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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by CJULZGO


    What Peeves you?

    I am dying here!!! :faint: I am imagining you running naked through the house with a lizard, screaming, standing at the front door (naked) throwing it out and screaming.....OMG!!! I am LMAO!!!

    Got Children? Got Grand-Children? Read this!

    faithmd~ And meth addicts get anorexic thin. The people in the adds have too much meat on their bones to be meth addicts. But, they are good adds
  3. I am not a pet person, and in that catagory I place small children, plants, animals, and most men. BTW I am not a man hater...I actually love all of the above. I just don't like things I have to take care of on a minute to minute basis. I know my limits!! LOL....I am saying all of this in fun. I don't have any small children, nor plants, nor animals, and the man in my life is very self sufficiant.

    What Peeves you?

    Thank you T.O.M.!!! Just an observation of a few issues that have been alittle too close to home.

    Got Children? Got Grand-Children? Read this!

    T.O.M.~ I really really hate the cigarette commercials to discourage people from smoking. Most people that I know hate them and won't give up smoking because they hate the commercials so bad. I have never heard of anyone quiting due to the commercials. I've always felt that if poeple were going to smoke they were going to smoke regardless of the add campaigns. I've seen some of the meth adds. They were showing them on the news here in Boise, Idaho. Idaho is thinking about doing some of the same adds. With the help of the producers of the Montana adds. I have been so impressed with the add campaign. These commercials show real life incidents. Not some wanna be bad horror flick that the cigarette commercials do. Most of the people I know who have gotten involved in meth say they wish they had never done it....not even once. I also encourage everyone to watch this program and get your kids and grandkids to watch it also...no matter what age. People of all ages are getting into it.

    Got Children? Got Grand-Children? Read this!

    T.O.M.~ I really really hate the cigarette commercials to discourage people from smoking. Most people that I know hate them and won't give up smoking because they hate the commercials so bad. I have never heard of anyone quiting due to the commercials. I've always felt that if poeple were going to smoke they were going to smoke regardless of the add campaigns. Most of the people I know who have gotten involved with meth say they wish they had never tried it. I hope everyone will watch this program and get their kids and grandkids to watch it also. I've seen some of the meth adds. They were showing them on the news here in Boise, Idaho. Idaho is thinking about doing some of the same adds. With the help of the producers of the Montana adds. I have been so impressed with the add campaign. These commercials show real life incidents. Not some wanna be bad horror flick that the cigarette commercials do. Most of the people I know who have gotten involved in meth say they wish they had never done it....not even once. I also encourage everyone to watch this program and get your kids and grandkids to watch it also...no matter what age. People of all ages are getting into it.
  7. Ok...one of the most hurtful things that has been said to me has nothing to do with weight. I have had bad headaches since I was in the 7th grade. If I go a day without a headache it is a very good day. I try not to impose my pain on anyone else, however, when I do have a headache it is hard not to see it all over my face. When I would get a headache, my sister would say to me "Oh so you have one of your headaches." and it was said with a snide tone to it. Now she has headaches and she will throw the back of her hand up to her forehead and say. "OH my I have one of my headaches."

    What Peeves you?

    Here's another pet peeve!!!! I think you should give your kids encouragement when they need it, build their self esteem, make them feel loved and appreciated. I also think that building them up with false positivity is harmful. There is a difference between you can do and be anything you want to and you can behave anyway you want to. I don't see anything wrong with saying you can do or be anything you want to be. However, turning them into self centered, egomaniacs, who never think of anyone but themselves, and never take any responsibility for their bad behavior makes my skin crawl.

    So mad that I can't see straight...

    Then when the teacher suggests that the young niece isn't serious about her school career, Buck says to the teacher,"Here's a quarter, why don't you go down town and have a rat knaw that thing off your face." Sorry, one of my favorite scenes from one of my favorite movies. A very funny line in reaction to a remark by a stupid person. I'm not saying your neighbor/husband's boss is stupid. I think what he said was a reaction due to past experience. If you decide to speak to him do it carefully, don't say something you might regret.

    What Peeves you?

