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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by mybella

  1. mybella

    Looking For A Buddy

    I just completed all my test and am getting banded on Monday. I can communicate with you and give some answers on what to expect.
  2. I heard that if you can keep losing, they try to wait as long as possible so they don't fill your band so fast. so if you have enough will power to keep losing, they will prolong it. If you had 10 cc band and within 6 month you would not want to be more than than 6 cc half way of the 10 cc band.
  3. mybella


  4. mybella

    How Much Have You Saved On Food?

    I recently purchase 2 different plates with covers that help with measuring your food consumption. They are BariBowl at "bariware.com" and EZ Weigh Plate at "store.ezweightplatestore.com". The baribowl is a tubberware type which is good for taking your lunch because it has 2 side that separate for hot and cold food so you can heat your food separately. On each side there are demarcations marks where you can slide these little plastic thin sleeves in to separate and measure 1oz sections and the whole bowl is 8 oz. A baratric surgeon invented it. It makes you feel/look like you are eating a lot, but is not deep at all. The other is a plate with cup like compartments that you can measure your food because the plate is totally semi-transparent and is also microwave safe. This I would use at home and especially when my husband cooks it will make it easier for him as well, he likes to cook and likes to make me a plate. I plan on taking the baribowl with me to restaurants and use the compartment to measure out what I can eat and ask for a doggy bag for what is left. Check out the websites. and you can eat out too.
  5. mybella


    I agree with you need to increase your calories and I would make the increase in protein even if you add a protein shake. Also I would focus on green fiber and only do the carbs that are in your dairy products not white carbs. On the protein increase use greek yogurt for more protein and if you don't like the taste, just ad a spendar. Also cottage cheese has loads of protein for the volume. If you don't eat enough you will not lose weight.
  6. mybella

    August 13Th...anyone Else?

    I am getting surgery on Aug 6th, Monday. I am not nervous because I was in a dark place before this journey. I feel like I am turning a corner in my life. Just remember that you are doing something for your health and things can only get better from here. Surgery will be like a blink of an eye.
  7. No that meal was loaded with protein. The olive oil should not hurt you. Just let mom know that it made you feel sick because it was so greasy. Ask her to use spray oil and them use liquid butter spray like "I can't believe it is not butter" You should be fine as long as you are not loading up on carb mushies. If you check out my profile, I puts on items I bought some plates that allow me to measure without the measuring cups for my husband so he does not over feed me.
  8. mybella

    Waiting On Insurance Approval...........

    I was where you are now 2 weeks ago. You are right this is the worst part, and I am sure you will be approved. I have Blue Cross Blue Shield and they submitted my request 2 weeks prior to my surgery date and I was approved and I received a letter 1 week later. Remember the hospital wants to get paid and they will not mess this up. They also know that your insurance is likely to approve you. I was told by the Dr. not to worry because BCBS usually approves this type of surgery. I even called my insurance company asked them questions. They were vague, but they said if I am qualified I will be approved. I now know that it meant if I loss the weight and had the qualification to get the surgery, I would be fine. The tests would not be done if I was not qualified because I was concerned about those charges as well and they were all covered. Try not to worry, my husband kept telling me that too. I was on my 4 day of my liquid diet and I got the approval letter. I am being banded on Aug 6th.
  9. mybella


    I assume a pre diet. I found the protein shakes made me constipated I am not sure you are drinking protein shakes. I never had problems with constipation when I was eating carbs. I love brocolli and I ate a lot of that and that helped with digestion and a salad everyday. I also ate spinish in my scambled eggs as well. Even when I stopped the salad I notice I was getting binded. I used protein shakes at least once a day on my pre diet. On my 10 liquid of protein I had the same problem. I had to eat brocolli and had to take laxatives.
  10. I am happy I decided to get the surgery. I have lost 25-30 easily in the past many times and regained it again. I started at 282 and am now today 259 on my second day of clear liquid diet and completed 10 of only protein shakes. I have lost a total of 22lbs. I am very excited and I am getting my Hiatial Hernia fixed as well. During my journey they discovered my Hiatial Hernia and Sleep apnea. I found out that sleep apnea can contribute to weight gain because your body is tired and you snack to compensate for that. Maybe that is why I have not been able to stay on the diet long enough to reach my goal along with stress and lives other events. I have been so excited about my journey that I have purchased some things to help me along the way after the surgery and these things I have been using now to keep me on my pre diet. I found an intelligent water bottle that keeps track of your intake and it has a straw that does not let air in your stomach "Hydracoach.com" also 2 different plates with covers that help with measuring your food consumption. They are Baribowl at "bariware.com" and EZ Weigh Plate at "store.ezweightplatestore.com". The baribowl is a tubberware type which is good for taking your lunch because it has 2 side that separate for hot and cold food so you can heat your food separately. On each side there are demarcations marks where you can slide these little plastic thin sleeves in to separate and measure 1oz sections and the whole bowl is 8 oz. A baratric surgeon invented it. It makes you feel/look like you are eating a lot, but is not deep at all. The other is a plate with cup like compartments that you can measure your food because the plate is semi-transparent and is also microwave safe. This I would use at home and especially when my husband cooks it will make it easier for him as well, he likes to cook and likes to make me a plate. Hope to connect and share ideas and accomplishments. Mybella
  11. mybella


