10 days and felt guilty a lot of the time. All of my stuck episodes were because I was shoveling food in my mouth as fast as I possibly could. It tasted so good. So good. Soooooo good.
Prior to going on vacation I felt I was on the right track with everything - I was measuring portions, logging my food, eating protein first, cutting out almost all sugar. And I wasn't miserable - I didn't feel like I was dieting. I didn't really miss eating crappily. (Well, except every once in a while when I watched co-workers devour huge pieces of cake ...)
So why did I immediately go back to eating like a maniac? I definitely went to my vacation knowing I would indulge a little bit. But I thought it would be a little bit here and there - instead it was literally every meal with snacks in between.
I know at least for one thing that I am not in the green zone yet. It's been 6 months, and I'm close, but not there. I can eat 2 enormous slices of pizza (ie - half the pizza) and still want more. That is really frustrating. Like, really frustrating. I might have higher expectations for my band than it is designed for. But is it too much to ask to want to be full/satisfied on a small portion of food?!?!? Apparently.
But - I've been back for 4 days and every day has been a good day. I feel off the wagon, but I am right back on and for that, I am so grateful and proud. I was worried it would be the beginning of my demise, but instead it's just a 10 day oops. Hooray me!
dylanmiles23 reacted to LadyDiva618 for a blog entry, Hello size 11/12!
Do you like my picture? I have a booty now!
Happy Snowmageddon everyone! It is negative 4 degree over here in the St. Louis Metro Area and over 12 inches of snow. I so want to go outside and play in the snow but it was too damn cold!
New Year Day was my 8 month bandiversary and I went shopping on last Friday to celebrate. So I went to my new favorite store “Dots” and brought me an outfit.
I found me some cute pants but they didn’t have a size 14 but something told me to try on the 11/12. At first I hesitated because I was tempted to go over to the plus size section and find me a size 14. But I then I heard my best friend Lesley voice saying “hoe you better not go over there!” in my head.
I finally tried on the pants and I was stocked when they fit! I even did the squat test in them and passed, but they were a little bit tight around my stomach. I took two pictures one showing my stomach and the one shown above. I sent them to Lesley and she told me I look fine in them.
I just like to say that I am still stock that I have a booty now! LOL my ego gotten a little big especially after the 46 likes I got on my Facebook page!
Anyway I called in work today and I have my two other friends over here. We had an official sleepover last night over here. I think I am going to convince them to do Walk away the pounds 3 mile walk. With or without them I am going to.
Don’t worry about me I am good in the Midwest I have wine and protein mix to last me! LOL
God is good!
Thanks for reading.
dylanmiles23 reacted to bormannk for a blog entry, A New Year/ an old problem
On January 15h I will be going to my 4th appointment with my primary doctor. It will be another bad appointment... I spend Christmas with my daughter in Phoenix, AZ and we ate a LOT. We are all experienced cooks and her husband is a gourmet cook. And eat is what we do - We eat to celebrate, we eat because we love it - truly enjoy it - and whenver I come to visit them, which happens once or twice a year, everyone cooks their specialty and we eat enough to last us the whole year.
As I read "Beyond the Refrigerator" I see myself on those pages. I know my weight problem is more than just lbs on a scale - there is an eating disorder there. An eating disorder that I have passed on to my daughter, who seems now to struggle just as much as I do.
The worst thing about our eating disorder is that no matter how big or small we are at a given time - we just can't see it. We "Feel" fat regardless and we allow that to dictate how we feel about ourselves, what kind of mood we are in that day, what we wear, where we go - if we go...
My daughter is about 30 lbs overweight since the baby (He's 18 months) as she is still nursing him (Attachment Parenting). But she might as well be 130 lbs overweight as awful as she feels all the time. It's really heartbreaking to see her anguish and pain and to know I have (as a single parent) taught her to be that way. That is all she knows.
I know it's time for optimism and positive thoughts and New Year Resolutions but all I think about is how my choices have affected my girls in the past and how my future choices/ Surgery/ Weight loss will affect them in the future.
