Hey this is my first post so forgive me if I'm posting in the wrong place.
So my son is just barely 4mo and I'm sitting stagnant with my weight. I exclusively breastfeeding and find that when I eat the way my surgeon wants me to- I'm constantly eating and (feel) hungry. But getting away for the gym? Hahahahaha it's like my husband would rather me stay the way I am now (267) than lose any more (pre-op 335). I've had a crap ton of stress with this pregnancy and directly after. I also had to have an emerg c-sec. Sooo now that I've vomited my story... I need help. Tips, ideas... Anything. I want to lose more weight. My lowest with the band was the day before I found out I was pregnant and that was 249. I NEED to see that number again. It was the best I felt in so long. I just need to find a way to make things work again.
Thanks for anything y'all want to throw my way