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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by dylanmiles23

  1. dylanmiles23


    Me too. I was alwAys very hot and I can't seem to get warm enough.
  2. dylanmiles23


    Me too. I was alwAys very hot and I can't seem to get warm enough.
  3. dylanmiles23

    So excited.

    I am very happy for your doctor's visit. Then to go to the gym and move the body, super! You're back. You took a quick break and returned.
  4. dylanmiles23

    Life Style Lift

    Thank you. My husband said to look into it.
  5. you are doing amazing! and your pictures show it too.
  6. The sleeve is removing most of your stomach for good! The Band can be removed if be. I would never think of any other surgery but the Band and that is why I choose it and I have no regrets at all. By looking at your picture, I can see I much older than you also. You have to be comfortable with the choice. When I met with my surgeon to book the date the other person there was a 27 year old female and she was doing the sleeve the same day as me. The surgeon ran late because something was wrong with the sleeve surgery. He never said what, there are laws. I went to one of the top Boston hospitals, so things go wrong with every type of WLS. I would ask your family for advice, also. Good luck with whatever you do.
  7. dylanmiles23

    I Dreamed a Dream...

    Good luck Wednesday. I hope you are no longer sick.
  8. dylanmiles23

    food labels

    I love Dr. Oz, and yes I think he tells the truth. Today he had a man on and talked about food labels. He said that the FDA allows 20% to be wrong with labeling. He didn't say what company but one of them is noted as being as much as 70% wrong with their numbers. This stinks!! We as Band people rely on the labels for our intakes.
  9. dylanmiles23

    calories and exercise

    Have you taken your measurements and lost inches? I find that I lose more inches than weight. My clothes size keeps getting smaller, love it! I take my measurements once a month and each month they do go down.
  10. dylanmiles23

    The Breakfast Rant

    I get out of bed very late and have a protein shake for breakfast. I use 2 scoops with milk. I use lots of ice to make it real thick. It fills me for 4-6 hours. Today I had the shake so late, I never had lunch but had a nice dinner around 6pm. The shake really fills me. I hate eggs so my before band breakfasts were carbs. I don't miss them at all even though I do still have bread sometimes. Maybe try the shake. Good luck with your eating. Maybe ask your dietitian for help and suggestions.
  11. dylanmiles23

    Having a rough time of it...

    I am so sorry to hear you are having such problems with the band. I hope you get to see him tomorrow. good luck with everything.
  12. dylanmiles23

    The Lap Band affects my entire family...

    Children are the best and you're very lucky.
  13. dylanmiles23

    Sorry men i need to ask

    I have not had PMS for many years. But many years ago I did a diet through one of those diet centers. They had you get off all sugars and salt and I never had PMS cravings. In fact that was over about 25 years ago and I still don't use salt on anything. I hate McDonald's fries with salt. I do have dark chocolate every so often. Good luck.
  14. dylanmiles23

    Please help me clear up my mind

    I agree. Maybe just try to eat different and see a dietitian for help. I think your BMI has to be well over 35-40 to even be considered. Good luck.
  15. dylanmiles23

    Ugh Plateau...

    I have a few dietitians and one of them said you have to eat to lose weight. I bought a Fitbit and it helps me keep track of all my intake. I also record my activities and it keeps track of walking and climbing stairs on it's own. Like last night when I recorded my dinner it told me how much protein I had for the day and I saw I could still have some more, so I did. My weight stays around the same numbers for a few months at a time then I will have a 5 lb. loss. Weird how it works. I see my doctor every 2 months and have always showed a 8-10 loss each time and I am fine with that. Good luck.
  16. dylanmiles23

    After Surgery....

    So happy to hear you're doing fine. Walking around the mall so soon is brave of you. Use heat for the gas pains. When is the wedding?
  17. Every thing you is said is so true. I never wanted my insides removed, cut or stapled. The band can be removed and the others-you're f**ked.
  18. dylanmiles23


    I love swordfish and decided to have it tonight for the first time since the band. I got banded July 30th. The fish was wonderful and agreed with me but as I took my time eating and the fish cooled down it got harder to chew. Has this happened to anyone else with swordfish? I usually eat salmon, shrimp and lump crab meat for fish. I am not the best fish eater.
  19. dylanmiles23


    Just came form BJ's and bought the jumbo lump crab. It is chicken of The Seas. They even had a coupon at the front of the store for it.
  20. dylanmiles23


    I buy jumbo lump crab at BJ's Wholesale. I think it is Bumble Bee or Star Kist. It comes in one pound containers. I love it and eat it for my go to Protein.
  21. dylanmiles23

    Need advice...potential problems

    My doctor's office has someone on call 24/7. It doesn't hurt to check. Good luck.
  22. dylanmiles23

    I just wanna potty!!!

    I totally understand. I have to use liquid colace every day because of BM problems. Ask your doctor if there is something you can take. Good luck.

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