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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by dylanmiles23

  1. dylanmiles23

    Protein bar = feel like cr*p

    First-good luck with the pre-op. Second, maybe it's the brand of protein bars. I love them. I eat the Cliff ones that have 20g of protein. They make different ones. My dietitian told me to eat these. I have had the chocolate chip, chocolate mint and chocolate with peanut butter. Love them all. If you hate the ones you have, return them. Almost every store takes them back.
  2. dylanmiles23

    I find myself hating children

    My gym doesn't allow children except in the day care. I think you have to be 18 at mine. I don't blame you Kids don't belong with adults.
  3. dylanmiles23

    Well another day...

    Good for you!! I wish I had the balls to that years ago but always was a chicken. Now I am older, 62 1/2, married, children and grandsons and very old mothers. If you are single, go for it. In a relationship, hope that person is behind you. Like you said you are a drive away or plane.
  4. dylanmiles23


    Someone once said you have to want this to happen. It is very hard work. We have all been there. About 2 weeks after the band I took my mentally challenged brother out for a steak dinner for his birthday and had a tea. I wanted it to work. Tomorrow is a new day and start over. Maybe someone else can cook or help you cook. The person who said have a shake before their dinner will help and hopefully make you feel full. Good luck.
  5. dylanmiles23

    Today 2 Year Anniversary Here

    ​You look amazing! Congratulations on 2 years. No one can tell someone what size is good for them, that has to come from your self. I have never been thinner than a 12 and that was for a very short time, maybe 6 months. I don't know where I want to go but I am happy. When i look in the mirror sometimes I see Fat me and sometimes, thinner me. I do understand.
  6. Stop washing your hair with shampoo in the shower. The label says "for extra body and volume". Start using Dawn, it says "Dissolves fat that is otherwise difficult to remove".

  7. dylanmiles23

    Tomorrow is My Day

    Good luck to you. 2 things I did not do before the Band, take pictures and measurements. The doctors should tell everyone who gets WLS. We all have things on our mind. Welcome to the new journey of your life.
  8. dylanmiles23

    Well, that was unpleasant...

    That is awful. I find with leftover meat you need gravy. My dietitian believes in gravy and sauces to get food down, sometimes. I hope you feel better.
  9. dylanmiles23


    Good luck to all you newbees. Some people like to take pen and paper so they don't miss things. I know where I went they gave out a folder filled with information about all 3 WLS. I went only for the Band, never was interested in the others. I also go to the monthly support group meetings and all 3 WLS people go and we talk about everything and at most of the meetings there is a guest speaker. My next one is a cooking class with the dietitian. Good luck with your journey.
  10. I am very proud of you sharing your family's stories. Thank you. You're a wonderful person for taking everyone in. No one ever knows about the Grass is not always greener on the other side, part. I am happy you have a new friend who is helping you. I help take care of MIL (90), my mother (almost 95 & in nursing home), brother (68) who lost 1/2 his brain from measles at 8 months and a husband who has many health issues. I try to stay happy and some days I lose it but not by eating, stress never made me eat. I scream and swear, weird, how everyone handles stress differently. Have a wonderful day. Maybe bring your wife out for 'date night' or night out at a hotel, even if down the street and it may help the 2 of you reconnect. Maybe take your son away for a day, alone without the rest of the family. You're a wonderful and caring person, thank you.
  11. dylanmiles23

    How long till i start bugging ins comp?

    Good luck with the new you. I was approved instantly by computer. I guess every hospital and insurance company is different. I would call Thursday or Friday and that way they have a heads up that you are interested in them pushing it through.
  12. dylanmiles23

    im freaked out! HELP

    The best thing I have done for myself in many years. I wish the Band was around years ago or that I knew about it. You are young to enjoy a wonderful thinner life with your child and be able to run and play with them. I waited until 61 1/2 for the Band. I don't take any of my meds anymore. I do take vitamins and minerals which are needed I was told. Every doctor/dietitian have their own say on this, what to take and how much. ​Go to the support groups at the hospital even before the surgery, they are very helpful. Good luck with your new journey and welcome to LBT!
  13. dylanmiles23