    I love this thread.... My pet peeves are bold faced liars. The word a lot has been a pet peeve for awhile now. I was taking some college courses one instructore specifically said that a lot was 2 words. I could not believe how many people continued to spell it wrong. People who drive the wrong way in a parking lot then give you a dirty look as if you did something wrong. People who bump you in a store and don't say excuse me or I'm sorry. If you go to visit someone and they think everyone in the room thinks their children or animals are as cute as they think they are. Then allow them to climb all over you or hit you or become a nuisance. I love childen however, my children are grown and I do not have grandchildren. I don't enjoy having a child continue to climb on me when I have asked them to stop. While the parent just sits there saying nothing to the child. I am not a pet lover, I don't care if other people have them but I don't want them climbing on me, licking me, putting their butts in my face, and I don't like animal hair on my clothes. And last but not least.... Going into someones home and having the smell hit you in the face when the door opens Smelly bathrooms that need to be cleaned. People who have animals but don't take care of them or the messes that they make in the house (IE) Messes on the floor and Nasty Cat boxes that should have been dumped days ago!!!!! (Unfortunately these are one from people in my own family).

    Doing research

    Oceanspirit and flowergurl~ My name is Julie, I am 48, 254 lbs. I have battled with my weight since my first child in 1979. I have Rhuematoid Arthritis, Fibromialgia, High blood pressure, insulin resistance, a genetic back problem and migraines. I am in constant pain of some kind. I am fairly new to LBT as a registered user however, I have been checking posts on here since Sept/Oct 06. I have been encouraged by the information that you find on LBT. I had decided to have surgery then I decided not to. But I have made the decision to go through with it and I am scheduled for April 2nd. I am glad that I waited the extra few months I'm not sure I was really ready but now I am. All of my conditions are worse with the weight. I am on disability because of pain. I wish I had had the opportunity to have this done when I was your age. But, I also agree with maziemommy that an informed decission and research is the best way to decide. Use this site the people here are great and can help you make your decissions. Best of Luck to both of you!!
  12. Derick~ I moved from Idaho to California after I got married. I was 18 and had never really been away from home. I was quite sheltered and moving was one of the best things I ever did. It was culture shock to begin with however, it helped me grow into my own being. I had to make friends, I had to do things for myself, I had to learn to be more open minded, it was a great experience for me. When I did move back to Idaho 14 years later, my now ex husband had to drag me back kicking and screaming. I lived in my home town until my kids were out of school then moved away again. You would do great in a new environment!!! Good Luck!!
  13. Kity~ I agree this is such a great group. I am fairly new on here but I have shared things that normally I wouldn't have. It is nice to be able to relate with other people who have gone through similar situations. One thing I have noticed is that even overweight people are rude to someone else who is overweight. I was called a Fat Bitch one time by a guy who made me look like a twig. I think that we can help each other so much on here. It is a positive place to be. A good place to hug each other, pat each other on the back, and tell each other good job....well done (and I'm not talking steak here either) LMAO!!!!

    Watch It**live**

    Rockn4u~ Thanks for the LBS site. I watched it and if it doesn't bother others to watch it is worth seeing what is done and what to expect. Thanks again.
  15. Rachel, My name is Julie. I am on a pre-op diet also. Luckily mine is for only a few weeks however, my Dr wants me to lose 25 lbs. 2 weeks ago he would not do surgery on 3 patients because they had not lost their pre-op weight. I am so afraid that I might not make it. (But determined that I will). I am scheduled for April 2nd. I have lost and gained the same damn 5 lbs 3 or 4 times now. It is frustrating. I've never been able to lose easily as it is. 25lbs in 3 weeks is a lot considering the average weight loss after the band is 1 to 3 lbs a week.
  16. Anon~ I am getting close also. I am scheduled for April 2nd. I am feeling exactly the same way you are. I keep pressing the stop button on the little tape recorder in my head but I think I keep missing and hit rewind instead. "Will I still be hungry?" Will I lose weight or will I be that one person who has to have the band removed?" Will I be able to lose the pre-op weight?" It's making me a bit crazy. I am on disability so I have to find ways to get me to stop thinking about it. I am either on the computer or reading. I bought a bunch of books to occupy my time and mind....it has helped. Best of luck to you!!! You will be fine!!
  17. I've been on antibiotics....just finished a 10 day regime. I have a dr appt Monday so Hopefully it will be over by then.

    Being banded IS the easy way out!

