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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by dylanmiles23

  1. dylanmiles23

    Stretch marks after Lap Band

    I agree with Missy and CG, they are there. After 2 kids and endless weight gains and losses I have the USA road map on my belly. I have cottage cheese thighs, but I am thinner and healthier. I don't plan on wearing a bikini this summer either or any other.
  2. ​I am very happy you finally went to the er. No one should be in pain. Have a wonderful cruise and bring a camera.
  3. dylanmiles23

    Inches Victory!

    Inches are wonderful. I lose more of them than pounds. I measure once a month. Keep up the super job.
  4. My husband always says, doctors practice medicine. The word practice is the key. They try and hope it works. The band, by pass and the sleeve, non are perfect. If it works for you, then it is perfect. Marriage is the same, if it works for you and your partner, then it is perfect. Everyone has their views just don't knock it and scare the world. Liz Taylor never gave up on marriage and she still never got it right. She had 8? husbands. That didn't scare me away from marriage. I am married 42 1/2 years to my high school sweetheart. Hopefully we will not need 8 different weight loss surgeries.
  5. dylanmiles23

    lapband with plications?

    CG is the best person to answer. She has had amazing results and is doing super. Maybe ask her.
  6. dylanmiles23

    all surgery pros and cons

    thank you. I knew you would like it. Dylan is a grandson and also Matt is his older brother and Max is the new one from Roger. Have a super day. Spring has come!
  7. dylanmiles23

    all surgery pros and cons

    I have 2 wonderful sons. Roger is the oldest, 38 and Frank is 34. Roger was born chicken breasted. He needed to have surgery to fix his chest at 2 1/2. If it was not fixed he could have had a heart attack by age 10, his heart was not in the right place and he was hunch backed from the chest problems. My husband asked the surgeon about risks (he was head of pediatric surgery at Boston Children's Hospital). The doctor said you can walk across the street and get killed. Since that time when any doctor has recommended surgery my husband don't really think of it. By the time Roger was 5 he had 4 different surgeries. He is perfect! Frank was born slightly chicken breasted but did not need the surgery because his heart was in the right place. So this leads to why I am writing. There are pros and cons to everything. Last week a young man around 24ish had his wisdom teeth pulled and died. You never know when it's your time to go. I love this site and enjoy reading about other's wonderful results, accomplishments and seeing their pictures. I am too computer challenged to put any pictures on, sorry. Writing that the Band is awful because you had a problem is sad but don't knock all of us. A Boston hospital many many years ago did a research drug, turned out to be Merida, I signed up. It worked great for me until I stopped. In the study, in Boston and England they said 2 women had strokes. You know what, I didn't think about quitting because out of the 2500 people they were over 60 and with that many people there is sure to be health issues. ​Let's all think positive thoughts, that we are going to beat Obesity and get healthy and fit. I know I am doing it. By the way I have had about a dozen different surgeries. From a small mole I got MRS. You never know what is going to happen. Have a wonderful evening and super Tuesday-spring has arrived!!!!!! at least in Boston. Arlene
  8. dylanmiles23

    the blame game

    I was reading about how some people give up and then go back to their doctor for help, which is wonderful. Then there are the people who blame. I have a cousin, Ilana (real name) a know it all RN, who had bypass surgery about 8-10 years ago and is now over weight, again. She blames her surgery for failing. She likes to snack, have her afternoon wine and a cocktail when dining out. Her mother had the bypass over 25 years ago and she also gained all her weight back. (she passed away from cancer). Why do people have surgery and then blame the surgery for failing and not themselves. Ilana went back to her doctor and said the surgery failed, could he re-operate. He said, no. Good for him. We are given a TOOL and we have to learn to use it and respect it. If we don't then we are back to being over weight and it is our fault, no one else. Yesterday I had Chinese food for lunch, had a few other bad choices during the day, my fault, I gained or retained fluid from the sodium, my fault, can't blame anyone else for me, failing. I got the Band 8 months ago today and I think I am doing ok. Not a super fast weight loss but a decent one. I see my doctor in a few weeks and I do lose every time which I like and he does too. Have a wonderful weekend. Happy Passover and Happy Easter to everyone who celebrates. Arlene
  9. dylanmiles23

