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Everything posted by CJULZGO


    Psychiatric Medication

    I haven't posted on LBT in quite some time. Just started back... Jasmine, I have been on Effexor for awhile now. If I don't take mine for a day I get very dizzy. Sometimes even if I forget it and wait until afternoon I will get dizzy. I've been on Prozac, Wellbutrin, Effexor, and a couple others. Most of them have made me dizzy if I didn't take them. Not so much with Wellbutrin. I have gotten a bit psychotic on a couple of them. But, I mostly get anxiety attacks, or I start to cry and can't stop. When that happens I know I need to have my meds adjusted.

    Sleep Apnea

    No, I did not know that. I haven't had mine that long I'vr had it just over a month. I got mine fixed and tried to wear it. But, the mask just drives me nuts. I really think I need a different mask. I'm in between a small and a medium. I definately would wear it if it fit right. But, I keep trying!! LOL

    Sleep Apnea

    Wow, Lots of good CPAP info. I hate mine. It was good at first. And once in awhile I sleep well with it. I liked it before my surgery when the mask fit right. Now the mask covers the upper part of my nose and I can't breath. And I can't keep it up high enough. I'm tugging and pulling on it all night long. I pulled the front off of it awhile back. I put it back together now it's messed up. I need to take it in to be fixed. But, I also think I need a different mask. I know if I could get the mask right I would sleep better with it. It just drives me crazy at the moment.

    What Peeves you?

    She makes me crazy. But, I watch her....LOL There is never anything with her that can be verified. I know intuitives who are able to verify their information. For some reason Sylvia Brown just never quit seems to add up to me. But Montel seems to love her, and I love Montel, so something must be ok there....LMAO:clap2:

    What Peeves you?

    Marimaru~ I agree with you on that one. I hate pedestrians that think it is a drivers job to keep an eye out for them. It is rude, inconsiderate, and basically stupid to expect a car to stop just because you walk out in front of it. If they insist on walking the wrong direction get out of my way when you do it. We were in a store yesterday with a shopping cart, this girl had a shopping cart she rushed to pass in front of us then slowed down just as she got in our way. I couldn't believe how stupid she was with a shopping cart. Can you imagine what she would be like with a car?
  6. Mollysmom~ Isn't it great to be able to to have revenge without really doing anything to instigate it. Of course carrying it on could be fun!! Good Luck Girl!!

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Congrats Jenn~ what a great feeling to know insurance is on your side. Maziemommy~We can do it. Lets help each other move forward. I am motivated again...however at a turtles pace. But, I'm going to do it. I have too. I have not other choice. We are all going to do it. I agree it's time to move to the positive and look forward to little black dresses, swimming suits, fun in crowds of people, and Lots and Lots of Pictures of US!!!!!!!

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Thank you Sara....I appreciate your kind words. I hope this will help with my health issues also. I have been in a major depression for a lot years now. When I do lose weight those issues start to lessen. Then something throughs me back into it. If I could get one thing under control (my weight) then I feel like I can get back on track with other things. My surgery is scheduled for 1 pm. They said to be at the hospital at 10am just in case someone is canceled. Thanks again.
  9. Good Job Badonkadonk~~~~You go Girl!!!!!

    Chat Room?

    I've been there a few times but not much has ever been going on. I would like to chat in a chat room also.
  11. Kara~ That is so sad to have someone do that at your wedding. Why do people think its ok to be rude in the name of being funny? It's not funny and it's not acceptable.
  12. Going down~ I hope you are loud and clear also. There is no reason for that. I had gotten down to about 200 lbs I was thinner than I had been in years I was also 6 months out from having a tummy tuck and a breast lift. I was so proud of myself. I had a friend who is a man old enough to be my father tell me that no one would want me except a blue collar worker who was out to get a good f__k. I was defistated absolutely crushed. I have not told him about my fiance or my surgery. I don't talk to this man very often because I am afraid of the ration of crap that he will lay on me. I am pulling for you!! Keep up the good work. But don't be surprised if he acts like he doesn't notice the next time you see him. People like that are never happy.

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    ~ShineOn ~ I think thats normal. I think we are all stressing way too much...LOL!! I know I am. I have gained and lost the same 5 lbs like 3 times. It's making me nuts!! Take care and best of luck!!

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Jenn~ You might as well take it easy now while you can....cuz in a month you'll be kinda busy!! Keep up the good work. You'll do fine! You have a lot of unseen backup support and they will watch over you!! Thanks MMM! Terri~ Thank you!! I don't think losing a child gets any easier. You just learn how to deal with it or you don't. And sometimes I Don't so I just sit down let myself have a good cry and then go about my business. It is extremely comforting to have him near. Sometimes it is painful not to be able to touch him or to have dreams about him and wake up to realize that he is passed over. But, He is always there to comfort and let me know that all is well. I think this is such a great place to make friends and to have such a wonderful support system! it is amazing.

