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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by dylanmiles23

  1. dylanmiles23

    Need some advice, please no negeativity!

    Wonderful answer! Good luck with your up coming banding. I am not sorry at all and hope you won't be either. ​Having more energy for yourself and your cute looking children will be worth it. Also, having a very supportive husband says it all. I have one.
  2. dylanmiles23

    After wls...

    I can now walk all around BJ's without getting tired like I did. I go to the outlet mall and walk all over without driving from end to end to shop. Sure my knee (need a new one) sometimes hurts but I am much better off. I can walk with my grandsons. We went to the children's museum and I never sat, my husband did, but I didn't and we were there for many hours. I was wearing a plus size 18/20 jeans and now a size 14! and the waist is a little big. My tops were 2x-3x and now l/xl. This does't suck! You have it really want this. I know I do. More selections and better money deals in smaller sizes.
  3. dylanmiles23

    Need some advice, please no negeativity!

    First congratulations for wanting to get healthier. Second, stop listening to everyone but yourself. Do what you want for yourself not what others tell you is wrong. I never knew about this site until after I had the band. I did almost zero research. My lung doctor made my appointment for the meeting to see if I qualified for the band and he told me you are getting this done. I never asked any other questions People need to stop looking at all the things that can go wrong and see how their health can improve if they really want to be healthy. I had a small mole removed, the doctor didn't like it's looks. Well this small dime size b***h turned into MRSA. There are pros and cons to everything. Driving a car, getting on a plane or watching the Boston Marathon from the finish line. (I live in Boston)
  4. dylanmiles23

    my doctor/your doctor

    Happy Sunday night. As most of you know last Tuesday was my one year banding. On Friday I saw my PCP and then my surgeon. They are both happy with me. My surgeon told me I am perfect with my under 2cc's in my band and said I don't need any more. When I was banded, my band did not have any saline in it. Very interesting how every doctor does their 'own' thing and we can not compare. I see so many people complain that they need another fill, another fill next month, why? Are you doing the right thing? This past week I ate too fast, 3 times and had to go walking. My fault, no one else's. I do not throw up ever, even with the flu, I don't. The doctor told me I really need to exercise more. I had complained that my muffin top is still big. He is very happy with me and I see him again in 2 months. I would love to be around 180-185 by then. I just need to move my fat ass and muffin top. This week I am going to a cousins reunion on Cape Cod, Wednesday. I live about 1-1 1/2 hours from there. Then Thursday, Newport, RI to visit a cousin from my husband's side. Great places to visit and Newport is the best for walking around. Have a great evening. Arlene
  5. dylanmiles23

    Family Reunion

    Sounded like a super weekend for you and the band!
  6. dylanmiles23

    Akai Rice

    Hi everyone. I was looking at a Chinese restaurant's menu on line and it listed Akai rice. Has anyone ever heard of it, tried it? Does it taste like normal rice? The menu said it is healthier and has more fiber. Thank you for the help.
  7. dylanmiles23

    Not sure how im supposed to feel!

    Follow your doctor's orders. You have to let your stomach heal properly before eating real foods. Call your doctor in the morning and see what you should be doing. I hope you did no damage to the band or area around it. Good luck.
  8. dylanmiles23

    I think i have to much ?? :/

    Call your doctor ASAP. My doctor has someone on call 24/7, does yours?
  9. I take about 14 vitamins every morning. I have them and about 15 minutes later I make my protein shake and I do fine. Maybe spread them out during the day. Ask your doctor/dietitian their thoughts on it, also.
  10. dylanmiles23

    Approval Decision...

    ​Wonderful and congratulations!! The doctor's office should have a list of dos and don'ts to follow. I know my doctor's office gave me a huge booklet with everything I needed to know and then some. Just remember your doctor and mine may have different rules to follow. So follow your doctor's.
  11. dylanmiles23


    I will miss you but totally understand where you are coming from. I have noticed that in the past 6 months a lot of the regulars are missing. I enjoyed them and you. This site has taught me a lot and it is the best place to learn from the masters. There are always the people who challenge everything in life including the band. How far can I stretch it. They never should have gotten the band to begin with. Be well and please pop in time to time. Thank you. Arlene
  12. dylanmiles23

    Today I will be banded!!

