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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Kalimomof3

  1. Kalimomof3

    Seeking Buddies 5'2" & Under

    I was 218 day of surgery and 2 months out am down only 28 lbs. I am 5'2 and 32 yrs old so similar loss rate...
  2. Kalimomof3

    I Hate It When People Misuse "literally"!

    I also make fun of my husband for saying "shour" instead of "shower". He also puts the words "over" and "to" and makes "overta"as in "I need to go overta Walmart"Don't get me wrong my husband is a smart guy but this is what makes me crazy about it lol.
  3. Kalimomof3

    I Hate It When People Misuse "literally"!

    I heard one yesterday that makes me cringe all the time as well. When people say "mine's or mines" (not quite sure how they spell it) instead of mine. As in "the red car is mine's" instead of "the red car is mine" It is like they don't know the word mine is possessive so they add an apostrophe "s"
  4. Kalimomof3

    Weight Goal Challenge For New Year's Day

    Jan 1st weight was 189.6 so I made it to my 190 goal,whew that was a rough one!!!
  5. Did not weigh yesterday:) Today's weight 189.6 Yay Goal!
  6. Today's weight 194 4 pounds till New Years Goal!
  7. I am doing much better I believe I am going to be alright. Thanks for all the support and prayers I really think that prayer is what did it:)
  8. Kalimomof3

    Weight Goal Challenge For New Year's Day

    December 16th weight: 197 only 7lbs more for challenge goal:)
  9. I am still here. I went home for 2 days but am back today they were prepared to do a revision tomorrow but we have decided to do a few more tests.The doctors are dumb founded at my condition and have never seen this happen before and my doctor has been in Bariatrics for years..,
  10. Ok scope revealed that their is a small twist in my sleeve like my doctor thought. Fluid and some foods can make it through but only in small amounts. They have put me back on liquids to see if my sleeve will tolerate very small sips all day long and get me enough nutrition in order to buy time enough see whether this issue will resolve itself or enough time that they don't need to do surgery for a few weeks at least as it would since it will be more tricky to do right now at only 4 weeks out.
  11. The swallow study didn't show anything definitive.Now the docs want to sedate me and go in through my mouth with a scope and have a look around and he says it may be difficult due to the shape of my sleeve (the "J"shape) they are looking for ulceration a or anything abnormal.If they decide I need a revision they want to see if they can put it off a few weeks if they can get me to tolerate any nutrition . Just continue I pray that they get to the bottom of this mess soon. Thank you all for your support!
  12. I have a sleeve that loops at the bottom like a letter "J" and my sleeve is also long and thin the doctor is afraid it may be twisting when I eat or drink and causing my pain. There has been no conclusive tests yet though. They are going to do a scope tomorrow.I posted about my loop in another thread on my surgery day which was November 7th.
  13. Tests,tests and more test but still nothing definitive:(
  14. The docs came in today and said that if my swallow study doesn't show a problem that it may be a sign the my earlier issue with my sleeve being a long "J" shape may be the culprit. They think it may be twisting on itself when I eat or drink. If this is the case a revision surgery to a bypass will be necessary. Please continue to pray for me as I appreciate it and I will keep you updated - Kali
  15. Kalimomof3

    Anyone Have A Problem With Cucumbers?

    Cucumbers are known to cause gas so you may not want to eat them for that reason alone.Not too mention your sleeve is probably still too new for ruffage.Idk it might be just me but I avoid gas causes
  16. I had my gallbladder removed in '06 but the pain is similar to gallbladder attacks but just way more intense They are you going to do another swallow study in the morning.....
  17. Doc said they want to do a repeat barium swallow tomorrow. He said my labs pretty normal and didn't indicate anything as far as what is causing my pain..
  18. Kalimomof3

    Pureed Recipes

    I scramble eggs with 1TBS low fat sour cream mixed in instead of milk and it makes eggs soft and really tasty. I also make tuna a little can with 1/4 avacado mashed and pressed or powdered garlic which sounds weird but is yummy:)
  19. Kalimomof3

    Weight Goal Challenge For New Year's Day

    Today's weight: 207
  20. Kalimomof3

    Let's Check In November 2012 Sleevers!

    You may need to see your doctor... Dehydration is no joke. My friend had GBP on the 14th and they admitted her yesterday for dehydration. I know sleeve is different but you could be dehydrated and that would certainly cause some fatigue.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
