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Everything posted by dylanmiles23

  1. dylanmiles23

    hot fudge

    ​I was out today driving with my husband and we were talking about food. He is a diabetic. He said he would love a bowl of hot fudge and said to me, I am sure you do too. I said no, don't want to even have a taste. I am clearing my head of all my old favorites. Like buying fresh made bread and eating a loaf before I even get home from the store. Or having wonderful bread in a restaurant and eating more than one basket full. Bread is my very best friend. I still do have it in restaurants but have totally changed how I eat it. One restaurant I only eat the end crusty parts of the bread not the doughy parts. I know, it is still bread but it takes me longer to eat and I need my friend. Another friend of mine was my pint of ice cream almost every night and I added almonds and sometimes chocolate chips. I only have my SF Popsicles now. I hate fast food places so that was never a problem. I do miss really great french fries but I now have a small amount of mashed potatoes instead. I really really want to be thinner. I don't know why this time is different than the other 100 diets/weight loss programs, but this time I am going to be healthier and thinner. I hope you all agree and let's do it!!!!!!!! together. Have a wonderful evening everyone.
  2. dylanmiles23

    Protein Shake Recommendations?

    I buy Body fortress and use 2 scoops. I add into the chocolate (only flavor I will drink) a small amount of decaf instant coffee, peppermint extract, 8 oz. skim milk and tons of ice cubes and it becomes a great thick shake. I have been having them for one year for breakfast. They really fill me up for 3-6 hours. You can buy it at Walmart, Walgreen's (more money), CVS.
  3. dylanmiles23


    I really enjoy everything you write about. Thank you for writing on The Band site since you now have a sleeve. I hope you are doing well with it. Arlene
  4. dylanmiles23

    Physical Therapy

    I never heard of seeing a PT for pre-op. I guess every insurance is different.
  5. WOW!!! you look amazing. I would not have guessed that was the same person. Good for you.
  6. dylanmiles23

    New Lenox IL

    Good luck with the new you. Just remember to follow your doctor/dietitians rules. Every one has their own. Make sure you have a heating pad to help with the pain from the gas they put into you. The heating pad helps alot. The pain lasts a few days. I loved having sf Popsicles. I still have them all the time.Good luck and ask any questions you want , we are all here to try and help you.
  7. dylanmiles23

    Advice for Seminar Tonight?

    Dr. Schneider did my surgery. I will be at Thursday night's meeting. I forgot the topic but they are usually good ones. My name is Arlene.
  8. dylanmiles23

    Advice for Seminar Tonight?

    I go to the Milton hospital for the support group but the surgery was at the BI, Boston. My surgeon now does the WLS at Milton, also, so I see him there now. The people at the Milton are great. Which hospital are you using?
  9. dylanmiles23

    crossed over :)

    It is the best feeling. The first time I did it, I told the whole family. My husband is my biggest cheer leader. today he told me to try on elastic waist pants in a smaller size and he was right!-they fit, size 14. They just didn't have any more black, which I needed. Keep up the great work and we are all your cheer leaders-go girl-go!!!!!!!!!
  10. dylanmiles23


    me again. I told my husband about your clothes shopping and the sizes. yesterday I bought the size 16 pants and he told me to try size 14 elastic waist pants. I did and they fit!!!!!! The store just didn't have black ones. Now I have to search for black. Thank you, thank you for sharing your shopping because if you didn't I would not have tried a smaller size.
  11. dylanmiles23


    ​ Absolutely amazing and good for you. I feel the same way about the scale. I take my measurements once a month and they have gone down. I went shopping yesterday for a pair of black pants and they fit perfect-size 16. I was a size 18-20w a year ago also. You will look perfect in your new clothes in FL.
  12. dylanmiles23


    One of my favorite foods is almonds. I buy inexpensive roasted no salt almonds. I put about 1 tablespoon of olive oil in a large fry pan and then add the almonds and roast them on med-high heat for about 10-15 minutes. I stir them around. I keep them in plastic ware in the refrigerator. Today I decided to add about 2 tablespoons of Splenda brown sugar. They taste awesome.
  13. dylanmiles23

    In the name of Captain Kirk

    I think you will be fine since you caught your mistake right away. Still call the doctor. My doctor has someone on call 24/7 if there is a problem, does yours? To make my shakes thick, I use ice cubes and use a blender. I love them and have one every morning for breakfast. I hate breakfast foods.
  14. dylanmiles23


    No to eat like that. But many years ago I have bought raw almonds and cashews for recipes where I would stir fry them. Are they good or do you cook them?
  15. dylanmiles23

    Help I need Help

    Feel better. Call your doctor, is true. I have a cold right now. My PCP told me to take children's liquid Mucinex. Also adults liquid Tylenol I have been given before. I suck on cough drops but I also have had the band since July.
  16. dylanmiles23


    Never had it. I do eat natural chunky peanut butter with no salt. I live in the Boston area and near by is a company, Teddie's, and they make great peanut butter.
  17. dylanmiles23


    I can not be trusted with dark chocolate covered almonds. I just can't stop eating them. I always bought them from Trader Joe's. My surgeon told me almonds are very high in calories and to control my intake. Thank you for the suggestion.
  18. dylanmiles23

    Lost 4 Pounds....

    I think you will do fine. We all went through it and we are all alive and doing great. ​I am much older than you and don't want to voice my opinion but I am, please do not tan. I had a friend, 1 year older than me, and she died because of cancer from a tanning bed. They are so bad for you. Get the spray on, the lotion just not the bed, please. You don't have to listen but I needed to say that. Sorry for inferring. Have a great day and you will be fine on the shakes.
  19. dylanmiles23


    My husband gave up meat 35 years ago for dieting-no he quit the health kick-but still no meat. Many years ago I made meatballs and turkey balls. He eats the turkey ones. My oldest son's friend ate over and I asked do you want meatballs or turkey balls? Eric, answered, I didn't know turkeys had balls. He was a senior in high school at the time. I love dumb kids.
  20. dylanmiles23


    I fart and burp all the time. I was banded in July I don't know how long they continue for
  21. dylanmiles23


    My husband doesn't eat meat and hates the smell of bacon unless it is for his grandsons. I always bought the pre cooked for me. I tried bacon a few times on my salad and it was too hard to chew but I may try it again. My youngest son has a Texas BBQ/smoker (he does catering) and the other night made home made bacon. I was not invited! That I would love to try.
  22. dylanmiles23

    If No One Sees Me Eat, the Calories Don't Count....

    That's like the cookie crumbs at the bottom of the bag, aren't cookies, they are crumbs. That comment made me laugh. I log everything I eat into my Fitbit.
  23. That was great and honest. I am on the scale about 5 times a day and I will not throw it out like my son said to. The weight didn't appear in one, two or six months and it will not disappear that fast either and I knew that. If I wanted super fast weight loss I would have had the sleeve or bypass which I never wanted. This new way of eating is very doable and I enjoy it. My lunch today was smaller than usual, I am proud of myself for that. Have a great weekend.
  24. dylanmiles23

    Please help!

    Loved your answer and how you put it, plain and simple!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
