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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by waiting&waiting

  1. Hello everyone, It's been months since I posted but this whole weight loss journey is a bit confusing when it comes to losing inches and never seeing the scale move since my last fill four months ago. Last fill 7.1 roughly four months ago, I believe, I'm in the green zone as I rarely hungry and can literally go 10 hours in between meals and have before many days of the week. So question is... I have lost many inches all over, just this week alone, I was measured for a bra and found I lost 10 inches alone around my back and bust area. My stomach area, 6 inches, my hips 4 inches, legs 2 inches.... Sooooo why in the world am I not seeing any numbers move on the scale at all. I mean if your losing fat by inches, why don't you see number wise. I was fifteen pounds smaller four years ago when I could wear a size 10, put those away for some years, and now still fifteen pounds heavier, I can wear them again. Uggggh I'm just frustrated. I will admit to everyone, I don't eat much, Protein drink bfast and lunch most days, very small dinner, and I do occasionally get stuck. I fill up very easily. Maybe need adjusted as I may be close and in between green zone to just hitting red zone. I love how I feel though, never hungry, I've waited for that feeling five months ago now nine months since surgery. Thanks for any advice.
  2. waiting&waiting

    How many meals a day???

    Seven weeks ago, I had my 5th fill and I am assuming, I am at my green zone. I can literally go 12 hours without thinking or wanting food. Over spring break last week, I never felt so happy to be on vacation and never had to think about when was my next meal, snack, etc.
  3. waiting&waiting

    Green Zone

    I guess after five fills now and six months after surgery, I have finally found my green zone. I can go 10 to 12 hours without feeling hungry. I seriously have to make myself eat. What amazes me, I don't crave anything at all. No bread, Pasta, or sweets. I don't eat in the car no longer as before. I no longer go shopping and feel the need to eat out. I just no longer feel food is important period. What a blessing to finally feel what others here have felt for so long. Glad to finally be apart of this wonderful feeling.
  4. So today, I had my 2nd fill. Prior to today, I was at 4.5cc which sounds normal. 2.5cc at surgery, 2cc added on first fill five weeks ago. I told the nurse for the last three weeks, I had issues keeping food down occasionally. During the fill, she extracted the saline and found 7cc in my band. She said omg you shouldn't have 7cc at this point. I said the doctor said 4.5 and now you say 7cc, and yep it was, she showed me. I only got .5cc today. Anyone had this happen? I thought 7cc would be close to my sweet spot in a 10 cc band, but it's not even close this past month. She did confirm, that's why I had issues keeping food down, as I was way to tight, but just got thought in on my own. Idk, I just can't understand how a mistake was made like this. I have 2.5 cc left only now, will this ever work? I'm not losing hardly any weight. I count everything, walk 30 miles a week, Zumba. I'm not asking to lose 20lbs a month, but heck, 5lbs would be nice with all this work in 2 months.
  5. Hello, I am getting as much information as I can about deducting the lapband surgery So far, I understand that you can deduct all medical expenses that are in excess of 7.5% of your gross income. What about other expenses related to the surgery at the time, like the hernia repair that costs over 6800.00 however insurance paid that, i didnt, but is it still a deduction. I also had a stress test that cost over 6000.00 out of pocket cost 4800.00. So is any of this medical related expense deductible or just the Band surgery? Also, is it really worth it and is there often a refund in the end? I only worked PT this year, so my income wasnt anything major. thanks a bunch...any answers are appreciative
  6. waiting&waiting

    The # 1 Lesson I Learned from my Band

    Today, I went at 12:30 with a friend for some Chinese food, had some Soup, got full, left feeling so wonderful knowing I'm in control. It's 8:00 tonight, still very full, so Protein shake and off to bed soon.
  7. waiting&waiting

    The # 1 Lesson I Learned from my Band

    Glad to hear so many others are feeling the same. I had my second fill on nov 26th and left with 7.5 cc in my band. I truly knew I was tight and could only drink liquids for the first week. However, it's been 16 days now and Im still only drinking Protein shakes, liquid Soups, etc. i know everyone would say your too tight get an unfill, but truthfully, I am happy eating this way. I love not being hungry, or saying oh I need this or that to satisfy my hunger. I'm happier now than ever with this no mental hunger game. I wasn't losing any weight after my surgery (sept 24), and felt is discouraged. After my OVERFILL, I have lost 8 lbs in 15 days and am now down a total of 25. I love the fact, that now if I want a piece of pie, it only takes 2 tbsp to make me feel full and turn my cheek to the rest. My hubby says gosh you get full on four almonds as if you ate entire steak dinner and I really do. I would give anything if I have met my sweet spot on my second fill. I hope...I hope.
  8. waiting&waiting

    The Honest Truth....