I know there is no point in worrying and pre ocupying myself, but my heart is not at peace for them.
Anyway - I am going to begin a low carb, high protein regimen this weekend (when I can get to the grocery store) and work on those 13-20 lbs weight loss I need to accomplish pre-surgery.
dylanmiles23 reacted to #1HogFran for a blog entry, Starting Point
This is very hard. My date for surgery is January 14. Yesterday I started my Optifast diet. Shakes (vanilla and choclate) are okay and so are the soups. Not so fond of the bars--hope they will change out the bars for more soup. Back to work tomorrow so will see how it goes, Hopefully I will be VERY busy and that will keep my mind off food. Any suggestions, tips, recommendations are very welcome. Still trying to figure out protein drinks for post-surgery. Today - 232 lbs. Hope to keep this updated every day.
dylanmiles23 reacted to meltingcoco for a blog entry, Happy New Year! 3 + years This Struggle is real!
Hello Family,
I am 3 plus years out of VSG surgery and I am going to tell you frankly it is not easy to maintain. I am stable in my current situation (housing, employment and even reconciled with my husband!) but I realize that if you don't take advantage of that first year of losing you screw yourself!. I am somewhat resentful of my surgical team because they never really was support for me. I didn't eat right I didn't exercise I didn't take advantage because I thought that the weight would come off and stay off. I wasn't even completely sure what my surgery weight was. I blame myself for not asking the right questions and holding the team responsible for my care.
So here I am 3 years later... with still a significant weight loss but a regain of 20 pounds. when I moved from NY to VA in 2012 I weighed between 168 and 171. I moved to MD in 2013 now today I weigh 186. That is a huge difference!
What did I do wrong?
Well it took a while but I realize that: Number 1, I didn't eat right I just ate less of the wrong crap!
2, I didn't exercise ...and if I did it was very sporadic
3, I didn't take care of what was causing me to over eat in the first place.
4, I took my surgery and rapid lose for granted thinking :its the sleeve I will make my goal automatic and I wont regain. dumb dumb dumb
Ok so I know now what I did I need to fix it. I need to do all of the thing I should have done 3 years ago...Is it to late? Hell No its not thank God I still have my tool its still there waiting for me to do the RIGHT things.
The Plan
Eat better: This is a huge struggle for me I am a carb and sugar addict. I went to see a NUT here in MD and she had no idea what VSG was so I will continue to look for the right NUT
Exercise: 6x's per week 60min cardio 4 xs and cardio and weight mix 2 xs
Accountability: I am coming back to my community for support I started a Vlog on you tube and I am going to be a regular on here and on FB groups here is the link below.
My goal is to lose the extra 20 lbs and then 20 more to get to goal...I know this is going to be hard because my body is in maintance mood. I hae been between 186 and 188 for more than 6 months.
Wish me luck!
Peace and Love
dylanmiles23 reacted to BobbieVSG for a blog entry, Still Waiting
So I've been waiting since March 2013 for confirmation off funding for the Gastric Sleeve, Still nothing. My hospital hasn't called me either. I have called them roughly 4 times, and they keep saying that it's sorted that end, we just need funding confirmation. So I tried and tried and tried until I gave up.. Most people are just like "You haven't given up, it just takes time" but I did give up. I've had to see people who have less heath issues, weigh less, tried less and still don't like the outcome get the operation. Jelousy really isn't the word, more like anger but so so bitter, such a hypocrite, if someone wants something so bad and they work for it, they deserve it, right?
I have tried for this operation for years, and I've only just realised that the last 3 (ish?) months, I haven't tried. I'm really angry with myself! All that time I could of been chasing them up, doing everything in my power for an answer, even if it means bugging them, I shouldn't care.
So yeah it's now 2014 and I haven't got a new year resolution, I have goals.
Chase them up on the operation - I won't give up! I can't. They promised me this operation, so now I have to work to get it.