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Traci~ There for awhile I wondered if I was going to need a straight jacket. I started drinking heavily....luckily I have now quit. It was a way to avoid the physical and emotional pain. It didn't last for long but I could start over a few days later. I am a social drinker so I made every attempt possible to go out with friends. Now I'm just a lazy bum!!! LOL )said in the most loving possible way.) My kids are also my life. I have another son and a daughter and they are all equally as important to me. I tried to hide my pain but everyone knew I was a mess. I still cry a lot. I just passed the 5th anniversary on Mar 1. My birthday is Feb 28, and his birthday is April 11. Each year on his birthday, my other 2 kids and I try to go out for his birthday to one of his favorite places. Jenn~ I do understand the fear of change. I have found that the more I fear it the more my life changes. So, I just go with the flow. I have put my life in the hands of the Universe. When I allow the Universe to run my life things flow quite well. If I try to force issues then it all goes to hell. Sometimes I have to tell my son to be quiet....LOL! If he isn't heard he won't stop until I acknowledge him. But it is very comforting to know that what I taught him here on earth he is continuing the teaching with me on the other side. My point is, "THIS TOO SHALL PASS." I know I worry and obsese too much about things I can't contol. I just have to keep remembering to all the EBB AND FLOW of the Universe to make the abundance flow into my life. When I decided to do the surgery I had a snag in the beginning so I kind of gave up. Then I found out that I could still do it. So, I let the Universe take over. It has all come around in just over a month. The Dr turned in the request to my insurance on a Fri afternoon and the insurance called the Dr office on Monday to say Yup she's approved.

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Jenn, Ditto to everything that Traci wrote. I have all of those fears too. I am scheduled for April 2nd. My Doc will not do the surgery unless I lose 25 lbs or close to it. I have been on his diet for 3 weeks. I did not exercise at first because I was sick. I have been exercising and eating veggies and slim fast. I have gained and lost the same 5 lbs 3 times. I have an appt on Mar 29 and I have all this weight to lose. I went to my GP today to get my CPAP and was right back where I started with my weight. I am in a lot of pain I have rhumetoid arthrits, migraines, spondylitis, fibromialgia, chronic fatigue, epstein barr, high blood pressure, insulin resistance, plus I get sick easy from the meds I take for rhumetoid. I feel like I am a lazy ass. I have not cleaned my apartment in weeks other than what I absolutely have to do. I have this weird thought all the time that if I get thin and get feeling better and start to feel stressed will I have an excuse anymore. I don't do a lot because of my health and my weight. Will people think I can do anything and expect too much out of me. Isn't it strange what our minds do to us to compensate for our insecurities. Also, I had a son pass away 5 years ago from a brain aneurysm. He was almost 23. He was my oldest and we were best friends. He makes my lights blink, there was one house I lived in that he would open and close doors, I talk to him all the time, and I do hear him answer me. I have had dreams about him telling me that he is fine and that he is home. He has also told me that he is always with me and all I have to do is think about him and he will be here. I have received a lot of comfront from having him do what he does. It never scares me it just makes me laugh. I went to a psychic last Nov. He said there was a man standing next to me with the uniform on who thought the psychic was funny. He described Jarom and his attitude. I'm sure that you will do fine with your surgery. I think we all worry too much over things we can't control. Good Luck and keep watching and listening to those signs that come to you.

    Paying Drug Abusers to be Sterilized

    Fran~ So, well said!! Those of us who have never had to deal with anyone close to us with a drug addiction do not know what it is like to go through it. We look at different additions differently. Unfortunately drug addicts get hit with a major brunt from society. I commend your fortitude in bringing me into the light. It is a very difficult situation to be in. Thank you!!