    ​Congratulations!!!!! to you. Smart taking pictures, I never did. Also I didn't take before measurements. I didn't start that until I had the band for maybe 2 months. Remember follow your doctor's rules, no someone else's. Every doctor is different.
  13. Wow!! You look super. It looks like more than 27.
  14. dylanmiles23

    Question - Diarrhea :(

    Oh ya. Had them real bad and didn't always make into the bathroom. It is gross but life. Now I take meds to go. Weird!!
  15. dylanmiles23

    Questions Asked=Questions Answered

    Good for you to go ahead with the surgery. I had no problems at all except food getting stuck which was my fault.
  16. dylanmiles23

    One Year-today!

    One year ago today I was Banded!! So how was my year? Well, I was very very good for about 8-10 months and then I went back to my eating ice cream, too often. I almost always have soft serve but with jimmies(chocolate sprinkles, if you're not from Boston). I was going to the gym (since December, when my husband and I joined) about 4-6 times a week. As the nice weather came, that stopped. We are going today, we are in our workout clothes!! I need to get my s**t together and start over with my new life. My eating has been for the most part great. I love my morning protein shakes. I drink hot tea and iced tea all day and night. I brew my own iced tea, so it's decaf. I enjoy my large salad about 1 hour before my dinner. I have never used salad dressing, so I know I am great in that department. I do eat bread but only in restaurants with really great bread. I do have Chinese food with brown rice and where I usually eat you can get luncheon specials all day and I bring 1/2 of it home for another meal. Use to be I ate the whole plate full and then some more. I also never have fast food. I hate it. I know what you are thinking, a fat person who hates fast food! WOW! If I did any it was maybe french fries (no salt) (hate salt) or a shake and I gave them up and don't miss them at all. My grandsons are mad I won't go to McDonald's with them. Grampie will take them but never Grammie. So as far as my pounds lost, I started my weight loss March, 2012 with replacing breakfast with shakes and lost 26 pounds before my surgery. As of this morning I am down 74 big ones!!! Could it have been more-of course. I am not perfect. It was a few pounds more but the ice cream took care of that and the less moving of the body. I go to the doctor Friday for a fill. I have a 10 band with 3 fills for a total of 1.5 I guess my doctor goes slowly with the fills and I am fine with that. Everyone is different with your loss, eating and working out. Be you and not someone you're not. We do all compare ourselves to everyone, me included. Work towards who you want to be. Have a great day! I will try. Arlene aka "Eye Candy"
  17. dylanmiles23

    Toxic Love-Dr. OZ

    Hi Everyone, I am watching Dr. Oz right now and the show's subject is Toxic Love. Very interesting about what loved ones do to each other when they have health issues. Dieting together, a mother telling her daughter, you're fat etc. and cooking the wrong foods. Right now is a couple and the wife wears an insulin pump and the husband cooks all the wrong foods. The therapist is trying to help all the people. Great show. I know of people like that, that make and feed the wrong foods to the diabetic, the WLS person, like all of us etc. Who is the the toxic person in your life? Mine is ME!!!!!!
  18. dylanmiles23


    I have one almost everyday. I have iceberg lettuce, cucumbers (no skin), carrots, sunflower seeds and shredded cheese. I have never used dressing, so I can't help you there. I don't eat tomatoes so I don't help with that either. When out for dinner I sometimes order a salad and have them add salmon, chicken or shrimp. I love it because I am not a veggie eater. Just remember, chew chew chew. I have the salad about one hour before my dinner so that I don;t fill up on it and get something 'healthy' in me.
  19. Hi Donna and welcome. I will be 63 in October and today is my one year. Best thing I ever ever did. You can read my blog right below yours and it sort of tells my journey. People complain about the pre-op diet being liquids and post-op liquids. Well we have eaten enough food (we wouldn't be here if we were perfect) to get us by. I never once thought of cheating because I was too afraid of what could happen to me. I never did any research either. I found this site after the band. I am not good with computers so I never went looking for the unknowns and I am fine with that. I had many things wrong with me, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, RLS, hernia, stomach in wrong place. Now I only take recommended vitamins and minerals everyday.
  20. dylanmiles23

    my turn.

    What are you getting into? A new journey to help your health and live longer. I know that is what happened to me. I am off all my pre-band meds and it's supper Buying clothes in "normal" sizes not plus departments. That is fun. Fitting into plane seats etc. You are doing great by taking the first baby steps to improve life's qualities.

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