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Posts posted by soontobeskinnymini

  1. I regretted the surgery the few weeks out also. Now I'm 6 months out and I don't miss food, I don't crave food and I look at food as a fuel for my body instead of something I need psychologically. I lost 62lbs, feel AMAZING about myself and my confidence has skyrocketed. I'm with everybody else who says hang in there. Surgery is a very emotional thing. Your body is all out of whack from the changes going on and you just need to give it time and give the surgery a chance.

  2. I have Reglin I think it's called? For stomach and nausea, a nausea patch and ondansetron so three different kinds of nausea meds. I felt fine the first 3 weeks I'd say but now it's all day and comes in waves. It's getting to the point where I don't even want to eat because I know one bite and I won't be feeling good. It's impossible to be in a social setting right now. I hope it gets better I just want to feel normal again...I'm a slow loser also so right now I'm regretting surgery a little bit.

  3. First couple weeks after surgery I felt amazing, everything went down well the more I graduated into soft foods. Lately though the last two weeks I'd say everything I eat I take a bite and get nauseous. I throw up probably twice a week and not because food is stuck (trust me had that happen I know how that feels) or just I'm full it's literally my first bite and just because....I didn't read anything about this being a side affect, is this normal???

  4. I know it can be discouraging. I am actually at my goal weight, and I have been for a number of months now. I find it a little frustrating because I have a lot of skin, especially on my stomach (2-8lb babies, a c-section and over a 120lb weight loss). I really want plastics, but I cannot afford it at the moment either, and won't be able to for a couple of more years yet. There are days that I get down because I have come so far with the weight loss, but still feel fat because of all the hanging skin. On the positive side, it is fairly easy to hide. And like someone had said on another post a while ago, I might look like an 80 year old naked, but with clothes on I look 25! Despite the frustrating days, I am still more happy with my body than I ever have been in my life and do not regret having this surgery done. I will take the lose skin over the extra 120 plus pounds any day!

    I'm glad somebody can relate to me! You're right the skin is easy to hide I have some amazing jeans from Kohls that suck everything in lol! My boobs are the main thing, I am a low BMI sleever, now 180s so my boobs were always my thing I didn't like being heavy but I loved how huge they were lol so I miss them but I am def going to try some of those natural simulators hopefully I can get some fullness back.

  5. in regards to your boobs...

    massaging stimulates growth... so.. worth a shot.. massage massage massage!

    also.. there's the noogleberry.. it's worth a shot. lol http://www.noogleber...iewCat&catId=11

    there's also herbs you can take that help stimulate breast growth. stuff for nursing moms, for example.. fenugreek, fennel seed, evening primrose oil, wild yam extract, etc. caffiene is bad for breasts.. so if you drink it, you may consider stopping.

    here's more info on herbs: http://www.greenbush...rgirbrease.html

    you could combine all of the above & end up getting your boobies back. there's natural breast growth forums you can join, too. one girl on one that i frequent got her boobs to go from a B cup to a DD & she stopped taking the stuff for a few years & the size was still there.

    in regards to saggy skin.. there's a guy who lost all his weight naturally, with raw food (vegan).. he doesn't have any loose skin. he was 400 pounds & is now normal.. his secret-- besides raw food.. was that he skin brushed, which helps remove dead skin & help new skin growth.. as well as taking MSM (which is a sulfur compound made from rain Water & is natural)- it's used to lubricate joints and also helps soften skin. and he ate a lot of foods high in collagen.. like berries.. blueberries have a lot of collagen in them.. and they're also low carb..

    you can find him on youtube --- http://www.youtube.com/user/lovingraw << he has a video about saggy skin.. one thing i liked about that video was that he said something like "if you're 400 lb and you're worried about having saggy skin, your head isn't in the right place.. you should be more focused on being alive and living.. worry about the skin later, when you know you're going to be alive." lol that was me paraphrasing, not his exact words. ;) he was a lot more eloquent. lol

    this guy was on the show "the doctors" as well..

    here's the skin video that he did:

    hope that helps you a little or at least piques your curiosity. :)

    This is great advice thank you!!!! I know I can't do anything right now anyway it's just frustrating

  6. I am only a month out of surgery, 25lbs down since then but my body is already changing and I have mixed feelings about it.. I obviously love the smaller figure already but my excess skin around my belly from carrying my two 9lb babies is getting wayyyy worse and my boobs have already went from a D to barely a C in just that small amount of weight loss. I'm almost not excited to lose more weight because I know my boobs will just get smaller and my stomach will just get worse. I can't afford any surgery right now because we are in the process of buying a new house so I am stuck being discouraged about my new body :(

  7. I am with you ladies! It is amazing to me what a chore eating has become. I also feel like I've gotten this under control only to push myself a little to far and it all comes back up.

    I've found that 3 saltine crackers and 2 pieces of laughing cow cheese is one of the only things I can tolerate right now. The shakes are nauseating as well as anything sugar free.

    On a positive note I feel like I can already drink more Water than in the first two weeks and that is encouraging. I am hoping in one more week when I move to soft foods I will have more success getting all of my needed Protein.

