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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About Wanderlustingmama

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 07/08/1981

About Me

  • Biography
    Canadian woman sleeved May 2012, revision to GBP set for May 30, 2019
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  • Occupation
    Domestic Engineer
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  1. I feel like I could have written this myself! Aside from the being at goal part 🤦‍♀️ but I WAS nearly at one point and would not be considering a revision for weight loss reasons but the GERD that hasn’t let up in the past almost 7 years.... taking the meds this long can’t be good. I get it. There isn’t a whole lot of motivation like there is going into your first surgery. Wishing you lots of luck... keep us updated with what happens. I’m having my revision May 30th.
  2. Wanderlustingmama

    Gastric sleeve to gastric bypass

    That’s interesting and also sounds awful. A lot of trial and error involved in trying to figure out your triggers. Liquidy sugary things were also my undoing. I could nibble on a muffin or piece of birthday cake and be fine (not a great choice but... life) but if I had a sugary coffee/beverage I would get sick right away.
  3. Wanderlustingmama

    Gastric sleeve to gastric bypass

    Sounds like we have a lot in common. Do you have a surgery date?
  4. Wanderlustingmama

    Gastric sleeve to gastric bypass

    Not going to lie, this is a big fear. Aside from the reflux I’ve felt good all along. Kind of (really) nervous about tempting fate here by getting another surgery. That being said, I reacted pretty badly to sugar until I built up a resistance over time (stupid) but it definitely felt like what people explained when they described dumping syndrome.
  5. Wanderlustingmama

    Gastric sleeve to gastric bypass

    I’m also having a revision from sleeve to bypass at the end of May. I originally got a referral to my surgeon because of reflux (I’ve been on a ppi since the day of surgery... 7 years ago!) but as he works with a bariatric clinic he insisted I go through the clinic’s program even though he has warned me numerous times that I won’t lose much weight (ouch!) I haven’t found a whole lot online about weight loss success after revision especially from people that had some regain after their sleeve. Im motivated to get off the meds but knowing that it would help me with this regain would be extra motivating!
  6. Wanderlustingmama

    Feeling Hungary More Often

    It's normal to be hungry when you're still on liquids!! Don't despair, once you're on solids you'll then really start to feel your restriction. Take a chill pill, let your bodies heal. *sigh* I can't speak for everyone but nowhere in my research did I find that a hamburger (bun or not) was a good nutritional choice. With all due respect why did you go through all if this only to continue abusing your body? I just don't get it. Anyways, the hunger will get better. I'm almost 5 months out, down almost 80 lbs. I still get hungry, eat a healthy and small meal and I'm over it. This is real life... Hunger and all.
  7. I totally agree with that. I find it kind of helps me to be a food snob. Exactly what your friend said, I DON'T eat "xyz" puts the onus on ourselves, and a bit of a power feeling. Plus let's admit, we're all have a bit of a rebellious side to us. Merely the thought of I CAN'T eat that, or you SHOULDN'T eat that almost makes me say.."ya wanna bet?!" Interesting about the triggers. I haven't really figured out what mine are yet.
  8. Wanderlustingmama

    Menstrual Cycle Breaking Stalls?

    I'm in the same boat. I don't know why it's happening either. I track my cycles and when I ovulate I stall and then my period comes and I drop. Bodies can be so weird!!
  9. Wanderlustingmama

    May Sleeves Let's Show Our Stuff!

    Surgery May 15th Starting weight: 292 lbs Current weight: 222lbs Down an even 70! Congrats to all my fellow May sleevers
  10. Wanderlustingmama

    Diet Coke

    All good advice. My angle is I try to be a food snob! Might not work for everyone but whenever I see someone eating/drinking something I "can't" have I try to turn my (inner) thoughts into something along the lines of "Ugh, I don't drink diet coke/coke/beer. It does nothing for my body and I won't put that crap inside my teeny tiny stomach". Space is at a premium in this sleeve of mine.... I TRY to make every bite count and at the end of the day soda never got us anywhere good. That being said I too get bored of Water.... especially when at a restaurant I'd love to order a diet coke.. but I don't. You're breaking the habit.. don't feel bad that the temptation is still there. It'll lessen over time
  11. Wanderlustingmama

    Fruits And Vegetables

    I try to "sneak" veggies into my diet at every opportunity. I too am a big advocate of a balanced diet. So many people are doling out diet advice, especially telling people all about the evils of CARBS. What many people fail to realize is that fruits & veg ARE carbs. Starches, well that's just a different story I find Soups a good way to get in a good veg/protein ratio. If I'm making meatloaf or any sort of casseroles I make sure to always add a good amount of chopped up veg. Zucchini is perfect because it really cooks down and is pretty gentle on our guts. Have you ever tried a green smoothie? My favourite is 2 cups raw/organic baby spinach leafs, 1 banana (even better if it's really ripe and frozen!) with about a cup of non-fat milk. Blitz it in the blender and drink it up! There are tons of recipes out there for green smoothies (green monsters) and I'm sure you could even find a way to sneak in an extra serving of Protein in there via your favourite supplement.
  12. Wanderlustingmama


    I think once you're cleared for it and you really want to eat cereal then you should just go for it! There are plenty of healthy cereals out there these days. I thought I'd miss it but I just don't. I can fit so little food in my stomach these days that I'm just really picky about what I put in it. That being said if I found myself craving it, I'd go for it. Once in a while I sneak a couple of my son's cheerios but for a meal it just doesn't have enough nutrients in it. Oh, and to answer your question I was probably about 6 weeks out before I tried cereal again (if oatmeal counts then it was sooner)
  13. Wanderlustingmama


    Progress photos from my VSG journey.
  14. I try to focus on clean-eating for sure. It's about an 80/20 approach because of the limits with sugar. I don't have a sugar sensitivity but for instance my protein shake I wouldn't really consider "clean". Plus, where I live it's hard to find a lot of organic products (dairy, eggs, meat etc)
  15. Wanderlustingmama

    Ive Reached A Big Number.....

    You deserve all the happiness in the world. 90lbs is nothing to sneeze at. I was sleeved 5 days after you and have lost 66lbs so you saying your 90 isn't very good is kind of insulting... just another perspective. Be proud of your accomplishments... no shame in that

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