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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Kalimomof3

  1. I normally don't but if I am genuinely hungry then I may eat some of them but not all 500 I tend to burn in a workout Sometimes if I know I am going to eat something "bad" I will exercise more than normal to compensate for those calories.
  2. I put...Gasp..real sugar in my morning cup of coffee! I don't feel guilty though I have to have sugar and milk in it or I can't drink it and me without my coffee isn't a good scene for anyone lol.I really don't have a lot of "no-nos" My surgeon didn't give me any I just make sure I stay within my guidelines calorie/carbs wise and am meeting my protein and other nutritional goals.
  3. Kalimomof3

    Resetting the system

    I am six months out and I am thinking of going back to a style of eating I did when I was on a diet called Cohen's Diet it is Called Dr. Cohens 1st Personal Diet here in the USA .I am not going to do it the exact same way but the fundamental of it were good and Calories worked out to be 700-800 daily. It was very simple . A day for me would have been BF 175 gms or 6oz plain yogurt Snack apple Lunch 90gms or 3 oz lean beef +120 gm or 4 oz green salad Snack orange Dinner 120 or 4 oz fish +100gm or 3.5 oz low gi veg. It also allowed for about 5 simple crackers like saltines idk why. And 64 oz of water But no other sugar or carbs other than in the 2 fruits veg and crackers There is a list of approved fruits and veg I have somewhere and I will have to add more protein but I think it is the controlled carbs that made a difference. We were allowed 5 Splenda packets too:) There were some variations like you could have an egg+ veg for BF or 2 oz off cheese +veg for breakfast. And you could change the meat and eat lamb or chicken or kangaroo or venison instead of beef just no pork. Fish was any white fish or shrimp. Salad could be steamed or raw low gi veg.
  4. Kalimomof3

    I feel like I'm new again

    Cheri, I can tell from your post you are stressed. At 5 weeks post partum and having 2 bouts of mastitis and add to that 5yr old twins and a move who wouldn't be ?We are military and I find these moves make me insane in the 2 months before and after just give yourself space and time to breathe and are gonna be just fine.I am telling you this from my own crazy stage of pre PCS right now .You were so good at losing the first time around you will find your groove again of this I am sure:) No worries!
  5. Kalimomof3

    A wonderful hot plate for sleevers!

    Funny that nearly 6 months out I was eating my dinner the other night wondering if I was the only sleever tired of eating cold food that wasn't meant to be cold or if maybe everyone else had some secret to keeping their food warm for 20- 30 minutes while eating
  6. Kalimomof3

    Old Habits Die Hard...

    Here is my thing...If I decide to do something dumb I am just going to do it. I don't need to come on here to seek permission or approval from others . The cheeseburger posts make me lol bc they are always a train wreck and I truly wonder why anyone would put something like that out there and expect positive responses. I don't know if it is like confession or what?I do get genuinely concerned when people skip stages and say things like "I am not on solids yet but I ate a piece of chicken" I know that they know they shouldn't be doing it otherwise they wouldn't post it so I try to keep quiet but some times I can't help myself.
  7. Kalimomof3

    Im stronger later in the day- wha!?

    Banana and a glass of milk. Quick carb fast absorbing and healthy +protein in the milk:) I use Mootopia which a lactose free milk with extra protein there are other brands as well.
  8. Kalimomof3

    I Want To See Before & After Pics!

    Ps. I will be 6 months out on May 7th and my goal is to get to 130 so 30 more lbs
  9. So I planned to keep mine a secret because i knew my hubs family would be judgemental.I went against my better judgement and decided to tell my MIL and I didn't tell anyone else in his family but I can tell she told everyone I can see the judgement in their eyes when they see the new thinner me. I know she is talking about me behind my back and how I "took the easy way out" and she has complimented other members of our family on their weight loss achievements but never me. I know I shouldn't care what she thinks but it irks me...The "easy way out" would have been to do nothing and stay fat like my mother in law is...If I could go back in time I would erase having ever old her. My Mom and everyone else on my side is completely supportive which is great:)
  10. Kalimomof3

    Waffling, Waffling, Waffling

    My BMI was 39.9 and I was on the fence but it. The end I decided I was done with the yoyo bc I was constantly losing and then gaining it all back + some . I am 5'2.5 and was 234 at my highest right before my husband deployed in 2011 I went on a diet while he was gone and lost 22 pounds while he was gone for 6 months but after 3 months of him being back I put 14 lbs back on and would have continued going up if I hadn't had the surgery in Nov of 2012. I had some issues but none were terrible yet but I felt it was only a matter of time. I was 32 with high blood pressure and sleep apnea and I was pre diabetic. I also have hypothyroidism so I was already at a disadvantage. I really just felt that if I didnt get into a Bariatric Program at 226 I would end up doing it at 286 later on. I am happy I made that decision my BMI is 29.3 now and I hope to be under 25 when all is said and done:) *editted to correct my BMI
  11. I did have to bite the bullet while on Protein Shakes but I hardly drank any even during preop I was way too uncomfortable I was using the EAS carb control and the Carb Control Slimfast with higher protein 20g.I mixed the unflavored unjury into Soups and I did HEB Mootopia Milk that had 12 gms per serve. They make other brands(I can't think of the big brand) of higher protein milk too that are not limited to HEB stores.
  12. I haven't thrown anything but I do get bitchy when my husband asks me every night if I am going to have dessert...I do sometimes save myself some extra calories for a small indulgence but not every night. My husband eats constantly and it is usually nothing good for you he agreed in the beginning to cut back as he is not as healthy as he could be but he hasn't been so some days when he ask me I go off but he understands I think ?? Lol. He told me today he is making a pact to get back on track and stay that way so we can do it together he is away right now so we shall see when he gets back...
  13. I have only been losing about 5 lbs a month since month 4 :(and I am almost May 7th will be month 6 . The good thing is I am 2/3 of the way to where I want to be I have 30-35 to go. We will all get to where we need to be,we got this!!!
  14. I use regular sugar or sweeteners like honey etc in very small amounts I usually only have it in my morning cup of java. I can't do artificial sweeteners unless I want a sore throat that lasts days.I cannot drink diet drinks either.
  15. Kalimomof3

    panni or baby?

    Baby first and if you know you will have a repeat c-section some OBs will do a Mini TT for extra $if you are an uncomplicated pt. I worked as an OB nurse in CA and a few of the OBs did it at our hospital .
  16. Kalimomof3

    Vajay jay question....?!

    I am with you on the TT and BL/Augmentation but Have you seen pics of bottoming out of implants on women who start with a D cup or larger and get the BL/A combo.I am scared to have double bubbles. But something has got to give with these boobs I started with a 38 ddd and am now a 36 dd. most of which is skin and I have 30lbs to go...
  17. Kalimomof3


    I had an American Bariatric surgeon and in our program they say remove about 85% of our stomachs . I had surgery in San Antonio TX
  18. Kalimomof3


  19. Kalimomof3

    #160 lost 1 year post op (w/ pics)

    Awesome Achievment!
  20. Kalimomof3

    I Want To See Before & After Pics!

    Am I missing something?The pic details October 2012 and April 2013 wouldn't that be only 6 months? You look fantastic either way
  21. Kalimomof3

    Texas Forum?

  22. Kalimomof3

    in need of new shoes

    Ps. I guess I shoul have mentioned that the main reason I love NB is that there seems to be more room in the toe box and I am a weirdo about needing to be able to wiggle my toes freely to be comfortable in a shoe

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