2. Don't be so down - I have been really down on myself lately, and I joke my way through it but I now know that I need to be positive and know that I CAN do this!
3. Socialize - I literally can spend days just at home offering to babysit or just on the laptop/writing. Just so I don't have to go out, I hate it when people look at me, my mind automatically turns to paranoia "they're talking about me" "she's judging me" funny thing is, I was the one judging them for thinking they're judging me.
4. Diet! - Yess I gave up on that too, I need to loose some more before I go bug the surgeon.
So yeah, that's all I have so far, but it's a start, right?
Hopefully this time next year I'm well on my way and hopefully without jinxing it, waiting/had the sleeve done.
I'm only really making this blog so I can motivate myself and look back in a few years and (hopefully) be proud of myself.
I'll be posting every week, so for now.. That's it
dylanmiles23 reacted to D_Carrimko for a blog entry, 13 days post-op and down 13 Lbs
So excited i am down 13 pounds since surgery 13 days ago YAY!!
Just had to share. Pain is almost gone now so everything is great for a great new year
dylanmiles23 reacted to LadyDiva618 for a blog entry, My 2013 recap
Happy New Year Eve everyone! How was everyone holiday?
I really enjoyed my holiday Santa was really good to me.
Guess what?
My coworkers chip in and brought me a FitBit Flex for X-mas!!!!
How cool is that!!! I love my Fitbit and it sync with my fitness pal account. I am still trying to figure out if I need to track my workout still and use my fitbit calories burn? Or stick with the fitbit? So if know the answer let me know!
Now for my recap.
2013 was the year of change for me.
I change my eating habits and my wardrobe.
I change my lifestyle and adapted a more healthier lifestyle.
I change my way of thinking. Instead of thinking about my next meal I am now thinking about what type of workout I am going to do today.
I change my friends since my surgery I learned who is with me and who is againist me. I let all my haters go. (see ya!)
I am so ready for 2014
It is going to be something else. Starting with my first 5K run!
Happy 42nd Anniversary to my parents!
God is good
Thanks for reading!
dylanmiles23 reacted to bbbanded for a blog entry, This is weird
When I started I wasn't wearing jeans because my 24s no longer fit and I refused to venture any further than that. Now I'm in baggy size 12 jeans, from F21 of all places. But I don't understand it. Obviously the way weight loss works is you lose weight and clothes fit differently yadda yadda but, it's just so weird to me. I guess it's an nsv in a way right?
I don't feel like I should be in anyones 12 much less them be baggy. What am I to do when the 12 is too big??? It's a great feeling to know that I fit into clothes or that I don't for a good reason. But I still don't feel like I belong in the "skinny:" side. I still have that feeling that an associate will come up to me and point me towards the plus sized section.
Mental weight loss is a real b***h!
dylanmiles23 reacted to cheryl2586 for a blog entry, The holidays are over what is your excuse now
Most people use the holidays and all the goodies as an excuse to eat whatever they want. So now here it is almost the new year so what will your excuses be now? I have said this a million times that for us holidays are for family not to stuff ourselves with food. I don't bake anymore on the holidays because sugar is my trigger. If we are going to a party I will bake then leave it where ever I take it. I have no control over sweets so I just have to stay away from them. There are no major holidays between now and Easter that would require sweets and bad food so now get back to doing you and get the devil out of your head. Just because we had wls does not help with the emotions or the head hunger. If you can get that beat then you will be successful. Whenever I go for food I ask myself are you hungry. Most of the time no I am not and I get some water and go back to what I was doing. The only way you will achieve your goals is to stop making excuses. Actions speak louder then words. You don't have to talk about it just do it. Wishing everyone new and old a happy and prosperous new year. It is always in us to do what we want but our excuses make it hard to do right. If you are not truthful to your self how can you be truthful to others. Just a random thought.
dylanmiles23 reacted to D_Carrimko for a blog entry, All is Good in my world.
I did as my dr suggested for my stuck episode and it worked like a charm. Soda was my saver.
Day 9 post-op.