    What I love the most: 2 years free fills Anything goes wrong in two years, surgery 100% paid Full gym membership for $20 a month with the Doctor three times a week plus Zumba classes Each fill you see a nurse, a nutritionist, plus the doctor They offer different monthly classes, like scrap booking before and after results. We get emails directly from the doctor with great healthy recipes twice a week. These are just a few things that makes Dr. Curry and his staff wonderful and very caring.
  9. Surgery & First fill up to 4.5.....second fill now at 7.5. I'm two months pre op.
  10. Oh okay, that's good to know....
  11. I et Brussels sprouts, broccoli, Spanish, etc. I was raised living veggies, and try to stay low carb as much as 40 a day. It's been hard at 7.5 cc on my second fill this week to hold food down. I knew I would be tight, but I'm doing great otherwise.
  12. Actually, I have always walked 5 to 6 miles daily and went to aerobics daily. This is why I couldn't understand never losing, even one pound a week. Sure I lost inches, but I would love to see the scale move. I started this journey only needing to lose 40-50 lbs. I have lost 19 lbs so far since sept 24th. Yes, I'm happy about that, but most was the week pre op diet. It's frustrating to say the least, when the number Rosen change for me.
  13. Why do you think I'm not happy? Never said my life was miserable, as a matter of fact, I have a blessed life. However, spending 13,000 dollars of my own money without any insurance company stepping in. I may find it a bit harder to swallow as to why I can't even lose a pound a week, so yeah, it can be overwhelming at times.
  14. I will keep track for sure. Awww sorry to hear your having pain. I felt I tore something two weeks ago in my side, they didn't seem to think it was an issue, even though I have pain near where the band is located.
  15. Yeah exactly, but it's odd, I watched the doctor fill the needle on my first fill and he actually had to remove .5 as I could not swallow the thick juice they give you. Thanks for your reply... I love my band and still hope for some results soon.
  16. I'm eating 1100 to 1200 a day. Protein is between 80 / 100 a day. Carbs under 40. Here are some examples of food weekly... Tuna Sardines Boiled chicken 3oz to 4oz Egg salad Lamb kabobs Chicken mostly grilled, broiled Laura leans beef Turkey meatballs Breakfast and in between dinner, I drank a Protein shake. 30 gr protein, 3 g. Carbs, 1 gram sugar. Twice a day. Idk what I'm doing wrong...
  17. waiting&waiting

    Help! Cant Get Enough Protein

    I love lentils and they are full of protein for lunch. I also eat sardines, tuna, chicken, salmon, cottage cheese. I had my first fill yesterday and my doctor said eat eat eat protein to help with your weight loss and do not drink your protein. He also said, stay away from starches and stay under 50 gm of carbs and stay above 60 gm of protein or more a day. I usually get 80 grams of protein a day. It's really not hard at all.
  18. Same here.. Dr. Fixed hernia and all is good now, nothing ever bothers me after eating.
  19. waiting&waiting

    Trader Joe's

    We have trader joes here too, but the best place we have is called Jungle Jim's International grocery store. OMG it's so huge and amazing, so many different culture foods to choose from and fresh seafood flown in daily from all over. They do shipping if anyone is interested in finding anything rare like spices etc. I cook mostly Moroccan dishes so I go there a lot. Look up there store and take a look.... JUNGLE JIM'S Cincinnati Ohio
  20. waiting&waiting

    Oh Plz Tell Me.....

    Tks everyone, patience i guess is the key factor here and of course getting my first fill and those to come. My doctor didn't give me permission yet to do other excercises except walking. After one month then I can return to weights, etc. Being a self payer and spending over 13,000 for this surgery makes me stay on track for sure with my healthy eating habits. My hubby said hmmmm something got smaller from above lolllll and I do believe just losing there has helped my lower back pain. This past weekend, I spent 7 hours walking back in forth at two malls looking at homecoming dresses with my daughter. I was so HAPPPPPY to say, I never got tired of shopping as I did a month ago with her. I felt so good....
  21. waiting&waiting

    Oh Plz Tell Me.....

    It's been three weeks since surgery and I was losing really good 15 lbs total and 5 lbs before I go under the 200 lb mark. I thought for sure this was going to be the week to get there. As of today, I have walked 28 miles and didn't lose even 1 lb and to be honest, that's always been the case with me. I use to walk 36 miles a week and never lost a single pound nor got under 180. I still have a hard time getting 800 calories in, but I'm getting about 70 grams of Protein in and around 50 or so in carbs which is what they told me to do. Maybe the carbs are killing me. I just want this band to work and so far it's been great. I eat almost three cups of food a day and feel very satisfied, so why is the weight stalling so soon after surgery?
  22. waiting&waiting

    My Wife's Surgery Day Hell!!!

    This is heartbreaking news to hear for you and your wife. My doctor after every surgery immediately comes to the waiting room and speaks with the family. I always had a nurse with me the entire two hours after surgery and my husband. I was treated so wonderful and so were all the other patients recovering with me.
  23. waiting&waiting

    Calorie Intake

    I'm three weeks post and still have issues trying to eat and drink over 800 calories. I am never hungry which I find so amazing. Down 15 lbs.
  24. waiting&waiting

    St.marys Ohio

    Stay true to why you began this journey and stay focused on the pre op diet as so your liver shrinks and all will be great for surgery. Today I am down 14 lbs since operation last Monday. I am truly so happy with my decision. I have not craved any sweets nor fatty foods. I am living off of three cups of food all day with a protein shake thrown in there. The best part, I am never hungry anymore...it's amazing
  25. waiting&waiting

    Tomorrow Is My Day....

    Hello, I can't believe tomorrow is my band day. I am totally nervous, excited and scared all at the same time. Surgeries seem to always make me emotional, espically after saying goodbye to my daughter tonight as she is staying with her dad. My new friend here will also been having her surgery right before mine with the same doctor. Hopefully, we will recover together. So my journey is less than 24hrs away....

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