    I think it is reflux as well. I was coughing and I found out I had a sliding hiatial hernia. I did not cough everynight, but I did leak it to my intergestion and what I ate that day. Good luck
  12. mybella

    Home From Pre-Admin Testing

    Hi, I just wrote the following to caseyp and these comments apply to you as well. Would like to keep in touch because I get my surgery on Aug 6th. Congrats on your pre weight loss. I am happy you have decided to get the surgery. I have lost 25-30 easily in the past many times and regained it again. Maybe we can keep in touch since we are going in around the same time. I started at 282 and am now today 259 on my second day of clear liquid diet and completed 10 of only Protein Shakes. I have lost a total of 22lbs. I am very excited and I am getting my Hiatial Hernia fixed as well. During my journey they discovered my Hiatial Hernia and sleep apnea. I found out that sleep apnea can contribute to weight gain because your body is tired and you snack to compensate for that. Maybe that is why I have not been able to stay on the diet long enougt to reach my goal along with stress and lives other events. I have been so excited about my journey that I hae purchased some things to help me along the way after the surgery and the these things I have been using now to keep me on my pre diet. I found an intelligent Water bottle that keeps track of your intake and it has a straw that does not let air in your stomach "Hydracoach.com" 2 different plates with covers that help with measuring your food consumption. They are BariBowl at "bariware.com" and EZ Weigh Plate at "store.ezweightplatestore.com". The baribowl is a tubberware type which is good for taking your lunch because it has 2 side that separate for hot and cold food so you can heat your food separately. On each side there are demarcations marks where you can slide these little plastic thin sleeves in to separate and measure 1oz sections and the whole bowl is 8 oz. A baratric surgeon invented it. It makes you feel/loo like you are eating a lot, but is not deep at all. The other is a plate with cup like compartments that you can measure your food because the plate is totally semi-transparent and is also microwave saft. This I would use at home and especially when my husband cooks it will make it easier for him as well, he likes to cook and likes to make me a plate. Good luck and stay excited. I feel I am no longer alone on this journey now that I will have my band.
  13. I have not been banded yet, my surgery is on Aug 6th, but I have read everything I could and chatted in the chat room asking questions. I dieted for 2 months and I could not understand why they put me on a 10 day Protein only diet and now I am on 3 days of fluids only. I think it is to prepare for the Banster Hell. When I have 3 shakes per day 27grams of protein with skim milk, I was surprised I was not hungry, so now looking back I am happy I did have to go through that because I would of never believed I could do it. Now when I have to wait for my fills, I will make sure I incorporate Protein Shakes in my day. After surgery and 3 days of Clear liquids, my diet will me 2 Protein shake for am and pm snack and the rest is cottage cheese or greek yogurt also high in protein for 11 days and then I progress into soft food and then solid. I have many other choices on the list, but that is the example meal they have for us as a guide. They want to add as much protein without going over on my carbs. Find out from your nutrition how much carb, protein and fat you should have per day with your band. Good luck, and I hope this helps.
  14. I decided on the band because it not invasive and it is reversable. Plus I figure if I don't do it, have family history for every disease. So if I don't I will be on strick diets evenually for diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and cancer. so I am getting in front of these diseases. I also am not working and I know weight does not help, and I have isolated myself from everyone because I am ashamed of myself. So my quality of life is null and void. Luckly I have a loving supportive husband. The reason why I chose the band is that I wanted the restriction of the white carbs because those are my enemies, not the sweets. The gastric and sleeve you eat less, and you can eat anything almost, but you also throw up alot if you eat too much sugar and fat and you can develope malabsortion issue with is bad and then you have to live with the changes to you organ for the rest of your life. But I will say if my band did not work, I would do the sleeve as a last resort because if I cant be thinner, I don't want to be here living this lifestyle, so I am making the effort to make the change. Good luck on your decision. Remember my "mybella" Bella is what I am naming my pouch. my little belly.
  15. mybella