Today i was able to take my bandages off my wounds. They look great with no swelling or redness, they are still a bit tender but only a 3 on the 10 pain scale.
So food, i did start on mushies yesterday as the dr recommended. I made scrambled eggs in a mug. They were delicious.
1 Egg beaten in mug
1 Tbs salsa
1 Tbs grated cheese
Mix well
microwave 1 on high
microwave another minute on high, and there you have it, perfect portion and super tasty.
It feels great to eat a tiny meal and then not be hungry. I am thinking about food a little less but it is still on my mind and a lot when my hubby and kids are eating sausages and mac n cheese. Soon i will ba able to have a tiny bit of that too but for this week it is delicious eggs.
dylanmiles23 reacted to D_Carrimko for a blog entry, Almost very good girl.
5 Days Post-op:
My pain is still there but not too bad, so i am happy to be on the generic pain meds now, and only take them when i really need relief.
Last night (Christmas Eve) was my extended families Christmas dinner.
I had a tonic water with lemon (as my surgeon does not limit soda in a lapband patient) and it did NOT agree with me. My tummy felt upset the whole night.
I must admit it was hard seeing all my favorite Christmas foods (Calamari, Shrimp, clams, dips with crusty bread and cheeses, chicken and spinach cannelloni) and not being able to have any. But i have a very supportive family and they kept me chatting, drinking water and not offering me finger food even though there was lots of it. My mother did make me seafood soup (all blended so no chunks) which was delicious, so that helped too.
But i my down fall as a small piece of the brick of rocky road fudge that a friend made us as a gift. I ate a bite and OUCH, it hurt! I had to throw it into the trash this morning because the temptation was way too high. My husband and kids were really great about it going into the trash as it was also their gift, But as they said "We are in it together". I have THE BEST SUPPORT!!!
Today we went over to my mothers house for Christmas lunch and i really was not hungry, so only had a tiny bowl of chicken soup (blended no lumps).
I am in love with not being hungry all the time, but i still think about food a lot though, but that is a life time of habit that with my great psychologist i am over combing too. I am going to make the lapband work because it HAS too. I do have 4mls in my 10ml band so that helps too.
I notice i am much more tight in the morning, and really can feel the band (Gertie as i have named it) constricting, but by 2 pm i am fine. So i think my 1 main meal a day with 2 snacks is going to best work for me. My surgeon says as long as i am taking my multi vitamin i only need to eat one meal a day if i want. I know to some you are thinking WOW that is crazy and not enough but i trust him and his practice completely as they are the people who do almost all of the lapband studies. Check them out lapbandaustralia.com.au check out all their videos.
I have been walking a fare bit around the shopping malls and tomorrow we are going to a theme park for 2 days. I am very excited also about getting home in 2 weeks to beable to get back to walking with my friend who is training me to be able to compete and complete a Couch to 5K mid next year. As she also started just walking with a friend in the evenings then added doing it in the mornings as well and just picking up her speed every time until her body was ready to run for a minute and walk for a 3 minutes and so on, and now she runs 5 kilometers every weekday morning and just walks on the weekend to give her muscle fibers time to rest. I am pumped, This new year is going to be a year for great change not just for me but for my whole family. Very Exciting!!!
dylanmiles23 reacted to D_Carrimko for a blog entry, OUCHIE! OUCHIE!
Last night (25th) i had 1/2 a slice of very thin lunchen ham. I was in so much pain about 20 minutes after. I have been able to get down all my fluids but it hurts.
I called my surgeon just now, and he said as long as i am getting down all my liquids, i SHOULD drink some diet soda to alleviate the pain some. He said if i am still in pain tomorrow afternoon he will see me first thing Saturday morning to take out a little fluid from my band for a week to let the irritation settle and then he will fill it back in the following Friday.
A life time of bad choices are so hard to break but if i dont start i am doomed. But just getting the band shows i do want to change. I am counting the days till i see my psychologist again, so we can continue deep therapy on many issues but also my over eating and emotional eating. That is what caused me to have the ham last night. My sister in-law made me feel shitty as a parent because i only bought my kids 1 Christmas gift each (an ipod shuffle) and only spent $50 on each of them.
