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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by dylanmiles23

  1. dylanmiles23

    Nutritionist Rules - What did yours say?

    I have a Protein shake with 2 scoops every morning for breakfast. I also have Protein Bars with me when I go out just in case I need food. My dietitian told me to buy Cliff protein bars, 20g per bar. I enjoy them and just had one for lunch with some green grapes. I usually have about 100 g of protein a day and around 1000-1200 calories and at least 10- 8 oz of liquid (I drink tea and iced tea). Good luck and happy losing.
  2. dylanmiles23


    Very proud of you! I haven't seen you on here in a while, hope all is well.
  3. dylanmiles23

    My Barrier

    Thanks for sharing your story as I just ate dark, mint chocolate.
  4. Why is your husband against it? Does he like you heavy, unhealthy and not happy? Is he afraid you will be hotter than him? He has the problem not you. Do you have anyone in your family who is supportive of this? I hope so but then you have all of us and we can become your family and support team. I know that by getting the band I am off all meds except what they tell you take after like vitamins and minerals. I wish you a lot of luck. Arlene
  5. dylanmiles23

    14 days before surgery diet

    I add the coffee to chocolate and also peppermint extract and then tons if ice and the shake becomes as thick as McDonalds. I have one every day for Breakfast When I get a fill I have to do 3 days of shakes so then I have 4 of them. Good luck!!
  6. dylanmiles23

    Can't find....

    This what I buy, Edy's Outshine fruit bars, made with real fruit. They are NS but they have 30 calories, which is more than a real Popsicle. They taste great. I live in the Boston area and have found them at Shaw's only, so far. Everyone sells Edy's just not these. (I just read all this from the box).
  7. dylanmiles23

    I'm bad!

    Good luck with having the Band. Everyone has a slip now and then and it's over with and move on. I love SF Popsicles. I buy Edy's, I think they taste the best. They have a few more calories but taste really makes a difference. I just had one when I finished with my dinner.
  8. Has anyone heard from Mis73 (missy) since last week when she went to the hospital? I am concerned and sent her a PM.

  9. dylanmiles23

    Eating out?

    I try to order from the kid 's menu because that usually has the right amount of food. Tonight I had steak from a kids menu and it filled me. I hate to bring home left overs. I also eat Chinese food and order from the lunch menu and bring half of that home. To reheat Chinese food I never nuke it, I use a fry pan and it tastes much better. I do eat out about 3-5 times a week. Good luck with eating out. Did you get a LapBand card that asks that can this person order less food? I have used it a few times.
  10. dylanmiles23

    Haven't decided yet

    you came to the right place for advice. I have had the band since July and saw the doctor yesterday and he said I have lost 60% of my body fat and he is thrilled. ​I have lots of energy. Before the band I took a 2-3 hour afternoon nap and now I don't at all unless I am not feeling well. I can walk around a mall or large store without getting tired. I have bad knees and a very bad back and I still fine as long as I don't stand in one spot for long. In the past I never could accept comments on losing weight and this time I am doing great. Most people don't know about the band, family and very close friends do. Buying smaller sizes and not in the 'Fat' department is super and less expensive. I am off all meds except vitamins and minerals which you need to take for life Good luck with your decision. Have you gone to a meeting yet where you would have the surgery? They are wonderful. I love my monthly support meetings and went to those for many months before the band, also.
  11. dylanmiles23

    doctor's appointment

    So today I went to the dietitian and then the doctor. Went well. The doctor said I have lost 60% of my fat and he wished all his patients lost that much. I was banded July 30th, so it is 10 months ago. He said if I stay at this weight the rest of my life, he will be happy. I want to lose more but don't know how much. I did not have a fill today. I was told I have 1.8 in my band and that was 3 fills. My doctor does slow and it works. I am down 10 pounds since February and he was fine with that. I have bad allergies and so I bought Walgreen's children's liquid and the sugar in it has given me stomach problems. The doctor told me to try swallowing the small pills I have and said the worse thing is I will throw it up. I don't need to see the doctor for 2 months. I feel wonderful about today's visits. :wub: Everyone have a wonderful weekend. Arlene
  12. dylanmiles23

    Befor and after

    CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you look amazing, good for you and thanks for sharing.
  13. dylanmiles23

    How massage can help in your weight loss

    You have a wonderful husband but you must be wonderful too. Works both ways. Thank you for the massage lesson. I am happy you're feeling better from them. Did you ask your insurance if they cover them? I know in MA some companies do when for medical problems.
  14. dylanmiles23


    I wish you and hub lots of luck with trying again. About gaining, you can control it. My DIL had a son 6 months ago. Max was 1 month early and weighed over 6 lbs. and my DIL watched everything because she has medical issues and she gained 11 lbs. When Max was 2 weeks DIL was wearing her jeans again. Keep us posted and we are all cheering you on!!!!!!!
  15. dylanmiles23


    I meant to tell you before, very pretty picture.
  16. dylanmiles23

    Eating issues.

