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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Kalimomof3

  1. Kalimomof3

    Panera Hidden Menu is Protein WOW

    Thanks for sharing,I have a Panera within walking distance!
  2. Kalimomof3

    Shrimp and Tilapia?

    It really depends I am 10+weeks out and I can do fish as long as it is moist and I can do crab but shrimp gives me issues still.You could probably try if you are on soft diet or beyond that but go SLOW:)
  3. I am back in the hospital . Yesterday afternoon I had a couple sips of a protein shake and was struck by a 45 minute episode of the most horrendous pain from the middle of my chest down about halfway to my belly button radiating to my back ribs. I had a shorter episode last night here in the hospital after they made me drink 500 mls for a ct scan. I am waiting on my surgeon to come in with a plan on figuring out what is wrong... I don't k ow hat it could be and I am hoping its not a leak or anything to do with my loop:(
  4. I have told family but only a few close friends.I feel it really isn't every one else's business. I know my MIL has probably told everyone she knows and that is enough people gossiping about me and naysaying . It is all about your comfort level as far as who and what to tell:)
  5. The doc decided at the last minute the night before that he wanted to wait a little longer.My Bariatric Surgeon has been doing this a while and he just wanted to give my sleeve a little more time to do what it needed to do.None of the swallow studies or scopes gave any indication there was a problem with the sleeve itself.We waited and watched me eat in hospital and they rehydrated me and he sent me home a couple days later and I had a follow up 2 weeks after that.Things are much better I am just taking it day by day trying to get enough protein in:)
  6. I ask for a To Go Box up front and then order what I think I can handle.I am 10weeks out and on Monday we went out for my hubs Bday and I ordered the 7oz Filet Mignon and Steamed broccoli.They brought salad I ate a few cucumbers off it and pushed it away.I did not touch the bread basket bc bread does not sit well with me.When my steak came I cut 1/3 off it and put the rest and the broccoli except 2 florets in the box so that restaurant meal made 3 meals for me.When my husband had dessert I had one bite and was good to go . I do not feel deprived bc I generally eat what my family eats (I cook it) but way less .I don't go places I can't find something decent to eat and my HB supports that:)
  7. Kalimomof3

    Horror Story

    Wow crazy how someone's Horror Story turned into a huge debacle between believers and non believers.I have to admit I am skeptical when it comes to either extreme when someone tells their story.I am neither a fan of too much sunshine and rainbows or hellfire and brimstone I generally think the truth tends to be somewhere in between in most cases.That being said we are all here for support at least I know that is why I come here and personal attacks on people whether we agree with their opinions or not is not being supportive:) When I was new on the forum I allowed myself to be drawn into a couple of counter productive arguments until I realized it was exactly that. I appreciate coming on here and seeing people share their differing points of view without malice. I can see how some of this thread will be good for newbies doing their research but some of it not so much...but that is just my $0.02 Can't we all just get along
  8. Kalimomof3

    Let's Check In November 2012 Sleevers!

    Sleeved November 7th and have lost 34lbs which is slower than some but as long as weight is dropping it's all good!
  9. Kalimomof3

    If there was one....

    Do it!Don't be like me and my scale I weigh 2x a day minimum and it's a sickness it really is!
  10. Kalimomof3

    African American Sleevers

    I am over 2 months and I still get that feeling sometimes. I have to make myself focus on eating slow.. Sometimes I eat while on the computer on FB or Pinterest just to make sure I am taking time between bites....
  11. Kalimomof3

    Attention ! Australian Sleevers

    Hey everyone, I just found out we are scheduled to head back out to The Alice by the end of the year.We will be doing another 3 years and I am excited but yet nervous bc healthcare in Alice can be a little dicey but I know that for any major issues we will be flown to Adelaide or wherever we need to go.Just a little nervous with my sleeve but I will be nearly 1 year out when we arrive I can't wait to begin yet another Australian Adventure!
  12. Kalimomof3

    November 5Th Sleevers?

    Don't worry!I was sleeved on Nov 7th and am down only 34 lbs and I even had 10 days straight where I was unable to eat and was in hospital.I started with a BMI of 39.9 day of surgery and now it is 33.7 I am trying to get to a bmi of 24. I have noticed a lot of people with higher bmi than me are losing at a faster rate. I am not gonna complain much though loss is loss I am just glad to see the scale going in reverse:)
  13. Kalimomof3

    My 2 month mark

    I was 2 months out on the 7th and am down 34 lbs since day of surgery!I am loving onederland I was a 16/18 at start and am now wearing a 12 and even some 10s
  14. Kalimomof3

    Introduce Yourselves!!

    Hi everyone just checking in I am 2 months out and down 34 lbs since day of surgery a little on the slow side but hey I made it to onederland and it is onederful. I found out we may well be going back Down Under next fall we were in Australia before we came here to San Antonio and we have been trying to get back so I am excited! Hope everyone is doing well on their journey<3 Kali
  15. Kalimomof3

    Let's Check In November 2012 Sleevers!

    Hey Everyone!Just checking in was sleeved 11/7 and have experienced some hiccups but it's all good now Pre op diet start weight 226 Day of surgery weight 218 Today's weight 184.2

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
