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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by dylanmiles23

  1. dylanmiles23

    Bruising after surgery

    I looked like that too. I would say its normal. Any questions call your doctor if you think it's really bad. Good luck.
  2. dylanmiles23

    Wow what a year

    Congratulations on 1 year! and to a wonderful weight loss. There is hope for me. I always wanted to try Zumba and I am afraid. My knees are shot and the back is gone. Is this a bad thing to try?
  3. dylanmiles23

    My Story

    A wonderful story to share, thank you. I feel very happy that you decided to get help, The Band. Best thing I ever did. I hope you continue to write on this site, you write very well. Good luck with your new journey.
  4. dylanmiles23

    No prescription pain meds post op?

    I was given Zantec (liquid) for one month, Colace (liquid) still use that daily and liquid Percoset (excuse spelling). I was told never again any thing with aspirin in it it does something to the band. Ask your doctor for stronger meds, they are needed for a few days anyway. Good luck.
  5. dylanmiles23

    Food log

    ​I bought a Fitbit and record my food and activities. I love it. I wear it every day. Some people use fitness pal (I think that is what it is called) and that is free.
  6. dylanmiles23


    ​I just started the Neutrogena one about a week ago. My doctor told me to try it. I did try the CVS one a few months ago and it made me itchie around the eyes so I returned it. If I ever have the money, face lift, body lift and arms get done. So you have pain for a few weeks but you come out looking great, or I hope you do.
  7. dylanmiles23

    A phot

    you look amazing. Good for you.
  8. dylanmiles23


    When you get an answer, tell me too. I am 62 and it really bothers me. My whole body is getting wrinkles from too much skin.
  9. dylanmiles23

    What are the Causes of Obesity?

    I forgot I had the injections, too but they didn't work at all. Also, the lower back I have no cushions between the discs. A few days before the band I had an ex-ray of my back because of more pain and my PCP said from arthritis I have crumbing discs, how fun is all this? The 2 of us sound 90!! it is amazing that we both have similar problems and can't do the same machines at the gym. Be well and enjoy the weekend. Arlene
  10. dylanmiles23

    What are the Causes of Obesity?

    That was very nice and true about how most doctors don't know the real back ground. Do I get to blame my skiing on my bad knee? I didn't start until I was 40 but quit after about 5-7 years. I did have surgery on the knee and I do not want to replace it. Yesterday and today the pain is about an 8. Because of the knee at the gym I can only do the bike. I can't do a tread mill (PT said no to that) and the elliptical kills the left knee after 2 minutes on the lowest. take care of your back and knees.
  11. dylanmiles23

    Barium Esophogram (hope i spelled it right) lol

    Good for you going back and trying again. A lot of people give and you decided not to. Keep us posted with your updates and successes.
  12. dylanmiles23


    ​I was being treated for COPD and or asthma for a few years. My lung doctor did some test and found out I had the hernia and my stomach was in the wrong place. I took 6 pills a day to eat so I would have no problems. I coughed 24/7 before the pills. After the Band, I never took another one of those pills again!!! From what I have read on this site, the hernia is very common with being over weight. i don't know, I am not a doctor. Good luck with everything.
  13. Today is 8 months since my new best friend, The Band!!

  14. I was banded 8 months ago today! and I am 62 1/2. Best thing I did. I wish the band was around 30 years ago. You are never too old to take care of your health and try to live longer. Good luck!
  15. dylanmiles23

    eating out of a measuring cup????

    I get my protein (meat/chicken/fish) weighed at the store into the proper portions. My salad, veggies, fruit, I eye ball. Tonight I had a burger. Where I buy them they are 4oz sliders. They are super and then I add cheese, that is a must. Do whatever works for you! Who cares what others think. In restaurants, I order from the children's menu or take home 1/2.
  16. The best thing I ever did!! This site is the best support anyone could ask for. Thank you!, the Band and LBT.
  17. dylanmiles23

    ideas/advice on not drinking while eating

    You are right. I was not being harsh, sorry. I wish all doctors etc. had the same rules. They use the same tool, THE BAND. Weird how it is.
  18. dylanmiles23

    ideas/advice on not drinking while eating

    Every doctor and dietitian have their own rules and reasons. I always say follow what you are told by them not by other Banders. I was told no gum, ever, forget about straws, which I miss and other things. Also it is what works for you.
  19. dylanmiles23

    First 6 months are done!

    We have all been there. It is over before you know it. Just think, thinner me and smaller clothes. The best!! Good luck with the new you.
  20. dylanmiles23

    staying strong

    I buy large decaf tea bags at Target. Also, Lipton makes them. I use a real lot because I like very dark rich tea. I add green tea bags, too because they say green tea is healthy. Don't know but what the heck. Enjoy.
  21. dylanmiles23

    staying strong

    ​I am a tea only person and was told decaf for at least 3 months after the band. I still brew decaf iced tea at home. I have always used sweetener.
  22. I had the band a few weeks after you and have lost a little more than you and I am happy with that. I started the diet one year ago and lost 28 pounds and was at 240 the day of the surgery. I now weigh 193-195 (depends on the day). I am good but not perfect with my eating. I go to the gym 4-6 times a week, with my husband. I try to follow what my dietitian tells me and keep my calories under 1400, most days under 1200 with 100g of protein. I wish you luck. Maybe talk to the doctor/dietitian and see what is up.
  23. dylanmiles23

    rack of lamb

    One of my all time favorites is rack of lamb. tonight I finally made it and it was just as great as I remembered. I have not had it for about one year even though I was banded in July. It was very tender and easy to chew and swallow. I have found pork too tough to chew. My husband (doesn't eat meat) loves potatoes cooked with lamb. So I browned some small canned potatoes in the cast iron pan first with seasonings and then browned the lamb and finished it in the oven. It was a great dinner. I need to keep eating different things for dinner or I will get bored and want to eat bad choices.
  24. dylanmiles23

    ideas/advice on not drinking while eating

    I was told no drinks 30 minutes before or after eating. My hardest was Chinese restaurants. I am a big tea drinker and that was hard. I never order drinks anymore but always have one in the car. You have to get use to it. My doctor also said no straws, ever.

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