    I would say, call the doctor. Whenever something seems wrong, that is the best thing to do. I know mine has someone on call 24/7. Good luck tomorrow when you call.
  17. dylanmiles23

    UP, Down, All Around

    I like that you said you kept 52 pounds off longer than 10. What a wonderful way of looking at any weight loss. Thanks.
  18. dylanmiles23

    Greetings from the New Guy

    ​congratulations!!! The band is the best thing I have ever done for me. I can move better and I have 3 grandsons 6 months, 5 years and 13 years. Before the band, I wasn't so great for moving, like walking around a zoo. Now I can walk the whole zoo without resting every few hundred feet. Having support at home is #1!!!!!!!!!!!! You have a wonderful wife. I have a wonderful husband, he even goes to my monthly support groups with me. ​Welcome to the best site for learning and asking questions.
  19. dylanmiles23

    UP, Down, All Around

    I could have written the yo-yo part. Since February's fill I am down about 10 lbs but that changes daily within 2-4 pounds, too. I see the doctor Friday, but I am down. I figured this weight loss would take about 1 1/2-2 years. I have as a goal 170 but may want to be less. When I got married 42 1/2 years ago I was 144 with diet pills. During high school I was around 160-175, I think. Too many years ago to remember that weight. Sizes are weird. I wear a size 14 bottom and xl top at 191.6. In high school I was at least 20 pounds lighter and wore that size or a 16. The clothes manufacturers are playing mind games on us with sizes. I know my face is thinner, being 62, I see more wrinkles and I hate them but hub says beats being fat, He's right, just need lots of money for face lift, body lift etc. Great blog today, thanks. Arlene
  20. dylanmiles23

    Thirsdays the day, sad...

    ​Good luck with your surgery. As Ann Landers says, are you better off with him or without him. Will he be there if you have children, need help after the surgery? This is no joke. Do what is right for you and your future not for anyone else.
  21. dylanmiles23

    Lap Band fill horror!

    That is awful they hurt you. Sounds like when they take blood and can't find the vein and keep poking. My surgeon is the only person who has ever done a fill. I am due for my 4th one Friday and he does a very small amount each time. I think I have around 2 1/2cc in a 10 band. Maybe put some ice on the port for pain Feel better and maybe ask for the doctor only next time.
  22. dylanmiles23

    Nobody told me..

    ​Congratulations on your weight loss. I feel sad you're not happy. Maybe call your doctor's office and they have some one to talk to about this. There are obesity therapists. When my son was around 10ish we took him to one because he has been over weight almost his whole life (he is 34 now) and he is finally doing something on his own. Good luck and stay in touch with all of us.
  23. dylanmiles23


    MILs are also mothers. A friend's mother told me that about 40 years ago. I am a MIL to 2 women, one I think loves me and the other goes for the ride. She lived with us for 10 months and we didn't get along too well but then there were 4 of them, 2 cats and I have a 2 bedroom townhouse condo, so it was small for 6 of us. ​As for weight lost, my husband is the only person I tell, that way no one can criticize me. A dear friend asked recently and I said I don't share that and her look was priceless. The scale is just numbers, a tape measure really tells it the best and clothes falling off. Relax and don't worry about MIL, we are really trying to be nice and want our momma-boys to be happy and well taken care of.
  24. dylanmiles23

    my pool is opened for the season

    Happy Memorial Day to everyone and thank you to all who have served us to protect us. So today I went dreaded swim suit shopping. My condo has a pool that just opened, too cold in Boston right now but Thursday- Saturday it will be 90 out. I like the 2 piece type, shorts and a top that hangs over. I tried on about 12 tops at JCPenney and about 4 bottoms. The bottoms were great but the tops looked like sh*t. So then I went to Macy's and tried on just 2 there and bought a suit. The bottom is pants with an over skirt, looks great, never tried one on before. The top is the type I like. MIL was very sweet and bought it for me. I usually don't spend a lot on swim suits especially when losing weight but this should fit the whole summer unless I have massive weight loss. The past 2 years I have been buying on line from Swimsuitsforall. Their prices are great and they have a large assortment of styles and sizes. I have even bought cover ups from them. When I looked in the mirror, OMG!, my thighs are so flabby. I told hub, I need a thigh /body lift. I like to wear shorts in the hot summer, too, so he suggested shorts that come to the knees. I don't do carpi, pants at all. I hope you all have a great swim suit buying day of a smaller size with a smile on your face, men, too. Arlene
  25. dylanmiles23

    Eating too much

    I eat too fast. My husband tells me all the time. I eat much slower than I use to. I do find that if I don't chew chew chew, it gets stuck and I hate that feeling. Some bad habits are so hard to break, but I am trying real hard. I have had 3 fills, next one is Friday and each time the doctor does about 1/2 cc. I don't think I have ever been in the 'green zone'.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
