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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by dylanmiles23

  1. dylanmiles23

    Are you a Pessimist or an Optimist

    ​That was wonderful, sad, happy and everything else. My mother, 95 in July, has dementia. She took care of my older brother who is mentally challenged. It was and is the hardest on him. Our mother is in a nursing home for 2 1/2 years now. She doesn't know her 4 grandsons at all. She gets excited seeing them but does not know their names. She once told my oldest brother I was the girl and them remembered my name. She barely remembers my father, he died 7 years ago. It is very hard on the family. I wish you and the whole family a lot of luck with everything. Arlene
  2. dylanmiles23

    Day 3 post opt

    I'm happy to hear everything is turning out ok. Joining the gym the best thing I have done a real long time. My husband and I actually love going. Only took us 42 years of marriage to do something healthy.
  3. dylanmiles23

    Where are all the seniors?

    I am 62 down around 75 and lots of inches. Best thing I ever did my me my health and family.
  4. dylanmiles23


    Don't know. Ask your doctor. Your insides have to heal that is why you MUST stick to the diet you were given. I had to take my brother out for his birthday 2 weeks after my band. I sat with 3 people while they ate and I had tea. It is tough but that is part of the process. People fail and or can hurt themselves not following the directions. Good luck
  5. dylanmiles23


    44 bmi plus I had to take meds for blood pressure, 6 pills a day to eat because of other problems that got fixed with the band. I am now med free other than Vitamins and minerals.
  6. dylanmiles23


    MA paid for mine without any waiting. I got approved instantly. Good luck.
  7. dylanmiles23

    Hard work and determinantion really do pay off.

    I agree with you. I think most women, could be all, put everyone before their own needs and then we finally wake up. At least you're much younger than me for your wake up call. I take care of everyone still.
  8. dylanmiles23


    Hi again. Before I wrote from my phone and I said to use aloe. A few years ago before the band and having a huge stomach, I needed to have a mole removed and they used tape to tape the fat (I know TMI) and being sensitive to tape I had red looking burn marks. My cousin is a nurse and she said use aloe. The next morning, GONE! Good luck.
  9. dylanmiles23


    Use aloe. I have tape problems with burns
  10. dylanmiles23

    leg press machine

    I was at the gym today and always do the same machines. I do a leg press machine and today it hurt my port. I told my husband when I got home (he is sick, so wasn't with me), He thinks it was because the seat was too close and it made my stomach stick out more than usual. Has this ever happened to anyone else? Have a great evening everyone.
  11. dylanmiles23


    ​I burp very loud all the time. My stomach also gurgles a lot especially when I am trying to go to sleep. Speaking of gas, I fart too more than before the band. They don't smell. I know some people have said they take GasX. I have never tried it.
  12. dylanmiles23


    Best thing I ever bought for my journey. I wear it on my bra every day. I enter my food and activities on the computer or my iPhone. It keeps my food intake in line which I need. I plug it into the computer 1-3 times a day to also keep it updated. I bought mine at the AT&T store and they were a little less than Best Buy or Brookstones. Good luck with your new purchase.
  13. dylanmiles23

    How Do You Make a Smoothie?

    I use 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops of protein powder (chocolate), a little decaf instant coffee, a small amount of peppermint extract, and one tray of mini ice cubes. I have a small Hamilton Beach blender and you use the container as a cup. i have that every morning.
  14. dylanmiles23


    When I go food shopping and buy meats, fish, chicken, I have the butcher etc. weigh my food and then I have the right amounts. I don't measure my salads and I usually have one every day. But then I don't use dressing on it either. ​You will do fine. If a tuna can says 6 oz, divide it in 1/2. I always divide, like when I make meat balls (I am tomorrow) I know I have one pound of meat and that is 4 meals worth. My husband doesn't eat meat, he has turkey balls. You will get the hang of it.
  15. snow again in Boston-I thought it was spring.

  16. dylanmiles23

    another person's view

    I was just reading on Yahoo about a woman who had WLS, they didn't say which one or I missed it. She wrote a book, Refinery29 by Jen Larsen. She lost 180 lbs. and isn't happy. She is happy she is thin but not happy that she never addressed why she was over weight and depressed. She felt the surgery made her healthier but didn't address the other side. I totally understand. I know I over ate because I made bad food choices like eating a loaf of wonderful bread and a pint of ice cream, but I don't know why or what inner me caused me to do this. How about all of you, do you know why you made these bad food choices? Very interesting subject to be addressed.
  17. dylanmiles23

    Eating on the go...

    I order from the kids menu a lot or I show my lap band card and ask for 1/2 portions.
  18. dylanmiles23

    Need to lose 10 lbs quick

    Take your measurements. My weight doesn't change much with going to the gym but the inches are getting smaller. I take my measurements once a month and each month they do go down. Try on a smaller size item. Good luck and have a wonderful vacation.
  19. dylanmiles23

    another person's view

    thank you for sharing this. I always have said that drug and alcohol addiction is nothing like food addiction because we all need food and not the others.
  20. dylanmiles23

    The Big Day :)

    ​ congratulations! I am happy everything went so well. SF Popsicles are the best. I just had one. I buy Edy's.
  21. dylanmiles23

    Don't talk about it, be about it.

    Congratulations on the band. I use skim milk only in my shakes from day one. I never used water. That thought is gross. I use a little decaf instant coffee, peppermint extract and tons of ice and make the best thick shake. I have one very morning, oh ya, I use 2 scoops of the protein to make sure I get in enough. I had the band in July and have been drinking the shakes for one year now. By having the shakes for breakfast I lost 28 pounds before the band. Good luck and welcome to the best site for help, opinions and laughs and cries.
  22. dylanmiles23

    Rant and Rave

    Thank you for that. I like how you did the butter size and ball bearing size and their weight, that was super. I still see fat but my body fits into much smaller sizes than I thought for my weight.
  23. dylanmiles23

    Life Style Lift

    Hi, Has anyone had the Life style Lift? that they show on tv. Or have you sent away for the info. I feel like I need to do something even though I need to lose more weight. I think being 62 is the reason the face has sags. Thanks for the help.
  24. dylanmiles23

    Autism and my band...

  25. dylanmiles23

    Life Style Lift

    why did you do the Life Style and not a real face lift? I would do something if I had the money right now. Thanks.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
