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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by ShrinkingMama

  1. How are you feeling about yourself physically?

    Sometimes we are hard on how we look, yes, even after losing 127 pounds - sometimes that old fat girl comes back and plays tricks on your mind.

    I would also talk to your doc about the hormones. There's a lot of changes the body is coping with since losing an entire person!

    I wish you luck, sweetie.

    I feel good! Besides having my gallbladder out in August and Pancriatitis 2 weeks ago...I'm ok. Yeah I am definitely going to talk to my doctor.


  2. I am almost a year post op and my sex drive is....NILL! My husband is going crazy! You would think after losing 127 lbs I would want it every day! NOPe! I was hoping it would get better...but nothing. I have tried sprays under the tongue & some all natural supplements and still didn't help.

    I don't know what to do.... Advice?? Anyone else have this problem??


  3. Ya everyones recovery is way different. For me I was discharged with a script for pain meds and nausea' date=' picked them up, and never once used them. My incisions havent hurt at all (they used the new fancy glue to put me back together). The only real pain I have had was a little discomfort from my hiatal hernia they repaired. Right now, Im a week out and really trying to figure out why they say for me to take a month off work. I was ready after I got sent home from hospital. I havent had any problems with food or Water or anything going down. Matter of fact, I hope they tell me that I can move to next stage today at appt.

    Take your meds and walk walk walk. It might hurt but it will work it out[/quote']

    I have had the exact same experience! Not one problem with any food or anything! Im 7 months post op and have lost 103lbs! I also had a hiatal hernia they repaired.

  4. I am 7 months post op and have NEVER had that problem nor have I met anyone that has had that however everyone & and their progress & recovery is different! Stay positive and know you can do this!

    Listen to the guidelines your surgeon gives you post op!

    Good luck! :)

  5. Trust me... the Hair loss part sucks!!! I feel like 5 weeks is early but everyone is different. Are you dropping weight fast?

    I lost A LOT of hair between 3 & 5 months post op. Luckily it stopped and has been growing back. I would be in tears in the shower! I also got Bosley hair restoration treatments which is Shampoo conditioner and a treatment which helped also.

    How much Biotin are you taking? I take 10,000mcg a day.

    It is completely common and just know it will stop and grow back!

    Hang in there!! It will get better I promise! ;)

  6. Good Luck! You will do great! It was THE best decision I have ever made... just wish I would have done it sooner! The first couple days are the worst but everyday is better! I didnt have to take any pain meds when I got home from the hospital. I was not in any pain.. just felt like I did 10000 too many crunches! Stay positive and remember... its normal to be nervous ! Good luck and keep me posted! :)

  7. I was sleeved today around noon as well. I'm lying in my hospital bed and can't sleep. The gas pain is what is killing me tho. They also found I had a hiatal hernia so she had to repair that. No nausea yet so far thank god although a little heartburn type feeling. But I think it was from the lemon glycerin swabs they were giving me for dry mouth. So I stopped those. Leak test is at 8:30am and looking forward to some water! ESP looking forward for all these wires too come off so I can put on my own clothes and walk around more. :)

  8. My surgery date is December 17 and I am worried about how I am going to feel for Christmas. I have 2 little kids and I normally have our families here on Christmas Day. I'm not so worried about eating but I am just worried that I'm not going to have any energy or feel yucky in general. I told my husband I will still have it here but we will either have it catered or have everyone bring 2 dishes.

    Can anyone that is sleeved already give me some incite on how they felt a week after surgery?

    :) Thanks!

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