I knew they were getting gifts from others and they also know Christmas is about sharing love not getting as much gifts as you can.
Im mad at myself for letting her get to me but i am madder that i put myself in all this pain because of how i felt about it all.
Roll with the punches, right.. well this feels like i have been punched in the chest and neck.. but i am proud that i fessed up to my surgeon and he was able to put me at ease and can help as soon as we get back into town, as we are 2 hours away staying at a Historical Gold Rush theme park for 2 days.
And NEENER NEENER to my sister inlaw because my kids said coming to this place was the best Christmas gift EVER!!
dylanmiles23 reacted to PGee for a blog entry, The one thing I "hate" as a post op.....
I haven't posted to my "blog" here in a while.....things are going good......still very thankful and happy to have had the sleeve......BUT there is ONE thing that really bothers me as a post op patient........
And, here it is: It's very difficult to cross my legs while I'm sitting at my desk. Ha Ha Ha Ha
I can remember not being able to cross my legs, for many years...........74 pounds down, and I usually sit with my legs crossed...because I can.
dylanmiles23 reacted to D_Carrimko for a blog entry, Beating the Pain
Hello day 2 of my new life. I woke up in terrible pain in the middle of the night last night. It was throbbing incision pain, i was able to take some codine tablets, which i was glad i had no problem swallowing. It eased the pain enough for me to be able to fall back asleep, but it was right back with an accompanying migraine too in the morning. I went to the store with my family and walked walked walked, which helps a lot with the bloated feeling, but i did go to the pharmacy to ask for pain meds that do not have codine, as i would hate to become too attached to them.
My hubby and kids have been such a great help, and my big boy is great company while everyone else is resting. It is slowly starting to feel more like Christmas and i look forward to spending a lot of quality time with loved ones and not obsessing about food.
I have given up soda as of the night before surgery, that could be also the reason behind my headaches, no caffeine from my Coke Zero or Pepsi Max. Just as well as the stuff is so bad for you anyway.
Glad to report no shoulder pain just incision pain, but as long as i use the tylanole it will keep it under wraps.
Merry Christmas Everyone!!
dylanmiles23 reacted to D_Carrimko for a blog entry, Done Deal
So i am 2 days post op and feeling pretty good. I had to stay in hospital over night because my band had been filled too much ( 6lms in my 10ml band) so i had to wait for the surgeon to come in the next morning to take out 2mls. It went great. My husband and kids are doting and caring for me so much, and my Mother bought over some homemade chicken soup, it was so delicious. I am typing this at 1am as i woke up with really bad gas and surgical incision pain, so i took 2 codine pills and am feeling SO much better.
I am beyond excited that i did this surgery as feel like a new women already.
dylanmiles23 reacted to Terry Poperszky for a blog entry, 4 Days in Paradise NSV
Spent 4 days in Hawaii on a work assignment, and maintained my weight. The office was about a mile away, so I didn't get a car and walked to work each day. While my food choices could have been healthier, I listened to my band and life was good.
dylanmiles23 reacted to RavenClaw779 for a blog entry, All Over & Back to Fat -n- Flabby
Monday, as I sat in pre-op waiting for the surgeon, I see a sign which states this particular facility has a goal of providing, "Very good care" - not "Outstanding", not "Excellent", just very good.
I don't know that I would even state that their care is "very good".
As usual, everyone on the medical team was running late. Unlike other facilities, their pre-op has no privacy so I got a good dose of people watching. Let's bring six or seven people with us, all talking loudly, with kids running every where poking their heads into other patient's waiting areas. Here's a hint to the extended family of the 300 lb + guy being prepped for gastric bypass...trotting in with a large box of doughnuts and an obese toddler in cordoroy pants so tight you could hear them rubbing together, does not signal future success for the patient!
