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Everything posted by bubles089

  1. I have been very honest with mine, I get asked alot what I am doing to lose the weight and I tell them I am eating heathy and exersizing and I had the sleeve. Now I work in the hospital I had mine done at so hiding it would have been hard. But honestly I did this for me not for other people. It was something I needed to do to be happy and heathy. As for the judgment I hate to admit it but I have always been a little judgy about people that had the surgery. I know it's totally wrong and now I am one of those people. Honestly the surgery was one of the best decisions of my life and until someone has been overweight and unhappy for as long as I have they will never know what it's like to have to make this decision. I think we should all be proud we took our Heath and happyness into our own hands!! Surgery is soo not the easy way out its increabably hard. I have found so much support from my coworkers friends and family. They all say how they are in awe of what I have done and how they could never have done it, and that feels soo good!
  2. bubles089


    I am 5 months out today and 60lb down and feel the same way I started at 240 and am 180 now and ppl at work alwys say look how small u r but I feel like a cow. When I get really down I pull out a top and pants from before my surgery and put them on it helps put it in perspective. I also set my back ground picture on my phone as a side by side of me before and now so every time I look at my phone I'm reminded of the progress I have made. I think alot of us feel this way.
  3. bubles089

    Protein Shots

    My nut said its fine to use them to add more protein to my diet. I struggle to eat meats in an amount that gives me my protein for the day so I drink a half of a shot a day to add to my diet. I also drink a shake first thing in the am that it 30 grams. Just remember your body can only absorb 30 g at a time.
  4. bubles089

    Breathing issues

    You could have a small pulmonary embolus. If it goes on for to long call the dr. The spirometer is just for technique the number doesn't really Matter as much as taking the deep breaths and having a 3 Sec hold at the end of inspiration. To to help prevent pneumonia in the hospital from lung collapse. Walk walk walk that will help prevent it too. I am a respiratory therapist so we do Is with post op patients all the time
  5. I am in baltimore, was sleeved at Sinai. My surgery was aug 28 and I am down 58 lbs today. I have been battling a bad stall, only 2 lbs in the past month
  6. bubles089


    I had horrible sweating for the first 3 months. To the point I had to bring another scrub top to work bc I would sweat through my first one. Are you on thyroid hormones? I had to lower my dose and that helped alot! I am 4.5 months out now and no sweating. I actually sweat wayyyyy less then I ever did before my surgery.
  7. I am 4 months out as of today and have a lower gi bug or something. I am in the bathroom every 5 mins. Can I take an Imodium or pepto??
  8. bubles089


    I just talked to my drs office they said take Imodium is fine pepto is fine too, in by pass it can be a problem bc I can give you a gi bleed.
  9. 51 lbs at 4 months post op. 50 more to go!
  10. Ask for a mouth care kit. They have a lotion thing for the mouth. If you mix it with the mouth wash in the kit. That helped me when I was npo in the hospital. It does keep away cotton mouth for a while. The scopolamine can give you the worst cotton mouth.
  11. Hey everyone I was wondering if any one has had the stomach flu post op? I don't currently have it but my sisters while family does and I baby sat for her so I am probably a day away from getting it, that seems to be the incubation time each one of them had. I'm kinda freaked out about it. I am 3 months post op. today I am going to try to hydrate as much but I have a feeling I may end up in the Ed if I get it. Does stomach flu effect us worse since we are missing part of our stomach? I dunno maybe Im over reacting but I'm just stressed about it.
  12. Last years work Christmas party, compared to this years!
  13. Thanks everyone! I'm only 3.5 months out! I still have 50 more lbs to loose! I just in love with the results so far!
  14. bubles089

    Aspirating stomach acid

    Take nexium or Prilosec . I had that in the first month post op but the anti acid meds helped
  15. bubles089

    August 2012 Sleevers?

    Sleeved 8/28 and I'm down 50, I am very slow loosing right now. I also am frustrated healthy meals don't go down well but snacky stuff does way to well. I want to eat like a normal person but can't :/ also anyone else have dizzy issues? I get dizzy when I stand up. All my labs r normal.
  16. bubles089


    I am 3 months out and it's def a slider food! I have no issues eating popcorn
  17. bubles089

    3 Months-Pics!

    You look great we are almost the same! I was 240 presurgery, no diet, 5'1" and am little over 3 months out. I am 192 now.
  18. I am 5'1" I am aiming for 135. I don't remember what my doctor said for me to be but at 14 I was 135 and that was small for me.
  19. bubles089

    Shrinking Sizes- Clothes Idea

    Let me know I live in Baltimore but my family is in Frederick, I go back about once a week.
  20. bubles089

    What Breaks Your Stall

    I'm on the same boat I am 3 months out at stuck around 195, I gain a pound and lose it like every other day! My nut told me to up my protein and water. I'm frustrated because I am in between jean sizes so they r falling off of me or way to tight! So frustrating! I have added little exercises at work like more stairs or lunges but with my school and work schedule I have little time to go to the gym :/
  21. bubles089

    Morning Nausea

    I am 3 months post op and still get that some times. It happens really bad if I eat close to bed time or if I am a little dehydrated. When I was fresh post op I would wake up a few times in the night and drink some.
  22. I am 5'1" started 240, surgery was 8/28 I am 197, on a week long stall, hopefully will break soon!
  23. I actually haven't mentioned it to my doctor yet, I know they will just say i need more water even though I'm drinking all I can. I figured I would mention it at my next apt. I waited a month after my surgery to go back to work. I have a very physically demanding job in a hospital. I Listen to my body and if I know that's a bad day I take extra precautions like holding on to something if I have to stand up or straiten up to fast. I also don't over extend my self like i use to. I ask for help when lifting a patient when I never use to. I ask for help if I have a very heavy assignment or know I have been busting my ass to much because I know that will make it worse. I take my blood pressure twice a week and its still the same 120/70 as before surgery. It never hurts to call your doctor. I was very weak for the first month post op. it wasn't until the past 3 weeks I have felt my energy return to me. Good luck
  24. I get that all the time!! I am 10 weeks out, surgery was 8/28, it's really bad when I get home from the gym, to the point I get tunnel vision. Not every day is the same, some days I don't have it. My friend that is almost 3 yrs out said she had it for the first year. My Bp is fine sitting but I know it bottoms out when I stand up. I just have learned to know my body and that my work outs can't be as hard as I want them to be. All my blood work is totally normal
  25. bubles089


    I have hoshimotos as well, I am on 200 a day but need to lower that dose because I'm hyper now and I get horrible hot flashes from it. My endocrinologist said as I loose weight my synthroid dose will drop. It is part weight based and part function based.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
