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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by dylanmiles23

  1. dylanmiles23

    my story

    That is great!!!!!!! I feel very happy for you. Thanks for sharing.
  2. I drink about a gallon of hot tea and iced tea a day. I always used Splenda. Dr. Oz said to use Truvia because it has stevia leaf instead. I told this to my doctor the other day and he would rather I use nothing. I have tried cutting back and hate the taste. Has anyone been told to use Truvia instead? Another food item. I watch America's test Kitchen and they say when making meatballs to brown them in the oven on a wire rack. I just made some and the pan had about 1/2 cup or more of fat in the bottom of the pan. UGH! That was one pound of 90% ground beef. Thanks for any help with the sweetener.
  3. Since last March I went from a size 20 jeans (plus size), 2-3x top to size 16 jeans and xl top!!! I now go to the gym and can walk much more than I have in a long long time. Took me 19 years to get under 200 lbs. and I love it! Love seeing everyone else's results and happiness.
  4. Happy Belated Birthday! Legs not touching is the best feeling. I am almost there. I am not very tall, 5'5 1/2" but my feet beat you all, size 12. It sucks! You look wonderful and seeing your before and after makes me want this more than ever. Thank you again for showing your pictures.
  5. dylanmiles23

    BCBS Fed response...

    I had to see a dietitian 3 times before the surgery and I also see her every time I have a fill. I just had my 3rd fill and saw her again. Good luck with the insurance, they all have their own rules.
  6. dylanmiles23

    Fill today

    You'll do fine. I had my 3rd one on Friday. Every doctor has their own after fill diet, just follow it. Mine is 3 days liquid, 3 days mushies and then back to the full diet. Today, I start mushies. I am having meatballs for dinner.
  7. dylanmiles23

    Shopping for an elliptical...

    I don't know brand names. But look at Craigslist. Sometimes people really want them out of the house and sell them real cheap. Good luck finding one.
  8. I had a cousin who had by pass over 25 years ago and the doctor slipped and she had the worse smelling gas in the world. She died from cancer, not the by pass. She also gained back all her weight. Her daughter did by pass about 6-9 years ago and she is getting fat again and told me her surgery failed. She is a RN and she knows it's her, deep down, that failed. She snacks, has wine everyday and alcohol when she dines out. Her fault. You have use the Band as a tool and help it help you. Good luck with your new life.
  9. dylanmiles23


    As I was looking at the subjects, I was burping. I burp a lot especially after a shake. I make my shakes in a blender with lots of ice and the air makes me burp. I also fart a lot, too. I was told get used to it.
  10. dylanmiles23

    Newbie banded 2/13

    ​My doctor sent me home with Zantac liquid and liquid Colace. I still use the Colace every day. Popsicles are great to have. Just remember sugar free. For gas pain I used a heating pad. Good luck and welcome to the Band.
  11. dylanmiles23

    Bingo wings......Aaarrrggghhhhh!!!!! ????

    I spoke to a trainer at the gym and he showed me some machines to help with the Bingos. I have only been going to the gym for 2 months so i can't say if it is helping yet. When I went for a fill I showed my surgeon what bingo arms are, he never heard that term used. I have bingo legs starting also. That is what happens when you lose weight but I love being thinner. Good luck with your decision.
  12. dylanmiles23

    Got my surgery date!

    Congratulations on your date. I have been on many cruises including 16 day ones. Just order normal foods. At the midnight buffet I would eat just fruit. I have actually lost weight on cruises and that was years before the Band. They all have gyms and you can walk around the decks and when you dock at the islands, swim and walk. Oh yes, one more thing, I don't drink, and they push drinks on cruises. Good luck. Have fun and use sun block.
  13. I chose the Band because I know of about 6 people who did the by pass and all got larger in about 5-10 years and they all blamed the surgery not themselves. I also did not want anything permanent and the Band can be removed if need be. Also you lose more slowly and when you are my age, 62, the skin hangs more, so slow loss means maybe! less hanging. I do have bingo arms and will need a tummy tuck, but I will see in about 1-2 years. I love the Band and hope you will also. Good luck.
  14. snow again in Boston. Ugh!!!!

  15. dylanmiles23

    Day 2 45 Day Challenge

    You're doing an amazing job at the gym. I can only do 3 minutes on the elliptical. The bike, 20-30 minutes. You need to have ME time. I keep wishing that and I don't work. Good luck with the challenge. I think you will be on top. Don't forget your husband-he is still waiting.
  16. dylanmiles23

    had a fill

    Saw the metal monster, the doctor and the dietitian. I only lost a few pounds but it may be from doing exercise the doctor said. He is happy with me. Said I lost 50% of my fat. That doesn't suck. The doctor said the reason he does 3 days liquids and then 3 days mushies after a fill is because the fill has to settle into the band. Also, I asked about straws and he feels that straws put too much air into your body. Makes sense. The dietitian suggested eating beef or turkey jerky for protein. I bought beef teriyaki. I will try it next week. She also said to eat protein first, then veggies, then fruit and then the carbs. I don't do that exactly. I will try. Enjoy your weekend everyone.
  17. dylanmiles23

    Excited, not excited, excited, not excited

    Welcome. There are many people who have lost over 200 lbs. with the Band. It is very nice of your company to help with the cost. Most insurance companies pay if you have a lot of health issues. Go to the local hospital that has a free seminar. The hospital where I go, near Boston, they talked about all the options. Good luck.
  18. dylanmiles23

    Need help!!! I'm scared :(

    No problem-everyone needs to learn. I am still learning because I don't know how to use a computer the proper way. So just yell out and ask for help and put in your 2 cents-we love new people.
  19. dylanmiles23

    Stuck episode

    Sorry to hear about your problem. Yesterday when I saw my dietitian she had ham on my food list but I don't eat ham but I eat pork. The list says to chew until the food is like apple sauce before you swallow. I have had food stuck and just walked until the feeling went away. Before you say no to a fill, talk to the doctor about what happened. He knows best.
  20. dylanmiles23

    Need help!!! I'm scared :(

    One more thing, does your doctor/hospital have a support group that meets? I find the meetings very helpful.
  21. dylanmiles23

    program fees

    I never heard of fees either but MA has wonderful health insurance laws thanks to when Romney was gov. That was the only thing he was good for. Sorry republicans. I pay a co-pay for the doctor and the dietitian is included. My support groups are free from the hospital.
  22. dylanmiles23

    Need help!!! I'm scared :(

    Talk to your doctor about your fears. No need for them. I had my 3rd fill yesterday and it's nothing. Also, I met with my dietitian and if you meet with yours they will help you, also. You gain weight if you don't follow the proper diet that is given. Congratulations on getting the band.
  23. dylanmiles23

    Goodbye 300's!

    Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!! That is so super. I went below 200 today, so I know the feeling of a new number. The best.
  24. one good thing about a fill-I am now under 200!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OMG, I am finally there.

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