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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by dylanmiles23

  1. dylanmiles23

    my Secret place.....

    no not zaftig. That is actually the name of 2 restaurants in the Boston area. Their logo is a zaftig woman. Very cute picture. The phrase is, spelling doesn't count, kenna hurry.
  2. dylanmiles23

    my Secret place.....

    I always call myself a FF, fat f**k. It is the joke in the family. My sons were at a Fool Fighter's concert and saw a hoodie with FF on the front. The cheapies didn't buy it for me. I would have worn it. There is a Jewish saying, I don;t know how to spell it, that means, large, huge, that's big etc. like that. I was once shopping with my mother and she was following me and said where are we going and I said to the __ __ department. She loved it and no one knew what I was talking about. I have always made fun of myself with those sayings. The FF is all mine.
  3. dylanmiles23

    Going to my information meeting for lapband

    I went to my first meeting Oct. 2011 and was scheduled for a February, 2012 surgery but because the hospital was taken over by a big Boston one and my age being over 59 it kept getting changed and it took with help to July, 2012. It does not take that long for most people. Don't let my long time discourage you. My local hospital can only do people under 59 and I am older. I do go there for all my monthly support groups and office visits. My surgeon is now there besides the big Boston hospital.
  4. dylanmiles23

    Going to my information meeting for lapband

    ​Congratulations for taking the next step. It took me a long time from the first meeting until the surgery because the hospital was taken over and because of my age. Weird but in 2 weeks will be 1 year for me and I am thrilled with the band. My only problems have been stuck foods because I ate too fast or too much. My fault. I have never thrown up anything. I follow the doctor's and dietitian's rules about eating and drinking and try to eat correctly which is hard sometimes. I learned at a lot at the meeting and signed up right then and there to get the process started. my lung doctor made my appointment and I love him for that. All my meds-done with!! I do take vitamins and minerals that are required, they are all chewables. Just remember the band is a tool not a cure all. Treat it nice and it should be nice to you.
  5. dylanmiles23

    such a funny little question ;)

    My outer part where you would have a waxing is still fat. I think it is gross I never heard of a mom lift there. I would think it would hurt more than giving birth.
  6. dylanmiles23

    What are the rules?

    My doctor sounds like CG's. I always say listen to your own doctor and dietitian because they all have their rules and ideas. But we all know don't cheat on your before and after surgery diets until you are told you can have the food.
  7. dylanmiles23

    Pre-op diet weight loss

    I love my shakes!!!!! I buy Body Fortress (Walmart around $15.) I use: 8 oz skim milk, 1-2 scoops of chocolate powder, a little decaf instant coffee, a little peppermint extract and tons of ice and it looks like a McDonald's shake but tastes better. I am almost one year with the band but started the shakes for breakfast March, 2012. I have a small Hamilton Beach blender that is also a drinking cup so after I put everything in I top it off with ice. I use small cubes. You really need to follow the diet and rules or it won't work. When I get a fill, my doctor has me on shakes for 3 days and then 3 days of mushy foods and then back to the real foods. I follow his rules. I didn;t have major surgery to f' around. I want to be healthier and thinner and live a long life. I have a wonderful supportive husband and family. I want to be able to play with my 3 grandsons and not sit on a chair and just look at them. Good luck and please try harder, for yourself.
  8. dylanmiles23

    Cold feet

    I was very excited. My surgery was scheduled for around 1-3pm and I was not taken until 6:30-7:00pm. I almost cancelled because of the hold up. Turned out the sleeve surgery before me had problems. I am so happy I had the band. In 2 weeks will be my 1 year!! I don't regret anything except I could be better with my eating and exercises. Me being bad no one else's fault. Go for it! You have come this far and it will get better. Just think of clothes shopping for real deals in smaller sizes. I love that! A year ago I wore size 20w jeans and now wear a 14. I love it. I find bargains that when larger I couldn't.
  9. dylanmiles23

    So My First "Escape from the House" ----Still Paying For That

    I am very proud of you for writing, "what not to do". I was told no driving for about 2-3 weeks after surgery and being a passenger for not more than 1-2 hours for 3-4 weeks. It is sad you learned the hard way. Just remember about not lifting anything either until the doctor gives the ok. Each doctor has their own views. Feel better and stay cool in this terrible weather.
  10. dylanmiles23

    Rice?? Why not?