    Sorry to hear about your loss. About eating wrong, it's over with, tomorrow start again. If you are having problems with emotional eating call your doctor and or dietitian. They know how to handle this better than anyone.
  14. Good luck. Sorry to hear your husband isn't 100% behind you. About eating out. I do it a real lot except for breakfast. If my husband wants breakfast out he goes alone or I have my shake at home and with him have hot tea. I eat at most restaurants and do great. I order from the kid's menu alot or bring home my left overs. I don't order steaks because I don't like reheated steak but salmon, Chinese food and Italian are fine reheated. I never have sandwiches or burgers with rolls but I do eat great restaurant breads (just the crust). My MIL loves to eat out and we take her out all the time (she treats).
  15. Happy Mother's Day to all. If you are a Mother to a 4 legged child, that counts, too. Enjoy the day and hopefully the sun will come out today.

  16. dylanmiles23

    2 weeks post op

    If you are so hungry call your doctor or dietitian and ask for suggestions. I love Edy's SF popsciles. They are great and fill you. Are you having your shakes? I use 2 scoops when I make them and they fill me for 4-6 hours. I also add a lot of ice and it becomes very thick like McDonald's.
  17. dylanmiles23

    What of my favorite foods can I still eat?

    First, congrats on the band! Your list of foods sort of sound like mine. One of my dietitians told me I can have whatever I want just eat smart. So I don't eat many bad things. I do have: mashed potatoes, brown rice (steamed), burgers without rolls but with cheese, pasta with sauce, pizza (just a small amount-had it for lunch today), tuna is allowed and turkey is great. You are too soon after the surgery to have any foods. Follow your doctor's list not any one elses. Every doctor/dietitian have their rules. For dinner tonight I had grilled chicken on marble rye with cheddar cheese. The slice of bread was cut in half and I sprinkled the cheese on the bread. It was great. I have that maybe every month or two. I have from the kid's menu pasta and meatballs and sometimes don't finish it and bring it home or leave it. Get a Lap Band card from the company that says you have a Lap Band and please allow this person to order smaller portions. I have used it a few times but most restaurants don't say anything. I have Chinese food about once a week, husband is a big fan and I bring home 1/2 the luncheon special. You will do fine. Good luck with your new journey and ask any questions and someone will try to give you your answers.
  18. dylanmiles23

    Feeling kinda lonely today

    You're doing exercise so soon? Does your doctor know? I was told no exercise for about 4-6 weeks, don't recall but it could have been the 6 weeks except for walking. Take it easy, you need to heal, you just had surgery and all surgeries shock the body. About being hungry, I have no answers except I like the protein shakes as the choice. Good and relax and don't over do it, please.
  19. dylanmiles23

    holy **** batman 30 pnds in 3 weeks ...

    Wonderful!! Protein is suppose to help with hair loss, I have been told. Ask your doctor and or dietitian.
  20. dylanmiles23

    solids in 2 days...help

    ​Congratulations! Did your dietitian give you a menu to follow? Chicken is usually a good one to try. Just remember, chew chew chew and take your time. Soft veggies, like green beans, butternut squash. If you have trouble with something like chicken you can use gravy, tomato sauce etc. I love salmon, very soft. Good luck.
  21. dylanmiles23

    What was the first habit you changed?

    I gave up straws, a pint of ice cream almost every night and making wonderful home made popcorn in my Whirley. I ate about 7-10 cups of popcorn without butter and salt. I like plain things. I also gave up my favorite side dish, well done french fries, no salt. When I eat burgers now, no rolls.
  22. dylanmiles23


    I have burgers all the time. No rolls but I add cheese. Where I shop they have 4 oz sliders.
  23. dylanmiles23

    Starting the process

    ​ Congratulations on thinking about starting your new journey. My thoughts are: a Lap Band can be removed if need be. By-Pass, they staple your stomach and it can stretch and you can regain all weight back. I know of at least 6 people who did. The Sleeve, they remove a whole lot of stomach and it ain't coming back. When I went to the seminar at the local hospital they showed a slide show and talked about everything for each type of surgery. I never thought of anything but the band. I am thrilled with it and you just have to remember it is a tool and all tools need to be worked with to work successfully. I hope I have helped you. Just ask any questions, nothing is dumb, stupid or whatever on this wonderful site.
  24. dylanmiles23

    What was the first habit you changed?

    I only have bread in a restaurant, now, if it's good. I eat the crust and leave the doughie part. Also, I have a protein shake every morning for my protein because I hate breakfast foods.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
