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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by dylanmiles23

  1. dylanmiles23

    Ideas for shakes???

    The mix is around $15. I live near Boston so it may depend on areas. I did buy from my doctor the Bariatric Advantage mix and it was $60. for the same 2 lbs. and didn't taste any better. Good luck. Walmart has more than one brand and one flavor. I am a chocolate or coffee flavor only person. I do not drink coffee, though.
  2. dylanmiles23

    Ideas for shakes???

    I have a small Hamilton Beach blender from Target or Walmart for under $20. and it is also a drinking cup. I first put in the milk, then the powder and the extras and fill to the top with small ice cubes. I love it.
  3. dylanmiles23

    swim suits and other clothes shopping

    Before you know it, it will be dreaded swim suit time. I live at a condo and do go to the pool. I don't mind it because I was never the biggest. But this summer I will need a new swim suit. For women (sorry men) there is a wonderful site where I buy my suits from, swimsuitsforall. I really like their choices and have bought cover ups, too. They always have great sales. Another site I like is, Jones New York. They have great sales sometimes. The site is much less than stores when there is a sale. I recently bought a twin set with shipping for under $35. and list was over $150. I now fit into the misses xlarge but have bought from their plus sizes at their outlet store. Kohl's has wonderful 't' shirt type tops that when on sale are under $10. and they wash real well. The long sleeved ones recently were under $7. I own a lot of them. Have fun shopping.
  4. dylanmiles23

    Ideas for shakes???

    At Walmart I buy Body Fortress in chocolate. It is whey. I use 2 scoops with 8 oz. of skim milk and add: a little decaf instant coffee, peppermint extract and tons of ice and use a blender. It is great and thick and fills me for 4-6 hours. I have been having these for breakfast for almost a year. When I get a fill I have to be on liquids for 3 days have 3 a day, then. Good luck.
  5. dylanmiles23


    Being married 42 years I have been through everything and then some. Real love goes through the good, bad and ugly. Before 9/11 I was sort of on the wealthy side,(we now try to live on SSD and SS) owned a custom furniture factory for over 26 years with my husband. We lost the business because we dealt with the rich. My husband has been in and out of jobs, some very shitty, but we have each other. 1 1/2 years ago he got very sick and almost died and has been dependent on me since. But he is there with me through this whole WLS and he knows I will never leave. Talk to your husband and tell him you are concerned about this. Maybe talk to someone about this besides this site. Good luck. Bring him flowers for no reason. I have taken my husband for a pedicure recently and he loved it. I once took him for a facial and he hated that.
  6. dylanmiles23

    I need help

    When I have my shakes, I add tons of ice and use the blender and it becomes as thick as McDonald's. They fill me for 4-6 hours. I use 8oz skim milk, 2 scoops of the mix. Maybe that is why I stay full longer. Maybe try that. I also love SF Popsicles. I buy Edy's. Good luck.
  7. dylanmiles23


    You are so right.
  8. dylanmiles23

    Being sick

    When you are sick, call the doctor.
  9. dylanmiles23


    Do you take her with you to your doctor appointments? My husband has never missed any until 2 weeks ago when he was sick. Maybe she needs to hear from a doctor that your health is very important so she has a long marriage with a healthy husband. I joined a gym, per doctor's order, and my husband joined with me and we love going there together. Is there anything like that the 2 of you can do together? Do you have children? That is a common ground for doing things together. For me it is now grandchildren. I hope I have helped some.
  10. dylanmiles23


    Sounds like she has the problem not you. She is hiding behind your weight. At my monthly support groups there are some people who say that their spouse are not their supporters. I once introduced my husband as my support team and so many said that are alone in that department. Is your wife overweight? Maybe you need to talk with her and a counselor to get deeper into the problem she has. Please don't let it hurt your WLS. We are all here if you need to talk more.
  11. dylanmiles23


    I have been married for 42 years and started dating my husband at 15, he was 16. We have both been thin, heavy and obese. Sometimes together, some times alone but we have always been each other's cheer leaders. Right now he is always calling me skinny (far from it) and he is losing weight too. He found a gross looking picture today, taken about 5 years ago, I thought I looked great then, I was wrong. I just don't know how to put it on my profile. I was heavy and not even my heaviest and looked awful. I had my very long hair, it is short and kept now. But my marriage is super, thin, thick or obese, we are together for ever and I hope everyone else is.
  12. dylanmiles23


    WOW! that sucks, all that is wrong with your insides. I hope you are feeling better even if slowly. Good luck.
  13. Well our 6-12" snow last night was all rain and now the snow has started but going getting a few inches!!!