After several attempts to get the i.v. line in, finally and painfully it's jammed in my hand. In comes my surgeon who I haven't seen since the last surgery in July. He calls me by another patient's name and asks if I followed all the prep instructions for my bypass surgery!?
I laugh it off and remind him of who I am and what we're doing - "...Oh yeah - my mistake - just have so many of you all today...".
Surgery went well, but as to be expected, as this is the second time opening the same incisions in under six months, the swelling, bruising and pain is much more severe than last time. As I'm getting dressed to go home I see bright red blood all over my clothes - yes, I'm bleeding from all six steri-stripped incisions. As they bandage me up they're telling me that this is "normal".
Thankfully the discharge instructions were a bit more complete than last time, unfortunately though, the script for the pain meds was written incorrectly. The error was caught when my husband dropped the scripts off at the pharmacy, but since the pharmacy was unable to reach the surgeon or his PA until the next day, I got to go almost 24 hours with nothing but OTC ibuprophan and ice packs.
It's been four days since surgery and no one from the practice has called to follow up or see how I'm doing. I did get an email telling me my follow up appointment has been moved to Christmas Eve - fabulous!
Par for the course, I'm not hungry and have pretty much just had coffee, water, broth and a few crackers and yet have managed to gain four pounds! Way to go Jill - in no time I'll be back to where I was before - the biggest gal in the room who eats less than everyone else!
dylanmiles23 reacted to BlueMoon~T for a blog entry, The Glass Is Half Full
I've always been a person who tries to focus on the positives in my life. Lately, that's been tough. I've had a lot of family issues then add the stress of Christmas to the mix and I've been feeling kinda down. So, a couple of weeks ago I decided to take the bull by the horns and make some changes in my life. I started seeing a therapist. Dont judge me. LOL! Honestly, I feel better just knowing that I'm taking action to change how my life has been going. After all, I had LB surgery this year and have been doing really good. So... what do I have to complain about? NOTHING! I'm pulling myself up by my bootstraps and I'm getting back to the old me. Sometimes, I think as women we dont take care of ourselves. We're too busy taking care of our children or extended family and we forget about our own needs. I hope everyone has a Happy Holiday and takes care of themselves!
dylanmiles23 reacted to LadyDiva618 for a blog entry, I got my date!
Happy Wednesday Everyone.
I know I've been quiet on here lately but I've been working late at the day care so the parents can wrap the kids christmas toys or get their layaways out. But It is so worth it!
This weekend I need to catch up on my favorite blogs I miss you guys!
Okay back to my entry title. What date I am talking about?......
You ready?.......
Can I get a drum roll?......
On April 5th 2014 in Atlanta GA Me and my best friend Lesley will be doing My First 5K run!!!!!
I am too excited!!! But Not just any run I will be doing the Color Run!
Why not? I figure it I am going to do something I have to do it right! Me running my first 5K run with my best friend and getting covered in colors what more can a girl ask for!?
So I am going to start training after I meet with Dr. Richardson on Jan 7th to see what he think and to make sure my incisions are good.
Once I get the okay then I will start training.
So any advice and motivation are welcome!
79 pounds gone forever and I love my band!
God is Good
Thanks for reading!
dylanmiles23 got a reaction from Debbie3sons for a blog entry, Excess Food
Hello and happy holidays to everyone. Tonight is Hanukkah and tomorrow is Thanksgiving. Being Jewish always meant fried potato latkes and other non healthy foods. As far as I know we are not doing a Hanukkah celebration this year being that tomorrow is turkey day. Saturday I will be seeing the whole family, plus. My youngest grandson, Max will be 1 on Friday. I don't ask menus because my son's MIL (she likes to run the show) is coming in and she is a cook and baker. She loves to bake so much that she researched her new oven ($12, 000.) She also is very thin and healthy. And she is the most frugal person I know. She likes her stuffing so much she isn't going to my brother's tomorrow. Weird!!