    There will always be those uneducated idiots who think that because you don't do things the way they do that its cheating or the easy way out. I used to hear it from other nail techs when I did nails with tips. They would say if you used tips you were a cheater or did it the easy way. I did nails for 14 years and had one of the biggest nail clientels in my town. I heard it from women who were breast feeding maniacs. I agree breast feeding is the best for the child however, some mothers (like me) just aren't equipted to do it successfully. I had such huge breasts (48HH) that the large amounts of fat and tissue blocked the milk glands, my poor babies were starving. I also heard it when I had a breast reduction and a Tummy Tuck. Why don't you just exercise and cut back on your food. I had the c-section belly that won't go away with exercise. I don't tell too many people about lap band so luckily most have been supportive. It is a situation where you have to come to terms with what you feel is best for you. Do It and don't appologize for losing weight, feeling great, and being active. The uneducated idiots need to "butt out" and just be happy and supportive of those who are trying to make life better for themselves.
  19. Hi, my name is Julie. I am a newbie to LapBand Talk. I have done all of my preliminary doctor visits and I am now scheduled to have surgery on April 2, 07. I am so excited I can hardly stand it. I am supposed to lose 25 lbs before surgery and that is a challenge. The best part of this is that I have a wonderful support system. My family and most of my friends are in full support of my decision to have the LapBand done. When I first told my fiance about it he equated it with gastric bypass. However, since then he has taken the time to learn more about LapBand and is in full support. I have spent time reading posts here on LapBand Talk prior to registering. Thanks to everyone for answering many of the questions that I have had. I know this will be a good help for me in the future.
  20. WOW!! This is crazy! I am 19 days away....I found out a week ago that I was approved. I''ve been sick since I found out. Cold flu headache....it sucks!!!!


    When I went for my psych eval I had researched LBS, but was still a bit hesitant, I was stressed, depressed, & feeling sorry for myself. Probably the wrong day to have a psych eval done. Most of those emotions had to do with being overweight. Although I had had many other issues from the past that have contributed to the emotional instability. I have a type 1 diabetic daughter. My second oldest son (age 25) is a dear but has had issues keeping a job. I got divorced 5 1/2 yrs ago....and had just found out positively that my ex husband is gay. Then 5 months later my oldest son passed away. I have had my issues!!! LOL (at least I can laugh). My son and I were best friends. I was young when he was born, I talk to my son all the time. So, how do you answer the "Do you hear voices question" and then answer "Do you lie" question. Without sounding like a NUT!!! Well needless to say th psychologist told me that I needed to get my antidepressant meds adjusted. (Which I had been working on.) Then he told me that I had to see another therapist....I never did know why he said that. Except maybe to do some additional counseling. Of course I started to cry in his office because I was going to have to wait for surgery. So, I put off doing anything more for LBS. When I spoke with my surgeons office the psych eval just said that I needed to get stablized on my meds and have the prescribing physician write a letter saying that I was stable and ok to have surgery. I wanted to call the psychologist and ask him How did he answer the do you lie? quetion. If he had asked me why are you so depressed I would have said because I am FAT. But he looked through mywritten eval and saw my history and just assumed that I had too much going on. As I looked back I knew all of the above was part of it however, the main reason for depression was weight, illness, and pain. Anyway. I could have had surgery by the end of 2006 but waited because of the eval. But Am looking forward to April 2nd!!! WHOO HOO!!!

    People Are Rude

    Good for you for speaking up!! When are people going to realize that everyone is not all the same? Isn't it amazing you can't win for losing. If you had ordered a 12 inch she would have given you the "My God you eat that much!" look." You order a 6 inch and you get the "are you sure that's enough!" comment. I used to work with a gal who was very small 5'4" 110 lbs. Never had a weight problem or a health issue. Everytime I would have a conversation with her she would "eye ball" me up and down with this discusting puckered look on her face. If we talk she always always turns the conversation to diet. It really used to piss me off!! Now I can't wait until I can go back there and be thin and be able to look her up and down...LOL. Not that I will do that. But you never know I just might!!
  23. Thanks Kity~ I've been over there and it is a very good group. Congrats on you date. It's a day after mine. Good luck and keep in touch!!
  24. ~sirena~ I knew I was overweight when the Dr wrote that I was obese. However, having it in writing in front of my face was probably the biggest eye opener for me. Yes, It hurt but I had never thought of myself as obese. At that time I was determined to change that. It's taken a lot of years to finally get to this point but I don't think I would have been as determined if the Dr had just written that I was overweight. One more thing, You know how it feels to be treated poorly because of obesity. You will have the tact and love and concern for this woman that it will take to handle the situation. Plus you already said it yourself you have started making progress. I know you wouldn't purposely try to offend her. She might initially take offense. But, that is her choice. She will be able to see the progress you have made and that you care about her well-being, therefore making a positive impact on her life. Sometimes we need to take offense to something someone has said to us to put us into action. I know you will do great!! Good luck to you!!

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Tracy~ thanks for posting 4/06 bandsters. It really helps to see all of those names and #'s at once. That is such a great way to keep up the idea that I know that I will be able to accomplish those #'s myself. mdrai~ I went and exercised last night I felt the same way. I was surprised that I felt as well as I did when I was done. However, tonight may be a different story LOL!! But I am determined to do it!!!

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