    I couldn't eat any rice until the band because of my hernia. It was fixed then, too and now I do fine with rice.
  11. dylanmiles23

    Daily Intake

    Yes they will explain everything. Every doctor and dietitian have their own rules. I have seen 3 different dietitians from my doctor's office and they all have their different views on protein intake for the day. I was given a large booklet when I went to the hospital that explained everything and had different calorie diets that ranged from 900-1500. I try to stick to 1000-1200 and around 90-100 protein. The other night at my support group my dietitian said 60 grams of protein a day but I do more. Good luck with everything and just keep asking and we will all try to help you.
  12. dylanmiles23

    Im Starving: Yea I can Eat...Oops I ate to Much

    How did you eat food so soon after surgery? Didn't your doctor/dietitian give you a diet to follow? I know for many weeks it was liquids only. I didn't have real food for 5-6 weeks after the band. You have to let your stomach heal properly. I lived on shakes and Popsicles after the band. I sipped water, a small amount at a time. I never once did anything that was not on my food list. Be very careful please, so you don't get hurt.
  13. dylanmiles23

    my Secret place.....

    My husband knows of this site but has never seen it unless I show a picture to him. As far as my weight you all know it and just my husband does. I don;t share my loss with anyone anymore. I don't need them to say, WOW what real fat f**k, Arlene was. I most likely will never share those numbers. I tell all the people at my monthly support at the hospital about this site and other 2 for other WLS. I think having this site is the best support anyone could ever ask for and get. A doctor does the surgery but doesn't feel what we do. That is like a male gyn-ob doctor. He never had a baby-how does he know. I tell some close family members that I do a blog type site and they are all very supportive. That is needed in my life.
  14. dylanmiles23

    Learned the HARD Way

    I am sorry to hear you got sick but the doctors do know best. My worst cheat was after a fill I had mushies the night before I was allowed to. I ate meatballs. Never after 'major' surgery do you f' around. Your body needs to heal properly.
  15. dylanmiles23

    Jill's Pity Party

    Any loss is better than no loss. Are you having too few calories and protein? Besides weighing yourself do you take your measurements? I do every month but I was so so bad I would not this month at all.
  16. dylanmiles23

    I am failing....again

    I have a 10cc band and had 3 fills with a total of 1 1/2cc. My doctor does it slow. I didn't get a fill last visit and now wish I did. I see the doctor again the beginning of August and will get that fill. Some people say they get large fills, I don;t know which is better. Stay in touch with your doctor and maybe have an appointment with your dietitian for some help.
  17. Wonderful you lost so much weight on your own. I have never been successful doing that without pills or something else. I have never kept off any real weight loss for more than a few months and the Band is the best. It helps me not to eat the extra large portions of food. I don't eat all the fried crap I use to eat either. Listen to you and only you not to other people. They don't live in your head or body, you do. I wish you luck with what ever you decide to do.
  18. dylanmiles23

    Rice?? Why not?

    I eat rice all the time. I usually have brown or whole grain with brown. I buy the small pre-made ones that you nuke for 1 minute. They are good and convenient. My dietitian told me I have no restrictions to any foods, just pick properly. I have Chinese food about once a week. Ask your dietitian about the rice. Did you get a book on foods/diet when you had the surgery? I was given a huge book to follow from start to finish.
  19. dylanmiles23

    Weight Loss Trial

    Sorry to hear about your mother. Just remember, tomorrow is a new day. Forget about what went wrong and try it again. Good luck.
  20. dylanmiles23

    Distraction Hobbies

    Love your drawings!!! I wish I had a hobby other than playing poker all night on the computer. I have ADD so my attention sucks. When I play poker I watch tv and read. I need to find something else and don;t know where to start at almost 63. Keep up the drawings. Do you or did you go to art school? My oldest did and never did anything about it and hasn't drawn in many many years. He owns an audio/video company.
  21. dylanmiles23

    From 400+ to ONDERELAND!

    Thanks for sharing the pictures. I wouldn't have known the before was you. Your smile says it all.
  22. dylanmiles23

    Having a Bad Day :( :( :(

  23. dylanmiles23

    Multiple Sclerosis

    Happy Birthday!! I am sorry to hear about the MS. Please whatever the doctor says, take your meds. My daughter-in-law doesn't and it bothers me. I feel if she took them maybe she would feel better and handle things better in her life. She got MS about 1 month after her first son was born 13 years ago. My son married her about 4 years ago. She doesn't handle grocery stores and crowds well at all. Good luck. Maybe having the band and losing weight will help, also.
  24. tonight is my support group. it is an open forum, just sit and talk about our surgeries.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