    Paying Drug Abusers to be Sterilized

    This is not necessarily true. I know a few people who have used meth they say that it heightens the sex drive and you can't get enough. They also have said that most meth users will seek out another meth user because of the heightened sex drive. Because no one else is able to keep up with them, they will also seek out numerous partners while they are high. I have a gay friend who was homeless in LA, selling meth, and was having sex with hunreds of partners. He was on A&E intervention last season. Although it does heighten the sex drive after about six months it does make it hard for men to get an erection. ics-policy-issues/medical-sexual-health/meth-7442.htm I think this is a sticky situation. However I do beleive the children are the most important factor. As in child abuse why does it have to happen before someone is stopped. And when those people do it repeatedly why isn't there some way to stop them from repeating the abuse. Also, there are so many drug abusers out there, catching all of them would be impossible. But stopping the drug user before another child is born addicted to drugs, abused or in extreme cases murdered would be my suggestion. Even if it was a temporary thing...however, an IUD or the implant could be easily removed in a drug induced state. I would opt for paying for the sterilization, and then suggesting help with rehab. If rehab is refused then no further money would be given. If rehab is accepted then why not use the money for furthering their education and becoming productive. I don't think there is any ony answer to this question however, I do think there could be options with it. Maybe not all of them will work for everyone. But, it certainly could be worked into something that could work for some.

    Doing research

    maziemommy~ Fibromialgia has a lot of symptons like arthritis and chronic fatigue. This past week has been bad for me. Either I can't sleep without meds or I am so tired that I sleep all the time. I have not been up before noon any day in the past week. I am on disability due to chronic back pain and the other things. My doctor says that I should not drink caffine after noon but it doesn't matter if I am going through a phase where I can't sleep then I just plain and simply can't sleep. They tell me to change my diet and to exercise. But, I can hardly drag myself around my apartment to do the cleaning let alone exercise. I have been exercising but it is very difficult because it causes a set back. Then I will go into a depression. I'm not sure what else to tell you except that it does affect my whole family also. My kids are grown and out of the house. But they worry about me a lot. I live with my fiance and luckily he is very very patient with me. But I know it is not easy for him. If you would like to talk privately I am on yahoo messenger at crystalglow1@yahoo.com. I would be happy to visit with you more about it.

    What Peeves you?

    I have a pet peeve that I get reminded of constantly on tv. No matter what the man looks like on tv he is with a gorgeous woman. If the star of the program is an overweight woman then she is paired up with a someone overweight or the guy is a complete moron. I have been overweight for close to 30 years. I am fairly intelligent, I have a life. I have never even dated someone close to the dorks they pair women with on tv. Example 1 King of Queens, the main character is a dorky, overweight man, who is paired with a cute skinny adorable woman. Example 2 Roseanne Barr is the star of the show she is overweight and a comedian, with an attitude. Paired with an overweight goofy man. (Even though this was one of my favorite shows in it's hey day.) Example 3 According to Jim.....Jim Belushi is paired with a thin, gorgeous woman. When they pair up her brother he is always with a thin gorgeous woman. Both men are overweight and goofy..... I could go on and on!! If they pair a not so handsome woman with a well built, good looking, intelligent man. The woman always ends up being the Ugly duckling type who all of a sudden transforms into a raving beauty. Is it just me? It just seems like they always make the women look like idiots unless they are a Dr, Lawyer, or cop. I know it's tv, it's not reality. However, I do feel that this is a big reason why there is so much weight discrimination out there.
  21. Oh Sasha~ That is horrible. Your own cousin saying that. I would have punched him in the face. I absolutely discustes me how some people treat others. I have more than once said someone who acts like that is not family to me. I have enemies that have treated me better. I don't subscribe to the "Blood is thicker than water" saying. I think people who are good to you and make you feel loved are family. I have stayed away from family members just because of that sort of treatment. And I have made it well know to them that they are the reason why I stay away. Don't let an Ass like that ruin your life. Its not worth it. Keep on keepin on (wow that saying certainly dates me LMAO)!!!

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Hi everyone!! I'm in a dilema and need some advice. I have surgery on April 2nd. I have to lose 25 lbs (or close to it) or the Doc won't do the surgery. I have tried and tried. I have exercised. I have been doing the diet he suggested. I have gained and lost the same 5 lbs about 3 times. It's making me crazy. If I can't have the surgery now I might not have insurance for it later (long drawn out disablility story). And I am pumped for LBS and don't want to wait any longer. I have been exercising 5 times a week 30 minutes the diet he suggested is a Protein dring for breakfast, 3 slim fasts a day and all the veggies I want for lunch and dinner. I was back up 2 1/2 lbs this morning. I hardly ate anything at all yesterday. Any suggestions would be greatly welcomed. Thanks

    What Peeves you?

    Bubblebutt~ Stop I'm in tears!!!!

    What Peeves you?

    :love: Oh the Humanity!!!!

    Rights of Medical Providers

    I have another scenario to ask about? A man goes into the hospital with a heart attack that has blown out the bottom of his heart. He has signed Do Not Resusitate papers. His wife is with him and tells the Drs that her husband does not want to be resusitated. Then his daughters from a previous marriage come in and say that they want him resusitated....Who wish is to be honored?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
