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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by dylanmiles23

  1. dylanmiles23

    Update on progress and First Fill

    I enjoyed reading what you wrote. Every doctor is so different. When I get a fill I lie down and raise my legs and the port pops out. I too have to drink a glass of water after a fill. I get on the scale way too much. I also exercise and thought the muscle weighed more than the fat because my body is loosing inches. Keep up the great work.
  2. Just say I decided to watch my intake of food choices. Or am I bothering you? I can be snippy like MYOB. I told people I had my In sides repaired a d never said what or me dieting.
  3. dylanmiles23

    Nervous rant

    True Mother Nature can change. I am in boston and our foot is now 2". Well as if tonight. Good luck with your surgery
  4. dylanmiles23

    Got stuck 3 times today!!

    Sorry to hear that. Pork is on the tough side to chew. Did you chew each piece real well? I almost gave up on eating it. Stuck is the worse feeling.
  5. dylanmiles23

    Goal Weight??

    When I started with the doctor's dietitian, the computer picked out a weight based on body fat and I am below that now. I picked 170 and think I may want to be lower than that. I think it is just see where you are comfortable. I am very big boned, I know over weight people say that but I really am. I have larger hands and feet than my husband and I am only 5'5 1/2". Good luck.
  6. I love what you said, I didn't do it for you. Great line.
  7. dylanmiles23

    liquid diet

    yes for my doctor. I have seen on this site that some people don't have to do either. I do find that after this 6 day change I lose 6-10 lbs. and then when I start to eat real food again I regain maybe 2 lbs. Sounds weird but a loss is always good. Since my fill last Friday I have not been over 199 which I love seeing.
  8. dylanmiles23

    Question about hard boiled eggs

    I saw them at BJ's, Egg Lands Best. I am going to buy them next week.
  9. dylanmiles23

    Need some motivation!

    great idea! My measurements change every month. Dumb me didn't start until September and I was my highest in March and had the Band the end of July. My waist has gone down about 6-8" since September. I take them the 6th of each month. I found on the internet an outline of a body and made copies and fill in the each body part.
  10. dylanmiles23


    I also had the hernia fixed and my stomach put back into the correct location. I was told I could exercise about 6 weeks after the Band but could walk 30 minutes a day.
  11. dylanmiles23

    Question about hard boiled eggs

    thanks about the pre cooked eggs. I go to BJ's and they have them and my husband asked about them. I don't eat any eggs, though. I will now buy them.
  12. dylanmiles23

    Need some motivation!

    I started the gym the middle of December and my weight stayed around the same for 6-10 weeks. I had a fill last week and being back on liquids and mushies for 6 days I finally went down on the numbers. The exercise builds up muscle and my measurements have changed so I am fine. The weight went on over a long time and it will come off over a long time. I feel much better, just came from the gym. Good luck with the challenge.
  13. dylanmiles23

    Body rejecting my lapband

    Sorry to hear that the Band isn't working for you. A woman. Jean, (don't recall her last name) she always wrote about the band and a book, too. She had the band removed and had the sleeve done this past summer. Jean wrote a story within the past few months on this site so maybe she can help you also with questions. Very smart going to another doctor for help. Good luck.
  14. dylanmiles23

    Had surgery 2/8/13

    Congratulations on your surgery. To help with pain use a heating pad. The heat helps. The nurse had told me the gas wants to leave the body and has no place to go.
  15. dylanmiles23


    I am completing my after fill diet tonight and I make my shakes into very thick shakes by using lots of ice. It becomes thick as a McDonald's shake and they do fill me for 4-6 hours. I also use 2 scoops of the powder so i am getting 52 grams of protein in each shake.
  16. dylanmiles23

    Day One

    Welcome to Lap Band. Congratulations on getting the Band. If you use heat it helps with the trapped gas.
  17. dylanmiles23


    I have been told by a few dietitians you need to eat to lose weight. I have about 1000-1200 calories a day. I also go to the gym 4-6 times a week. Remember protein is the most important food item to eat first.
  18. dylanmiles23

    liquid diet

    Every doctor is different so check with yours. My doctor is from a major Boston one. I am still eating meatballs until tomorrow.
  19. dylanmiles23

    liquid diet

    I love Edye's sugar free fruit pops. I think they taste much better than Popsicles. I was told about shakes, they have to have whey on the package and high protein. I use Body Fortress, priced right at Walmart about $15. I use chocolate, add decaf instant coffee, peppermint extract and lots of ice and make a very thick shake. I use only skim milk (8oz). I just got off a post fill diet of liquids and did fine with the above for 3 days. I finish my 3 days of mushys tonight.
  20. dylanmiles23

    Removal of the cloak

    Welcome to the beginning of the rest of your life. At this site people don't judge we all encourage. Sorry to hear about your childhood. Your starting new much younger than me which is wonderful. I love the band. It has helped me a lot and for the first time in many many years I am not afraid of being thinner. The last time I got thinner than 180 lbs. I mentally couldn't handle the number. This time I am ready to concur less than that number. I want to be around for my grandsons, also and my sons and DIL's and most important me and my husband. Good luck and keep asking any questions you have. Nothing is a dumb question on this site. Have a great evening.
  21. dylanmiles23


    I also gurgle when going to bed. Glad I am not the only one.
  22. dylanmiles23

    NOT Drinking While Eating...SO TOUGH!!!

    In the beginning I was perfect and then started to have a sip or two. When I went out for Chinese food I totally had the hot tea. I had a fill on Friday and saw the dietitian and she and the doctor said no drinks 30 minutes before and 45 minutes after. When I went to a restaurant for lunch today I had nothing to drink until 45 minutes after I finished. Hard habit to break but the doctors know best and you have to listen. No soda, also.
  23. dylanmiles23


    I always burp and hiccup and people have said this is normal.
  24. dylanmiles23

    And the Results Are In!

    Fell better and rest.
  25. dylanmiles23

    Surgery Pains

    I am happy to hear your mother is doing great!! I feel for her. I was treated for asthma and then COPD for many years. my lung doctor did some kind of test, I was knocked out, he did cameras down the throat etc, I had a hernia and my stomach was in the wrong place. I took 6 pills a day to eat because I coughed 24/7 from it. When I had the Band the doctor repaired and moved everything in place. I am perfect now. Thank your doctor because I had the same problem and it sucked. Feel better, Ma.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