    Not Losing :(

    The sample I will need to follow after my surgery is as follows: breakfast - 1/4 - 1/2 cup of cottage cheese low fat or yogurt am snack - 1 cup of Protein Shake with skim milk lunch - 1/4 - 1/2 cup of cottage cheese low fat or yogurt pm snack - 1 cup of Protein Shake with skim milk dinner - 1/4 - 1/2 of strained cream soup or cottage cheese This is the post op diet with plenty of protein that my doctor gave me and make sure your broth is low sodium. As you can see protein is key, if you try this for one day you will see results.
  16. mybella

    Chat Rooms, Anyone Use It?

    I just joined yesterday and I was chatting, I think some people come in looking for the certain people I keep checking too.
  17. mybella

    Considering The Band... What's Your Take?

    Your story sounds like mine. As I got older it got harder. I am getting banded on Aug 6th. I chose the lapband because my weight problems com from the white carbs, cakes, Pasta, rice, chips, and fatty foods. I am a good dieter and always excited when I start and get to 25 pounds, i start craving all the items I mention above. My first doctors visit was May 9th, and my nutritionist was May 22nd, by July 14th, I loss 17 pounds and the next week I was approved for surgery. In between there were a lot of doctor appts for testing. I found out I had sleep apnea and an hiatial hernia and I am getting both done that day. I have family history High blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol and cancer, so I was the perfect candidate. I did not want to get them so I figure if I keep on like I am I will be on stricker diets so I am jumping the gun on those illnesses. Also for the last 3 years I avoid parties, cookouts, vacation for the last 9 years. I am unemployed for 2.5 years and feel my weight is hindering my chances of working in this tough economy. So beside wishing I don't exist, I figure I will get this done and turn the corner on my life. Do it. Do it for you and be proud of it. If you can lose 30 pounds, the band will help you continue because if you have that skill set to stay on a diet to lose 30lbs, then the band will help you the rest of the way because when you go off your diet, you know you go off it drastically and want to eat everything and all day. The band will stop that so even if you fall off the wagon, you can not fall too far. And the skills and knowledge the nutrionist gives you will go a long way. I consider myself a career dieter and I learned so much from my nutitionist. I had to and still do record everything on a spreadsheet and she would tweek it for me and I lost every week even 1 pound some weeks. Never was hungry. No white carbs though, only grain bread sometimes and whole wheat crackers. Good luck with your decision and I hope I convinced you.
  18. mybella

    How To Drink Water...

    I am being banded on Aug 6th and I purchased a bottle called Hydra Coach the intelligent water bottle. It has a rubber valve covering the straw that does not let the air in you stomach. I bought it because I wanted to drink plain unflavored water after surgery. It also calculates your intake and tells you how long it takes to drink it and on average how much you are drinking per hour. $20 on line at hydracoach.com. I also purchased 2 different place that have measuring compartment so I can make sure I am not over eating. store.ezweightplatestore.com/ and bariware.com good luck
  19. good luck. I get my surgery on Aug 6th. I am right behind you. I am very excited.
  20. better to lose slow. it is natural to feel if you don't lose fast you will slip up, but I try to think of this band as a appetite suppressent pil and as long as I have it I can overcome the regain and the bad stuff. congrats and keep up the good work
  21. mybella

    Gained All Weight Back

    Yes I would want to know has your pouched stretched out and did you not get a fill when you were suppose to get it and that might be why you gained the weight?
  22. mybella

    Looking For A Friend In The Same Boat

    I am getting my surgery on Aug 6th so I am far behind you, but i could us the tips if you want to befreind me.
  23. Protein is the key and will work. Even with your dinner use a low fat greek yogurt because it is thick and is very high in protein. if you do not like greek yogurt ad a splendar to it and it will sweeten it up.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
