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Everything posted by makemyownluck

  1. makemyownluck


    The last place you need to apologize for your personality is on the internet! You like to joke when you can, and that's awesome. And you're a lil perverted, so that makes me like you even more! hahah
  2. makemyownluck

    Hospital Bag-What to take?!

    Good luck to you! Can't wait to hear how your experience goes!
  3. makemyownluck

    Post op and sweets

    I'm pre-op and I was pretty good with my diet for several months. However, one morning I decided I wanted a sandwich from McD's for Breakfast. I paid for that all morning. I didn't have anything but the sandwich and I had loose stools several times that day. I think for some people, your body adjusts to the food you're eating and when you suddenly change it up with something drastically different (like processed food with white sugar/flour and lots of fat), you can have a reaction to it. I've already had my gall bladder out for many years, so I don't know if that's the cause. I'm sure for people who still have theirs, it could be a contributing factor. I'm expecting I'll have to deal with similar issues post op, but I'm just gonna hope that it passes with time.
  4. hahah... or they should include a notification! *makemyownluck has updated their profile picture* Where's the suggestion box around here?
  5. makemyownluck

    Waffling, Waffling, Waffling

    I told my mom about my 50lb milestone yesterday and she said, "See, you don't even need surgery. You can do it on your own." I told her, "Having surgery is still doing it on my own." And then all day I'm questioning myself if I really believe that. Part of the reason that I don't want people to know I'm having surgery is because I don't want people thinking I didn't work for it. I know, I know, I shouldn't be bothered by what other people think... easier said than done.
  6. Please believe, I was giggling like a giddy child as I got on and off the scale and it kept saying the same!! I'm positive Naija is right and it's Water weight. BUT I'M GOING WITH IT!!! U no like my new pic?
  7. makemyownluck

    the weeks to come

    Thank you so much for the advice. I so appreciate the wisdom of people older than I am - life experience counts for so much. I do definitely realize with my rational mind that being thinner doesn't guarantee a better life, that I need to work on myself toward being happier. You're suggestions are great, I'll definitely be trying them out. I believe being thinner will help my self-esteem, so I can get out there more and fulfill my emotional needs. As I am now, I shy from social events because of how I look, and that's not my true personality. I'm a Leo! I'm supposed to Shine!! lol I'm a singer, too!! I've actually wondered if losing weight will affect my singing voice. Only for the better, I hope! I think a lot of my weight issues got worse because of a bad relationship, if I'm being honest. Don't get me wrong, I've always been overweight. But I feel like I just never recovered from an exceptionally horrible relationship. This terrible relationship ended years ago, and I've not dated anyone seriously since. Haven't even been on a date in probably 5 years. My self-esteem is to a point that I just don't want people to look at me. I mean, I've actually said to myself "Of course you're single. Look at you!". I've got some numbers of counselors I want to see after my surgery. I'm not ready to really talk about my dark thoughts right now. But I know I need to, and sometimes I wonder how "in control" I am. Trying to just focus on the positive right now, I think starting counseling on these issues pre-op would just fill me with more worry because I'll be thinking of these things intentionally... IDK - I feel like anything I write on this subject just makes me sound crazy. I appreciate that you get it. Loving yourself isn't always easy. I want to change my whole being, too!! Feel free to PM me any time for you as well. have you had surgery?
  8. makemyownluck

    Frustrated and disappointed

    Hey PBC - not sure if you noticed that your font is set to white and is invisible - you should update your settings.
  9. makemyownluck

    New to VST

    It's funny, with all the insurance issues I had, it took my focus off the actual SURGERY for a while. I mean, I was dieting and exercising, but it just seemed like surgery was so far off because of the issues I had. But once it was submitted to insurance, they approved it in 2 days, and my "tentative" surgery date became my OFFICIAL surgery date and now it's overwhelming to realize THIS IS ACTUALLY HAPPENING!!! I'm anxious/excited/nervous/scared all at the same time! You'll find lots of support here, from all stages of this journey.
  10. makemyownluck

    Im new

    Can any of you elaborate on what "feeling different" means? I'm preop and curious.
  11. makemyownluck

    Only a few more days to go!

    *sigh* I'm on my 2 week liquid diet now, and all that food you described sounds wonderfulllll.
  12. makemyownluck

    New to VST

    Welcome, and good luck with your insurance! I had lots (and lots and lots) of insurance hurdles, but I'm now scheduled for May 2nd. All the struggle will be worth it!
  13. makemyownluck


    High Five, buddy!!
  14. makemyownluck

    Help. I cheated

    All these reassurances that cheating is okay are really making me want to cheat on my preop diet!! Surgery is still 11 days away!
  15. makemyownluck

    Frustrated and disappointed

    You could try going to a different surgeon. They aren't all the same! I started my process in July 2012. My insurance was a PAIN, plus the MD was really booked, so I didn't meet with the surgeon until December 2012. My experience with her was awful. She wanted me to lose 40 lbs before she'd even CONSIDER me for surgery. That wasn't the reason I disliked her, it was her attitude (I won't go into details). So I went back to my PCP and asked for a new referral for a 2nd opinion. I'm so glad I did. I found out from the 2nd doctor that my insurance at the time required an EIGHTEEN MONTH supervised diet. 18 months!!! The first surgeon apparently didn't bother to check into my benefits and tell me about that! So I ended up having to switch insurance (thank GOD I had that option!). It went into effect Feb 1st. I was able to see the surgeon in March (took a few weeks for my new coverage to "show up" in the insurance company's database), get my pre-op testing orders, see him again in April and schedule surgery for May 2nd. If I'd had this insurance the whole time, I could have been scheduled within 2 months of starting the process... In the meantime, I've lost over 50lbs since I started in November 2012. My original surgeon MIGHT have considered me a surgical candidate by now, but eventually they would have found out my insurance benefits and I'd be stuck waiting again. Long story short, you don't have to accept an answer you don't like. At least not about this! Go find a surgeon who really understands where you are coming from and wants to help. I'd be willing to bet your surgeon is either "testing" you, to see if you can commit to a lifestyle change OR he's too booked to schedule you til then and doesn't want to tell you that. In either case, I feel like a surgeon should be upfront with you about everything. Some surgeons have a superiority complex and just expect you to take what they say as gold without making your own decision about your health/body. Find someone who has YOUR best interest in mind, not their own. Good luck!
  16. makemyownluck

    Hospital Bag-What to take?!

