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Posts posted by Sarahemma94

  1. I have had my band since August 2012 and things have been great! But since my last fill 3 weeks before Christmas things have gone downhill, at the start of the last fill I was managing fine but also eating unhealthy as it was Christmas. I had one or two episodes where I nearly threw up, I just tried to keep it in and the feeling went away. Now it is getting worse and every time I eat something solid I feel the need to throw up and need to spit slimey saliva (sorry for the gross details). Today I had a cheese toastie and actually threw up a little but I think it was because before I had chicken and noodles and nearly threw up. Is my band too tight? Why is it getting worse? :( I'm worried if I get an unfill that I will still be able to eat too much but at the same time I'm worried about damaging my band and stomach! :(

  2. Thank you! I rodeo and so I ride 3 horses every day...I calculate my calories and stay on a 1200 calorie a day diet...they say riding horses is a really good exercise so that's what I do and it seems to be working...33 pounds is still amazing!

    Wow I'd love to ride horses :) lucky you! Well keep doing what your doing because it sure is working!! You look great :)

  3. I get my first fill next week and I have to do 2 days liquid then 2 days soft then normal again. For liquid I have home made vegetable blended Soup, just mainly different Soups for 2 days and cups of low cal hot chocolate and sugar free ice lollies lol then for soft diet I have things like fish and potato or shepards pie or mince stew or eggs :) hope that helped a bit.

    Sent from my iPhone using LapBandTalk

  4. Sarah' date='

    You should be so proud of yourself because YOU never give up! You keep going and you won't let any of those past experiences get in your way to success!

    Small steps lead to bigger steps and so on and so on.....


    Thanks :) yea its just small steps for now but hopefully I will gain the confidence back and let fear subside so I can move on and feel free again. I'm sure a lot of other people on this forum have had similar or worse experiences, I just feel ready to discuss it. Thanks for the hugs :) x

    Sent from my iPhone using LapBandTalk

  5. Sorry to hear that these things have happened to you' date=' but congrats on having the strength and courage to take your freedom back![/quote']

    Thanks :) aw it's ok, I'm over it now, but I still get nervous when I'm out of my house. I'm just happy to be able to walk on my own.

    Sent from my iPhone using LapBandTalk

  6. I went for my first ever walk in public on my own! :) I'm so happy! See the reason I never walk anywhere is because when I was around 7 I had a bad experience... I was playing outside on my own on the street at the side of my house and well I was nearly abducted by a man in a van who flashed himself to me :/ after that I wouldn't go outside on my own ever. But then when I was around 15 I went to town with a friend but she lived in a different area than me so we walked our separate ways and don't you know... A man walked past me... Grabbed my chest... Then he turned around and followed me home. :| I just have very bad experiences walking alone in public but I done it! I've tried again and I went for a 20 min walk. Very proud of myself :) (sorry if my story/experience had offended or upset anyone) you just need to be careful I guess.

    Sent from my iPhone using LapBandTalk

  7. Just looked it up' date=' it looks pretty good, it uses whey Protein concentrate which is a step down from the concentrate, but it is still very good. If you actually buy some, I'd really appreciate your opinion on the taste.[/quote']

    Yea il let you know! :) I'm going to buy some tomarro, it's quite cheap in my local shop (Argos) it's only £11.50. Where as if you buy it online and stuff it's like £31. Il try it anyway and see how it works out :)

    Sent from my iPhone using LapBandTalk

  8. Anyone heard of or tried 'Bio skinny shake'? It's a Protein shake for people who want to loose weight. I'm 2 weeks post op and my nurse/nutritionist never mentioned Protein shakes so I was going to try this one? I don't want to take Protein Shakes because they contain a lot of calories and I thought they were for people trying to build a load of muscle? But this one sounded good.

    Sent from my iPhone using LapBandTalk

  9. Anyone heard of or tried 'Bio skinny shake'? It's a Protein shake for people who want to loose weight. I'm 2 weeks post op and my nurse/nutritionist never mentioned Protein shakes so I was going to try this one? I don't want to take Protein Shakes because they contain a lot of calories and I thought they were for people trying to build a load of muscle? But this one sounded good.

    Sent from my iPhone using LapBandTalk

  10. There was a male doctor sitting beside my bed when I woke up and I tried to ask him 'who are you' but I couldn't speak :/ I couldn't get the words out I just kept stuttering 'huh huh huh huh huh' instead of 'who' and then another male doctor came over and grabbed my hand and said 'shh ur ok don't worry' and then I think I fell asleep again, everything was SO blury. But then when I properly woke up I asked 'is it in?'

    Sent from my iPhone using LapBandTalk

  11. Because if a girl shows her 'inner freak' to guys she's then referred to as a s. L u. T :/ so we are more discrete about it. Lady on the streets.. Freak in the sheets is a good saying haha. And yes 50 shades is the sexiest and best book I've ever read!!

    Sent from my iPhone using LapBandTalk

  12. I'm 9 days post op, I've lost 24lbs (including my pre op 2 week diet) and feeling great. I'm a bit concerned about the glue on my incisions starting to peel off? Is it too soon? I've noticed after I shower a little bit comes off around the edges each time and I want to shower today but worried about all of the glue coming off... When did your glue start to flake off?

    Sent from my iPhone using LapBandTalk

  13. Everyone is different, I'm one week post op today too and all I eat during the day is 1-2 little pots of yogurt and a cup of home made Soup but I drink loadsss of liquids during the day too like 2 cups of peppermint tea, 2 cups of milk, 3 cups of Water and 1 cup of low cal hot coco :) but 2 days ago I just was NOT hungry and had to force myself to eat yogurt but today I could eat yogurt and Soup. I'm up and about too, went to town yesterday to buy my mum a birthday present :) not saying I have no pain but it's manageable :)

    Sent from my iPhone using LapBandTalk

  14. Ahh its torture' date=' isn't it? My family had pizza tonight...it's no fun. Me too! I will have to make it happen once and a while. I can't imagine never eating pizza or Pasta again. <img src='http://www.bariatricpal.com/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':(' /> how's your recovery going?[/quote']

    My recovery is going good :) how about you? I'm just having a lot of wind trouble :(

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  15. Yea the wind pain is just like pain in your chest like you can't burp, it really hurt for me but gripe Water helped get the wind up :) and the plication is so important, it really prevents the band from slipping and honestly should be done with everyone who gets the band. I asked my surgeon did he do it and he looked shocked and said 'of course, if I didn't then your band would easily slip off' so definetly ask your surgeon about it :)

    Sent from my iPhone using LapBandTalk

  16. Omg I loveeee pizza too :( I'm five days post op too and yesterday my family made pizza and the smell and the look of the golden cheese was torture :( I hope I can eat a tiny bit sometime and a bit of Pasta as I love pasta too!

    Sent from my iPhone using LapBandTalk

  17. My surgeon said the band will last for life, he said as long as I follow the rules and don't abuse it and it doesn't slip or erode then there is no reason to get it removed. But I hear other people say it only lasts 10-15-20 years? I'm a bit worried now, how will I afford surgery to get it removed! :( I'm still paying off the loan for gettin the band :( what do you guys reckon?

    Sent from my iPhone using LapBandTalk

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