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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by dylanmiles23

  1. dylanmiles23


    Am I the only Bandster that hates fast food? my grandsons always want it and I always take them to sit down restaurants because I think fast food tastes awful. At McDonald's the only thing I would eat are salt free fries. I don't use salt. to me fast food is pizza and we have a love story. I can't go without pizza. That is one thing I have to have. I know it's not the best to eat but I was told there are no, no foods by my dietitian. ​tomorrow my son will be 38 and his wife is having a surprise party at a pub and ordering appetizers. I don't know if I will eat any of them, though but I will be there to celebrate with everyone. Have a great Sunday everyone.
  2. dylanmiles23

    what's your workout routine?

    WOW-your exercise program is great. Good for you.
  3. dylanmiles23

    And the journey continues...

    Very amazing how each doctor is different after a fill. I am getting one at 2pm. My doctor has me have 3 days, liquid; 3 days, mushies and then back to my regular foods. Have a super TGIF and weekend.
  4. dylanmiles23

    45 Day Challenge Starts Tomorrow

    That sounds like fun! I wish my support group did something like this. They aren't into much. They had a clothes exchange (I couldn't go) and one person brought clothes. Enjoy the gym and win the gift card.
  5. dylanmiles23

    new with some questions?

    I like Edy's fruit bars, n/s the best. I buy the black cherry, strawberry-kiwi and mixed berry box. I live in Boston and don't know if they are available everywhere. I am happy you like the Popsicles.
  6. dylanmiles23


    I do eat carbs. Tonight I ate a little too many. My dietitian said I have no off limit foods. Even fried but just be smart. I almost never have fried foods. Tomorrow i see a new dietitian and see what she says. Also I have a fill, I think and the Metal Monster (scale).
  7. dylanmiles23

    Focus.. it's such a lonely word...

    When my father was alive and my mother insisted on keeping him home I found wonderful services with the city of Boston. That was where they lived then. Based on income I got a person to bath my father 3 times a week and for 2-3 hours a week someone to clean the house. It really helped my mother. My mother was 87 almost 88 then. Today when I saw my mother she asked if I was her oldest daughter, I am her only one and the youngest of 3. Dementia really sucks. Good luck and accept all the help you can get. Happy Valentine's Day!!!!!!!
  8. dylanmiles23

    What do you mean I get no candy for Valentines Day

    ​She is beautiful! I like how her name is spelled. Happy Valentine's Day! Arlene
  9. dylanmiles23

    Hands and feet freezing

    I was always hot. Now I can't get warm enough. I guess I am alone. I was going to ask my doctor tomorrow Thank you all for talking about it. Have a happy valentine's day!
  10. I was told that if you swallow gum they have to do surgery to remove the gum. I do sometimes drink with my meals
  11. dylanmiles23

    Focus.. it's such a lonely word...

    ​I feel very bad about your father. My mother is almost 95 and had to be put in a nursing home. It was hard for us for she was the care taker of my retarded brother. My mother has dementia. She is near where my brother lives. We refer to my mother's room as her apartment and she is doing ok. She knows her 3 children and knows her grandson's faces but has no idea what their names are. It is very hard. She hates to change her clothes and take showers. That is what nursing homes are for. I am Jewish and my mother was never into going to temple. She now goes to Friday night services and takes her black friend with her. It is better for her. It will kill you because it kills me that my mother who was the world's greatest cook and baker doesn't recall any of that. She doesn't remember where she lived for 46 years. It is very hard. I am here if you need help with this. I wish your father well. Arlene
  12. dylanmiles23

    Tomorrow is almost here....

    ​good luck and welcome to the Band. Follow your doctor's and dietitian's orders is the best bet.
  13. dylanmiles23

    new with some questions?

