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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by dylanmiles23

  1. dylanmiles23

    Surgery in 13 hours!!!

    ​Wonderful and good luck. Just remember to take pictures and measurements. I didn't until a few months after the band and yes, I am sorry.
  2. dylanmiles23

    Alcohol & me

    That is great that you still enjoy the wine. My must have is bread so I only have good bread in restaurants. If you don't enjoy the new way of eating you will fail, been there, done that.
  3. dylanmiles23

    5 days!!

    Congratulations on your upcoming surgery. I love your fiance's quote, you cheated your whole life. It's true, I did.
  4. dylanmiles23


    your picture of the ass in the mirror, that was my fat ass 1 year ago, thanks for sharing it.
  5. dylanmiles23


    Did the band fail or you? My cousin had bypass and said it failed, which BS, she failed. She likes to have wine every afternoon, a cocktail when dining out and loves snacking. Went for lunch recently and she had 2 large bowls of sausage soup, salad and dinner rolls. She failed and she's an RN and her mother also failed with bypass. I wish you luck with what ever you decide to do with your weight loss.
  6. Hello from Boston. A suspect is being held. Cameras from Lord and Taylor and a tv station saw a male placing things where the bombs went off.

  7. Good luck tomorrow and with the start of your new and thinner life.
  8. dylanmiles23

    How the heck do you know?

    Sorry to hear about heartless people. My MIL calls people like that having diarrhea of the mouth. When you can't think of something to say, say nothing and no feelings are hurt and you don't make an ass of your self or others. As for staying the same weight, that's me. I have been the same since the beginning of February. I go to the gym and try to be good but I have my "have to haves", restaurant breads, pizza and very dark chocolate and almonds. We are both thinner than we were so that is good. Have a wonderful Happy Hump Day.
  9. dylanmiles23

    am i reading this right

    Congratulations!!!!! That is so great. Maybe the stress made you lose instead of gain. A size 12-WOW! I hope to see that number some time soon. Keep up the great work with your trainer, it shows.
  10. Thanks. I am watching the Red Sox kick ass 7-0 in the first!! That is a happy way to start. NYY are going to play Sweet Caroline tonight for Boston, that is played at every Sox home game. Thanks NYY.
  11. This site is wonderful when you feel great or bad. I am from Boston and right now I feel sad. I was out with my husband today and he had Burger King fried chicken sandwich because he was mad at what happened yesterday. I was good, had a protein bar. All of our news channels keep showing the bombing etc. Boston needs happy people right now and this site has them, thank you all!!!!!!!! I understand where you are coming from about support.
  12. dylanmiles23

    Considering the band...

    ​Hello and welcome. Have you gone to any support meetings at your local hospital? They are great and you can ask a lot of questions. I went to the monthly meetings from Oct., 2011 until my surgery July, 2012 and still try to make each monthly meeting, now. On you tube you can go to Lap Band and watch a video of the surgery, the Lap Band rep told us at a meeting. I never watched it because I don't do well with surgeries or blood. I had a lot of pain from the gas they use and a heating pad helps. You should be fine other than that pain. Walking also helps get the gas out. Good luck with your new body!!
  13. dylanmiles23

    Getting ready and packing.....liquid diet ideas???

    I see you have the best blender. I have 2 of them. Just follow what ever your dietitian says and you should do fine. Take sips of water, you need the liquids. Good luck.
  14. Hello from Boston. Thanks for everyone's caring and prayers. Everyone I know is safe. My son, limo driver, couldn't bring his customer to a Boston hotel but got him safely to some one's house. Very scary. My friend is a 911 operator at Boston police head quarters and he is safe and working hard. I live about 10 miles from where every thing happened but I was out all day away from the city. We give every country money and help them and then they do this to us during the W...

  15. dylanmiles23

    I gained 3lbs since yesterday

    My dietitian told me once that if you don't eat enough you don't lose Is it TOM? I don't really lose lately on the scale but do lose inches.
  16. dylanmiles23

    Band Bashers

  17. dylanmiles23


    sorry-don't know those answers. I know when I use the bike at the gym I remember how many minutes I am on it and record it and also record the machines I use.
  18. dylanmiles23

    a party

    Thanks everyone. Turned out fine. I sat with my oldest son and my brothers so they know and my food portions were a little bit bigger than normal but I had a shake for lunch. One person asked how much I lost and I said it is private and I don't share. I think she was offended. Oh well, too bad. My fat ass is finally smaller than my SIL, who I hate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That was my best NSV ever.
  19. dylanmiles23

    a party

    Today is my MIL's 90th birthday party, at a Chinese restaurant. Almost every one at the party has not seen me for over 6 months. Nervous does not explain my feelings. I know I am being crazy, but I feel like everyone will look at me and judge what little food I will be putting on my plate. My children and oldest brother have seen me eat and say nothing, it's all the others and they don't know about my new friend, The Band! There is an open bar, I don't drink, even before the band, so that is fine. I have not said anything to anyone even the hub about this. He would tell me I am crazy. ​Thank you for listening. Enjoy your day. The Red Sox are winning right now!!!!!!!!!!!! go SOX.
  20. dylanmiles23

    Sagging skin

    ​Being over 60 I have saggy skin even though I use moisturizers every day for about 30+ years. I have not reached goal yet so I know there will be more. It looks gross. I think it's great you could have all the saggies removed etc. and get to a wonderful new weight. Congratulations.
  21. dylanmiles23

    Uncharted Territory...

    WOW!!!!! you look great. I am always afraid to try on smaller sizes. Maybe we all need to start small?
  22. dylanmiles23

    What to do for a sugar craving

    ​Sugar Free Popsicles are great. Also the SF fudgicles. I like Edy's sf popsicles the best, the fruit ones, they have a little more calories but are super.
  23. Hello, I don't know that doctor. I live in Randolph and use the Milton Hospital. I had Dr. Schneider at the BI, Boston but he is also in Milton. The people at the WLS office in Milton are better than great. I go to their monthly support groups, 2nd Thursday of each month. Good luck with your surgery. If you have anymore questions just ask, since we sort of live in the same area. Arlene
  24. dylanmiles23

    From: Pre-Op Diet Ideas???

    Every doctor/hospital have different diets. I went to a large Boston hospital and just looked up the diet in the book they gave me. 3 meal replacements a day and 1 real meal that includes: 4 oz. protein, 1 carb, 1 veggie, 1 fruit, 1 dairy, 1 fat.I had no problem sticking to this. I spread my real meal between 4-7pm and it made me feel great. I still have my salad about 1-2 hours before my dinner and that way I get in my veggies and protein when I do have dinner. Tonight I am having a salad and later on salmon and veggies. ​ Congratulations on your up coming band!

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