  14. dylanmiles23


    Around the holidays the AT&T store had the Fitbit for $75. Because my family has 5 iPhones on one account they sold me mine for $50.
  15. Congratulations to the both of you on your wonderful loss and running!
  16. dylanmiles23

    Best protien drinks

    I buy body fortress at Walmart for about $15. And love the chocolate I use 8 oz of skim milk,a little decaf instant coffee, peppermint extract and lots of ice. Great thick shake. I have been drinking them for almost a year now for Breakfast. I have a small blender under $20. At Walmart or target. It is also a drinking cup.
  17. dylanmiles23


    This morning got up early and went to my son's house. Last week my grandson was 13 and we had to bring him his b. day gifts. My son went and bought fresh made bagels. I was polite and asked for 1/4 of a bagel and he put Smart Balance on it. Nothing. That is how I felt about eating a former breakfast food. Nothing. I can live without them. I loved that. Some foods I can not go without but bagels are on the good bye list. On my never live without list is pizza, bread in restaurants, almonds, pasta and Chinese food. I think that is it. If you can't have what you really love and enjoy yourself the Band will not work with you because you will go after all these forbidden foods. Or that is how I see it with me. Have a wonderful weekend and hopefully no storms where you live. "Eye Candy"
  18. I only take chewables or liquids. I was told I could never have swallowables. But I have seen people say the do swallow pills. Ask your doctor. Also make sure your doctor knows what supplements you are taking. Some ingredients don't mix with the Band.
  19. dylanmiles23

    Newbie here I need help!

    welcome. I had MassHealth but only Network Health would cover the Band. My doctor's office told me that and said I could change the plan over the phone. I went to the BI in Boston. Is there a BI campus in your area? Good luck.
  20. dylanmiles23


    ​I noticed that too. But I use a Fitbit and you can use the decimals. I love the Fitbit, it helps me record everything I eat and all my activities.
  21. dylanmiles23

    Hiatal hernia?

    ​Somewhere someone wrote that maybe the hernia's are caused from being overweight. I wonder if it is true. For about 25 years I was told I also have an umbilical hernia and was going to have that fixed with the Band but it isn't one. The lump that sticks out when I push forward or raise my legs is something else. The surgeon explained it would be like you have a six pack and some of my insides is pushing in between it. When I am ready for a tummy tuck I will have it fixed, it's gross, and most likely insurance would cover the 2 surgeries at once.
  22. dylanmiles23


    I saw the dietitian a week ago and she said to get the Chinese food steamed and then add Hoision sauce which I add anyway. I am going to try it. I get shrimp or chicken with veggies and brown rice and bring home half.
  23. dylanmiles23

    Hiatal hernia?

    For about 4-6 years I was being treated for asthma and then COPD and I never smoked. My breathing tests kept coming up negative so my lung doctor did a test (I was knocked out) where he put cameras down the throat and found the hernia and that my stomach was in the wrong place. He took me off all breathing meds and gave 6 pills a day to eat. When I had the Band they repaired everything and no more meds to eat! Maybe ask for more pre-screening tests to see if there is more than meets the eye. Good luck.
  24. dylanmiles23

    More behind me than there is in front of me...

    I too, have noticed that the scale goes up and down within 2-4 pounds since joining the gym. I work hard there for me. Being out of shape, overweight and over 60 it will take awhile at the gym but at least I am doing something.
  25. Up very early to go see my grandsons! I know it's not early for most but I stay in bed very late. Enjoy your day everyone.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
