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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Kalimomof3

  1. Kalimomof3

    food tricks

    Have you tried mixing in a little sugar free jello mix like 1/2-1 teaspoon into a cup of Greek yogurt?Also if you add 2 Tbs. unflavored unjury to a Greek yogurt you can bump the protein up by about 5 grams.
  2. Wrong thread but I can't delete Idk why
  3. Kalimomof3


    I asked my doc about this past Friday and he said to avoid it before 1 yr if possible but he said he knows it is sometimes necessary so to take it with food if need be. I told him it is the only thing that works for my menstrual cramps and he said try Tylenol first but if it doesn't work than take the IBP and I take 800mg but only for the first day of my monthly cycle.
  4. Kalimomof3

    Does hunger come back?

    I feel you on the hunger I am tweaking my diet to get to goal as we speak trying to eat more dense protein and less other. My loss has slowed and my surgeon assures me I am on track he doesn't recommend a radical diet like some surgeons and nuts have but I am losing still so his way works. I too am 27 from goal I hope to be there by my 1 yr surgiversary in November
  5. Kalimomof3

    benefits of coconut water?

    Even better I have one within walking distance Thx
  6. Kalimomof3

    MyFitnessPal.com Members

    I changed my MFP username(won't affect those who have already added me) my new name is Kaliforniagurl feel free to add me if you haven't:)
  7. Kalimomof3

    benefits of coconut water?

  8. Kalimomof3

    I don't have to LIE anymore!

    I am so judging you.You are a lying Scoundrel with no integrity. I wash my hands of you and your ilk LMAO I just saw the beginning of this thread and thought to myself "hey what does my drivers license say I weigh?" I looked just now and see I so lied my a off it said 155 and I know I was at least 175 when I got it 6 yrs ago.... But today I weigh 157 and by next week it will be true so I am really not a Liar am I or at least I won't be any more.
  9. Kalimomof3

    benefits of coconut water?

    Would you recommend any specific brand that tastes good? I keep looking and then deciding against bc there are so many...I tried one kind and it was weirdly salty?
  10. I am 6 months out and rice doesn't agree with me it makes me feel full and it feels like a brick in my stomach .Also rich cream based sauces as some curries are weigh heavily on me as well .That being said I was raised on jasmine rice and love it so about 2x weekly I will eat about 1 tablespoon with my protein and it causes no issues.
  11. Kalimomof3

    Serious question seeks serious answer!

    I am not single but I am not blind so am I am allowed to look lol . I can also give perspective from when I was single . I fall in the in between category as far as what I like in a man. I like big men but not "fat" men they don't have to be buff i don't care if they are slightly over weight but too much weight and not enough weight are both turn offs too me .My husband was a 220 lb. 6'2 gym rat when I met him and every guy before him was in the 6'-6'4" r 200-240lb range.I have never been skinny but have always wanted to be thinner so for me it was about being with guys who hadn't "given up" and would support my efforts and maybe even work with me to achieve what I wanted.I dated one "skinny fat" guy and it was annoying because his eating habits were worse than mine on a very bad day.I generally like my men bigger than myself though I think it is my sensitivity and wanting to feel small lol I am 5'2 and it is also why I only like tall men.I so don't get the BBW&Skinny man thing I would feel like I was gonna break somebody lol.I would think there have to be more BBW that also like Large Men maybe just not on those particular sites.
  12. I am picky and I hate every protein drink I have tried to include unjury anything and syntrax nectar etc ....However I am eating a Greek yogurt right now with 1/4 scoop unflavored unjury and it is almost undetectable which makes it good to me lol I am going to try for 1/2 a scoop tomorrow . I am 6 mos so I can eat most of my protein without supplementing but it is a PITA so I keep trying with the supplements.
  13. Kalimomof3

    chinese food

    Broccoli beef really is not too bad depending on how it is prepared once you are out 4 months or more.I am 6 mos and I order shrimp and veg or broccoli beef when my fam wants Chinese I eat it without rice focusing mostly on the protein but still eating some veg.
  14. Kalimomof3

    The scale friend or?

    I weigh daily but I don't recommend it I am just insane:) My weight fluctuates and I let it freak me but I just can't ignore the scale...especially since I keep it in the kitchen lol.
  15. Kalimomof3

    Resetting the system

  16. Kalimomof3

    Let's Check In November 2012 Sleevers!

    His scale was nicer than my home scale it read 157 and my Dr. was very happy with my progress He said my weightloss will make a U on the graph because the more I lose the harder it will get which I believe bc in the 11 weeks since my last visit to my Dr. I lost 17 lbs and that is much less then weeks before but the 1-2Lbs./week loss rate is where he wants his patients at this point.27 more till goal!!!
  17. If "I eat less and exercise more" is a lie by omission because I fail to mention I had surgery? Is it a lie of omission to say I drove to work but fail to mention what kind of car I drove and what kind of gas I put in it? Because eating less and exercising more is what I do I don't have to tell you why and how I am able to eat less.I don't think a detailed description is what anyone needs or gives to every question asked of them. I will give that answer if I need to bc it is much nicer than what I want to say which is "it's of your damn business" lol.Call me liar I am fine with that because anyone who says they volunteer every single detail to every question asked is also a liar.I responded to the OP about what I would say in her situation but all of this back and forth about what constitutes lying and the judgement going around is crazy.
  18. Kalimomof3

    Let's Check In November 2012 Sleevers!

    About to go for my 6mo check up:) ....lets see what the doc's scale says
  19. Kalimomof3

    Pear shaped vs Apple shaped?

    I am 6 months out as of 5/7/13 HW 234 SW 218 CW 158 GW 130. My skin is ok I have the excess lower stomach skin from the weightloss plus I have had 3 c-sections so I had a flap to begin with. My inner upper thigh like right below v-jay territory (tmi?) has some excess wrinkly(idk wrinkly is right term?)skin. My arms are ok just a little looser in the skin than I'd like but I am doing exercises to see if it tightens up.
  20. Kalimomof3

    Resetting the system

  21. Kalimomof3

    Tmi maybe

    Not that I know of... My doctor is a military doctor and he himself says he uses Metamucil on deployments daily over miralax because Metamucil is a fiber supplement while Miralax is a chemical (polyethylene glycol) which causes Water to be drawn into your stool and can cause dehydration so it is not meant to be used for long periods of time.
  22. Kalimomof3

    Tmi maybe

    I had this problem early on but my surgeon recommended against miralax and suggested Metamucil bc it is more natural. I was not sold on this bc I just kept thinking of the gross orange Metamucil but I bought the clear kind and it can be mixed into anything and is flavorless I add it to my morning coffee and it works like it should
  23. Kalimomof3

    Good moth 6+ style lunch

    I am now just at 6 months as of 5/7 and I can handle cooked peppers now where I could not before so I am hoping with a little more time I can do raw ones .

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
