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Everything posted by dylanmiles23

  1. dylanmiles23

    New to Forum

    Welcome. It is never too late to start the rest of your life. I started mine at almost 62. Just remember when to stop and chew, chew, chew. Good luck with your new life and journey.
  2. dylanmiles23

    Well I suppose I should introduce myself =)

    Hello and welcome. You will be fine. We are all here to help you with your new journey. We are all here because we eat and we all needed help-thank you BAND. I am very happy that you are doing something about your weight in your 20's not 60's like me. Good luck and keep reading all the blogs, good, bad and ugly. You'll be fine.
  3. dylanmiles23

    I'm scared!!!!

    Ok, now I get it. I can understand being scared of the unknown. I almost changed my mind during pre-op because the doctor was about 4-5 hours behind because of the person before me. She had the sleeve-not the band. I was scared but I knew I was going to become a healthier person and I AM. I can walk more and have more fun with my grandsons. I know I can take them to a zoo and not worry about sitting every 5 minutes. All good. New clothes are fun. I only bought a few pieces but about 10 long sleeved 't' shirts. When Kohl's has their sales, watch out. They were under $8. each. As for CG-she is wonderful and has helped a lot with he thoughts of the day etc. She tells the truth and others do too. So make today your last day of over doing everything and wake up tomorrow with I Am the new me day. We are all here to try to help and answer all your questions.
  4. dylanmiles23

    I'm scared!!!!

    Maybe you need to have some counseling before you get the band. There is no drinking after the band. I don't drink so I am not missing that in my life. I love food. I know the band is the best thing that has happened to me and I just love knowing I have help finally with my life. Good luck with what you chose to do.
  5. dylanmiles23

    Some Tentative Good News....

    Sorry to hear about the bike accident. I hope your arm is doing better today. WOW-about getting the date! That is super.
  6. dylanmiles23


    I am afraid of the membrane. I eat Mandarin oranges from the jar almost every night. I love them. I was told you can't have the membrane or grape skin. Ask your dietitian for advice. Good luck.
  7. dylanmiles23

    eating out

    I order from the children's menu a lot without any problems. I live in the Boston area. One of my favorites is Not Your Average Joe's. They have a wonderful salmon with green beans and mashed potatoes. I couldn't finish the kid's size yesterday. Also, Smokey Bones had wonderful 1/4 chicken on the kid's. I love eating out. After 42 years of being married, time to stop cooking so much.
  8. dylanmiles23

    Favorite meals???

    It is real. Very expensive where I live. It is $25. Per pound container at BJs. I just had a few lumps. I buy one container month. You can buy it on line but don't know prices.
  9. dylanmiles23

    Dinner tonight

    I am having a nice salad about one hour before dinner and then having a 4oz burger with cheddar cheese and butternut squash. no bun for the burger. ​For my after dinner dessert I like Mandarin oranges. Everyone enjoy your wonderful menus.
  10. dylanmiles23

    Tooooomorrow tomorrow...

    congratulations!!!!! you'll be fine and do fine. Best thing I ever did. Just sorry I never heard of the Band until my lung doctor told me about it.
  11. dylanmiles23

    Not losing

    I have lost inches every month. I take my measurements once a month. My weight was about the same for 3 months but I saw the inches go down, so I was fine with that. After my last fill about 3 weeks ago I finally lost some pounds. You're doing fine. One of my dietitians said you have to eat to lose weight. Which means you need 1000-1200 calories a day. I get about 12-1300 in every day and lots of protein. Good luck.
  12. Every doctor and hospital have their own rules. It took me 10 months because the hospital merged with a big Boston one. My insurance approved me right away. I had all my pre testing and that takes about 3 months. I finally had the band in July and it was the best thing I ever did for me and my family. I can walk and play with the grandsons better than ever. Good luck.
  13. dylanmiles23

    Favorite meals???

    I love my protein shakes for breakfast. I have been having them for one year this month. My go to for protein is jumbo lump crab. Very easy to chew and I love it. I don't use anything on it, no mayo, lemon-nothing. I also enjoy broiled salmon. Enjoy the new you and remember, chew, chew chew.
  14. dylanmiles23

    Thank You, Thank You Very Much

    Congratulations on this wonderful journey you are taking. Husbands can be such wonderful support team leaders. I know mine is and it sounds like yours is too.
  15. dylanmiles23

    How do I make butternut squash fries?

    sounds great CG, thank you.
  16. dylanmiles23

    How do I make butternut squash fries?

    I haven't made the fries but I make butternut squash almost every night. I hate cooked veggies but love this. I buy the cubed butternut and put some olive oil and Splenda brown sugar in a pan and mix them together. I then put in the squash and put in the oven on 400-450 for about 20 minutes and take them out and mix around in the mixture and put back in the oven until well cooked and gooey. It is really good. I make about 6-8 pieces of squash for me , they shrink a lot when cooked this way. Enjoy!
  17. dylanmiles23

    Who Am I?

    A very sad but wonderful story/life. I am so happy you have a husband with a great family. It is very nice to have loving children and grandchildren. I have 3 grandsons and they are the best! Thank you for sharing so we know you.
  18. dylanmiles23


    I have the 4 and it works great. I actually bought them together at the AT&T store I love the fitbit
  19. dylanmiles23

    Feeling insecure

    Many years ago my husband was the very thin one and we are still together for 42 years. He has been up and down on the scale too. Right now he sort of trying to get thinner with me. We go to the gym together and we both enjoy it. I married for better or worse and my worse was my weight. Get your husband involved in your journey and he will be great helping you. Good luck with re-enjoying your clothes. I call it, clothes shopping in my closet.
  20. dylanmiles23

    I lied. It sucks

    Don't feel bad because I would have too. If you want to tell it is when you are ready.
  21. dylanmiles23

    Eaten way too much :(

    Go for a walk. Go to a large mall or store and walk for a while. When I had a few stuck moments, I walked until I felt better, usually 15 minutes. Good luck. The band does not let you go crazy when eating. It hurts and reminds us of small portions. Feel better.
  22. dylanmiles23


    ​ education is a great word to describe the Band.
  23. dylanmiles23


  24. dylanmiles23

    confused feelings

    ​It is very hard cooking for others. I took my mentally challenged brother out for a steak birthday dinner and had tea. Now that was hard. I went for dinners many times and had drinks or brought my own Carnation instant drink with extra protein with me. I never explained to others other than saying I am on doctor's orders and have to watch my intake. Left it there. I didn't have a fill for 2 months and then it was a small one. I loved having SF Popsicles. I still have them a lot. I buy the Edy's brand. Good luck, you'll do great!!!!!!!
  25. dylanmiles23

    Newbie here I need help!

    My surgeons office did all the paper work for me. They never said anything was not covered. I have medicaid and had to change plans to have the band and it was one phone call and the next day everything was perfect. Good luck. Every state is also different with their own rules. I have Romney care in MA. He was good for insurance at least.

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