I hope all of you eat accordingly. I am bringing green beans to my brother's because I know that the sweet potato casserole is very sweet with marshmallows etc. and I really hate it, any way. I don't like my SIL's stuffings either which is good. My son's MIL's stuffing is the one I make with Ritz crackers but mine is better because I have added a few things. My DIL said it was much better. It was the great grandmother's recipe. So now you want to know how I have their recipe. Well, my DIL's grandfather and my MIL's brother-in-law were brothers. We are NOT related. We just share cousins and the same aunt and uncle.
Well everyone enjoy the weekend. The food, the shopping deals. MA, where I live, the stores do not open tomorrow. They open mid night, and even that is crazy. I have never gone black Friday shopping and never want to.
Peace to everyone and remember our wonderful troops that make it that we can celebrate all of our different holidays as one country.
dylanmiles23 got a reaction from ☠carolinagirl☠ for a blog entry, I hate winter etc.
As I write this, the snow has started, again. It is around 10 out and it may get 35 tomorrow or what I call a heat wave. Every year my husband wants to go down south but my children and grandsons live here. Our elderly mothers live here. Also you need $$$ to live in 2 places but tonight is Mega Millions, over $550 million, so that would get him his warm weather.
This past week I have had vertigo and the room has been spinning. Awful. I am seeing my ENT today for my annual and hopefully he can help me. My oldest brother told me he has it too.
Not an excuse but I have not been to the gym because I am afraid of what could happen if I do any of the machines. That is why we have wonderful doctors, to help us. They help with our band questions, also.
I love when people bad mouth other's WLS choices. If you did not have a band or sleeve or by pass you can't judge. I do know many people who had by pass and after 7-10 years they are larger than before. One of these women said her surgery failed. WRONG! she failed. I have seen her eat and drink cocktails and wine, daily. The only sleeve people I know are at my monthly support group and they are newly done and they have no complaints, good for them. I decided I didn't want anything other than Band because it can be removed and the others can't. Each to his own and band bashing is just RUDE!
I hope everyone has a warm and safe week.
dylanmiles23 got a reaction from ☠carolinagirl☠ for a blog entry, I hate winter etc.
As I write this, the snow has started, again. It is around 10 out and it may get 35 tomorrow or what I call a heat wave. Every year my husband wants to go down south but my children and grandsons live here. Our elderly mothers live here. Also you need $$$ to live in 2 places but tonight is Mega Millions, over $550 million, so that would get him his warm weather.
This past week I have had vertigo and the room has been spinning. Awful. I am seeing my ENT today for my annual and hopefully he can help me. My oldest brother told me he has it too.
Not an excuse but I have not been to the gym because I am afraid of what could happen if I do any of the machines. That is why we have wonderful doctors, to help us. They help with our band questions, also.
I love when people bad mouth other's WLS choices. If you did not have a band or sleeve or by pass you can't judge. I do know many people who had by pass and after 7-10 years they are larger than before. One of these women said her surgery failed. WRONG! she failed. I have seen her eat and drink cocktails and wine, daily. The only sleeve people I know are at my monthly support group and they are newly done and they have no complaints, good for them. I decided I didn't want anything other than Band because it can be removed and the others can't. Each to his own and band bashing is just RUDE!
I hope everyone has a warm and safe week.
dylanmiles23 reacted to tlott822 for a blog entry, Exercise Goals
As I was going through my six month process to prepare for surgery, I had to take a fitness test and meet with a trainer. The trainer went over ideal exercise routines. He told me that I should be exercising 6 days a week for at least 1 1/2 hours each session. Of course I will need to work up to this point, right now I'm walking 4-5 days a week for 45 minutes each session and it's hard to stay motivated. When I come home from work all I want to do is curl up in my bed and watch tv. Old habits die hard. I'm really bored with walking and I'm thinking about taking a spin class or a Zumba class. I really miss water aerobics but it's so cold where I live so that will have to wait until the spring. I've really been pushing myself to stay committed to exercising and it feels great.
What are you doing to meet the exercise requirements and how are you staying motivated?