    I'm trying to figure out what to take also... I know a lot of people say they didn't use most of what they took, but I'd rather have it and not use it than be without it. My support people are all an hour or more from the hospital where my surgery is taking place. I'm only expecting my parents to be there on surgery day and go home day, so the day in between I'll be on my own and won't be able to ask someone to bring something for me. I'm getting some of the new spray-on kind of body lotion (I think Vaseline makes it) because bending/stretching might be difficult. I'm taking facial cleansing wipes, lip balm, some baby wipes, deodorant, toothbrush/toothpaste, biotene mouth spray, gas-x strips, a glasses case, my cell phone and external charger (I don't want to deal with cords), Listerine strips, a hairbrush, a couple of pony tail holders (as I tend to lose them), maybe a notepad/pen or a couple of magazines. I'm also taking a robe and slippers and asking my parents to bring me a pillow for the ride home. As far as entertainment, I think my cell phone will provide enough. I'm just hoping my external charger has enough juice to get me through the whole stay.
  17. makemyownluck


  18. I'm starting off on a GREAT foot today, my friends. I stepped on the scale this morning and it read 409. Now, MOST people would see that and burst into tears. I understand that. Not me, tho. In my journey, I don't even know what I weighed when I started. My doctor hasn't been able to weigh me in years because his scale cuts off at 400. Even my nutritionist, whose office had oversized bariatric furniture, had an older scale the cut off at 350!! So I consider my "start weight" to be 459. But this weight was taken in November 2012, when I had already been dieting for 10 weeks. So my start weight was likely higher than that, but I don't know by how much. So to step on the scale this morning and see that I've dropped 50lbs since November really makes me happy. I'm on Day 3 of the 2 week liquid pre-op diet. Surgery is May 2nd. I can't wait to start seeing and feeling my results when the weight loss is more significant. 50 lbs is wonderful, but it's just the beginning of a long journey for me. But I'm getting there. And I'm proud of myself for all I've done so far. This feels like a milestone... I never thought I could ever lose weight on my own, but through my own dedicated work on myself, I've lost 50. I never thought I'd see the day, and now - here it is. I hope everyone else is also having a HAPPY SATURDAY!
  19. makemyownluck


    sounds kinky. then again, I'm a pervert.
  20. So far, the shakes have been keeping my hunger in check. I've been hungry here and there, but nothing I couldn't get over. For me, the worst part is that my stomach is grumbling constantly today. Grumbling isn't even the right word - more like whale songs. My stomach is singing to me, and not in a good way. Also, **TMI ALERT** I'm getting a little diarrhea. Not terribly, but it's not what it should be, either. I can't tell if that means I'm dehydrated or if it's supposed to be like that because I'm on liquids only. I feel okay otherwise, but I can't seem to get my stomach to calm down. I've been taking a Fiber supplement to try to stay regular, not sure if it's helping. Any one got suggestions?
  21. makemyownluck


    I've never heard of it, but according to wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hitting_the_wall The term bonk for cycling fatigue is presumably derived from the original meaning "to hit", and dates back at least half a century. A 2005 video issued by the British Transport Films Collection contains several old films, one of which entitled "Cyclists Special", a color film produced in 1955, tells the story of a party of cyclists touring the English countryside. At one point they stop for refreshments and the film's commentator states that if they didn't rest and eat they would get "the bonk".[1] The term is used colloquially both as a noun ("hitting the bonk") and a verb ("to bonk halfway through the race"). The condition is also known to long-distance (marathon) runners, who usually refer to it as "hitting the wall". The British may refer to it as "hunger knock," while "hunger bonk" or "bunger honk" was used by South African cyclists in the 1960s.
  22. makemyownluck

    Gummy Vitamins?

    I would! Send me the link, please.
  23. Yup. No gum. Could cause a blockage if accidentally swallowed, but more importantly, it can cause lots of gas. I'm not sure if that's a rule just for the beginning post-op stages or if it's a rule for forever, tho.
  24. I think in a perfect world, I'd like 6 weeks so I can be relatively 'back to normal' before getting back to work. But I also know ME, and I'll get bored. Fast. Not that I love my job so much, but I think about trying to be at home and staring at these walls and trying not to think about food or pain or whatever else would drive me mad. So I'm gonna take 2 weeks and rest, rest, rest; sip, sip, sip; walk, walk, walk and repeat and hope I'll be ready to get back to the grind. Also, living alone, I just don't have the finances to stop working for that long. I do have disability benefits I could use, but it's really just not enough to cover me. I'd rather get back to my routine. I know the way I am and I just think I'll do better that way. But I know most people would take a 6 week break from work if they could get it!! And you could take up to 12 weeks if you wanted to with FMLA (if your MD approves). Your job can't say no if the doctor says yes, that's the beauty of FMLA.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