    Its been 6 days

    Why did you get the band? To go against everything the doctor said. You have to rest the area and liquids. Call your doctor and ask before you try any more foods
  10. I guess I am the strange one here. I never ever did research. My lung doctor hooked me up and said you are having this and I never questioned anything. I am not sorry at all. I don't care about what other people say about the cons.
  11. very well said. I liked the Band because you can reverse it and cutting out your stomach-you're f**ked!
  12. dylanmiles23


    Does anyone eat dark chocolate besides me? I love dark chocolate. Today I went to the Godiva store and bought some. I don't eat a lot or every day but it is one of my-can't give up foods. My dietitian told me I have no off limit foods just use your head when choosing.
  13. dylanmiles23


    Your picture on FB is amazing. You really look great. Keep it going.
  14. dylanmiles23

    Ammount of calories

    I use 2 scoops of protein powder in my shakes every morning and that is 52 g. I keep track with a Fitbit. I was eating protein bars, sometimes, and my new dietitian told me to try Clif. They have different ones and she said to buy the ones with about 20g of protein. I tried one last night, not bad. I eat a lot of chicken, high in protein and salmon, not too high but healthy. Anymore questions, just ask and I will try to help.
  15. dylanmiles23

    I gain weight before surgery

    ​My dietitian told me I have zero restrictions on foods, just eat smart. I have given up a lot of my favorites and I don't miss most of them. After dinner I use have a lot of ice cream, about one pint-don't miss ice cream. I have a spoonful sometimes from my husband, but it means nothing to me anymore. My go to breakfast was french toast (i don't eat eggs). I had 1/2 a piece in a restaurant and it did nothing for me, too. Being thinner and healthier means more to me than ever before. When I ate a burger or other foods in restaurants I always had french fries, no more. I have had maybe 1-3 of hubs. Just say what is more important to me. Only you can answer that question. About gaining weight before the band, the reason you have to lose is to get the fat around the liver out of there. Doctors don't do the surgery if the liver is fatty. I wish you luck.
  16. dylanmiles23

    Ammount of calories

    I do about 1200. I take in about 100 Protein. I use a fitbit to help me keep track
  17. never heard of that. I was told I can eat anything and everything I want but choose wisely and I do. I stay away from sandwiches unless I make it myself and then I do grill the bread. Burgers-no rolls anymore. I do eat brown rice, pasta and pizza and wonderful restaurant breads-my down fall. If I am too strict, I will fail because that has happened to me many times before. You have to listen to your doctor.
  18. dylanmiles23

    advise please

    Do what you are comfortable with. My doctor won't do a plication. He is from a Boston hospital. CG had it done, loves and it totally agrees with her. Think of it this way, your food bill go down so that makes up for the additional $$$ but then you need new clothes to fit the new body. Good luck with what ever you decide on. My insurance pays for everything except a small co-pay.
  19. dylanmiles23


    I'm very proud of you. Maybe it is time to say, I am trying to lose some weight and I can use the help of not eating any more bad things. Meanwhile, they are very sweet, but then you are too.
  20. dylanmiles23

    another spammer...warning (got via pm)

    thank you. I have had a few of the all ready.
  21. dylanmiles23

    Post Op Gas

    I had the band last July and I burp and fart all the time. No smells, usually. The gas pain from the surgery lasted maybe one week. Use a heating pad, it helps a lot.
  22. dylanmiles23

    First Restaurant Meal

    only Chinese restaurants have rejected the card. No one has said no to the children's menu when I explain. Some restaurants have nice choices on the kid's menu. One that is in the Boston area has salmon on their menu and steak tips, a different choice for kids.
  23. dylanmiles23

    This is me.

    Wonderful and congratulations to you!! Being positive is the best thing. i don't understand weight and clothes sizes anymore. In high school I weighed maybe 150-160 (too many years ago) and I wore the same size I am now and I weigh 193. Maybe the manufacturers are screwing with us.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