    ​ Congratulations on the WLS. My thoughts are always when in doubt call the doctor or dietitian. Until you're allowed to eat off the mushies, it's better not to eat the wrong foods. They give you a food list because they have experience. I am not trying to come down on you but it is for your own good. I get a fill Friday and my doctor believes in 3 days liquids and then 3 days mushies before going back to real food. Every doctor has their ideas. I always found SF Popsicles great to have. You get liquids and it does fill you a little. Good luck.
  14. dylanmiles23


    My weight isn't as low as I thought it would be either. My highest was in March and I was banded the end of July. Since the band I am down 40lbs. I don't think that is super but it beats a gain. Since March I am down 68 total. Before the band I gave up breakfast foods for a protein shake and that helped me lose weight and I became more aware since seeing the dietitian for pre surgery. The band is a slower process than other WLS and that is why I chose it and also I didn't like the sounds of the others, too drastic for.I have been around 199-203 for 2-3 months now. I see the doctor Friday for another fill. But I have joined a gym and do some weight type machines. Who knows Just remember, any lose is wonderful even if an once.
  15. dylanmiles23

    Being healthy doesn't always matter!

    Cheryl, you're too young to have lost so many young people in your life. I was with a cousin today who has small cell lung cancer. Being a nurse maybe you have heard of it. You die within 6-12 months. He is trying to live life to his fullest. Good luck finding your new home. The prices in FL are very low. I live in extremely expensive Boston.
  16. dylanmiles23

    Succumb to temptation :(

    I know what you're talking about. I am finally learning not to give in. Today I bought my husband 2 bags of potato chips. I did not even try one. I had almonds, one of my have to have foods. I buy cheap no salt almonds and roast them in a pan with some olive oil and keep them in the refrigerator. I love these.
  17. dylanmiles23

    I cant work out by myself.

    I have always thought, everyone is looking at me because I look at everyone. They don't look and I am not the biggest person at the gym. I also go during the early afternoon and it is empty then. I know you work. Don't let other bother you. At least you are trying to do something. Also having a trainer show you what to do for your body and pains helps, too. I have not done any classes yet because I don't think I could last one hour doing anything. Tell hub to join with you. I go with hub and feel safe. I can be very shy when it comes to things like that.
  18. dylanmiles23

    Neighborhood Health Plan MA (NHP)

    Call your insurance company and ask. My doctor's office, BI in Boston, had all the answers for me. I had to change from MassHealth to Network Health and that happened with one call and approved right away. I only had to have a few dietitian visits and have a lot of pre surgery required tests. Sleep, upper GI, gall bladder (if you have one-I don't), blood tests and a psyc test. I think that was it. Any more questions I will try to help.
  19. dylanmiles23

    From: 6 months post op

    Wonderful picture. You should be very proud of all the hard work you have put into your journey.
  20. dylanmiles23

    great quote I stole

    I watched the end of The Biggest Loser and the man voted off said, I did not want another man to raise my son. I loved that. I don't want another woman with my husband or her wearing my jewelry and being grammie to my grandsons. So I can quote him too. I now know I am doing something to keep me around longer. Enjoy your day. Have a happy Fat Tuesday to all who celebrate.
  21. dylanmiles23

    Succumb to temptation :(

    what a wonderful thing to say. I never thought of that. Thanks.
  22. dylanmiles23

    Seriously Embarrassed !

    Many years ago I broke a chair in a thin families' home. Awful and I wasn't over 200 then either. it is so embarrassing. My obese son has broken many things. My husband and son were fooling around and I needed a new sofa. two years ago my son broke my recliner. He is now trying to loose weight on his own. I have had a few taped toilet seats in the past. Duct tape does a great job.
  23. dylanmiles23

    Just wanted to brag:)

    That is super. Every once I celebrate. I love the gym and never thought I would.
  24. dylanmiles23

    Protein shake flavorings and recipes?

    It is up to your doctor and dietitian about having the shakes. I know I get in a lot of Protein that way and I hate eggs so this is my breakfast everyday. I am boring and only have them one way and don't try other flavors unless it was a mocha flavor.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