    No one said this would be easy, but geez!!!

    omg crackers and cheese sound amazing! Lol it's TOM and I want everything. Usually this is where we have chinese food twice in one week but as good as general tso chicken sounds right now I'm pretty sure it's not on my liquid/mushy diet! Lol you are right nobody said it was going to be easy, only thing that keeps me going is the 17lbs I already lost

  8. To be honest with you my surgeon told me to stay on soft foods until at least week 4 but I was sick and tired of Soups, shakes and eggs. I've been eating foods now which helps with getting the Protein in. I just make sure that the meats I eat or wet so they go down well.

    One of my co-workers asked if I were taking the B-12 and I am but I take the tablets that dissolve and she suggested that I try the nasal spray or shot. I may try that and see if I get more energy.

    I've also noticed that when I get fatigued if I get up and walk around it goes away.

    When I was in the hospital for the dehydration the Dr. let me have eggs. They went down fine so I have been having things like eggs, burrito insides and cheez-its because they dissolve easily in my mouth. My biggest obstacle is the hernia repair make my opening to my stomach the size of straw so if I don't chew things good enough or take a big bite of even apple sauce it gets stuck and hurts like heck.

    I actually have some b-12 dissolve pills so I'll try it and see if it works. Thanks!

  9. Hi, I'm in my 3rd week post surgery and I truly feel your pain. Some things I can eat and it stay down but some things come back up. It's so hard eating slow when you're hungry. Just when I think I have my food intake down, I end up throwing it up. For now eating very small amounts very slowly seem to work then in 1 to 2 hrs I'm hungry again. I have a large support group at work and they tell me it will get better.

    I don't mind not being able to eat large amounts of food but I would like to be able to enjoy the small meals that I'm having without the fear of getting sick, feeling nauseous or having a tight feeling. Will that ever go away?

    I'm also tired of all the Vitamins needed. Someone need to come up with 1 pill that includes all the needed Vitamins in one. LOL>

    I'm also fatiqued quite often. It's been hard for me to wake up for work, get out of bed and get moving in the mornings. I seem to be sleepy all the time. Is anyone else experiencing that?

    The bright side is that after 2 1/2 weeks I'm down 15 lbs. I can't see it on myself but people have noticed and commented to me that my face is slimmer which makes me smile and think to myself...hey maybe it is all worth it.

    Happy I can relate to somebody lol. I don't enjoy food at all right now and I just hope it gets better. Like you said I want a meal, a small meal but eating something without feeling lousy after would be nice. I am tired too, literally ALL THE TIME! I had to take a nap every day since surgery which was 2 weeks ago today. My husband went back to work Monday and I'm struggling with fatigue and taking care of our two toddlers. I just don't have any energy to run after them and keep the house up so currently my house is a mess.

    I hope it gets better for us!! The doc at my post op app told me I had to stay on full liquids and some mushies like eggs for another 4 weeks but I just can't wait to eat something normal I feel like an outcast when the rest of the family has to cook something different for me when everybody else has a steak lol.

  10. I'm two weeks post op and having a hard time with this new stomach. I can't drink anything without getting instantly full and then I feel either nauseous or lousy when my stomach is full. I was already in the hospital for severe dehydration which IDK how because I always have Water next to me. I can't get enough Popsicles or water because I am SO THIRSTY! Before surgery I guzzled water all day, water bottle after water bottle. In 2010 I had 3 surgeries to get rid of a kidney stone the size of a ping pong ball so ever since then I make sure I get enough water. Now it seems impossible since more than a tiny sip makes my hernia repair and sleeve upset. Because I'm taking in less water my kidney stones are back! ughhhhh what did I do to myself?

    Thanks for listening to me rant and rave lol. Hope it gets better from here :(

  11. Wait a minute! They left something IN you? What? How do you get it out?

    Lol they were suppose to leave the monitor in me. It was a device that stayed in for a couple weeks to measure how much acid comes up to see if I needed my hernia repaired also. The device was a little bit bigger than a pill and it was suppose to just come off my esophagus and digest but it got stuck in my hernia repair then bounced around my sleeve causing some pain.

  12. Just got home, I got admitted over***ht. Turns out the esophageal monitor they had in me for my acid reflex they never took out after surgery. It was about the size of a pen cap so when it went through my hernia repair then my sleeve it caused some pain and discomfort. Was pretty dehydrated too which I have no idea how to prevent at this point since I'm constantly sipping on Water or Popsicles. Doing okay now tho thanks for all the well wishes :)

  13. I was sleeved a week ago today. I have this pain in my esophagus kindof right in the middle of my boobs. Feels like I dry swallowed a huge pill and it got stuck. Not terrible stabbing pain but an annoying ache that gets worse when I inhale. Feels like I really need to hick-up or burp but the gas won't come up it's just stuck there. Anyway, I called my dr to ask about it and she's said go to the hospital where I had the sleeve done and go to the ER! What?? Why?? what is it???

  14. I know I had a little bit of blood in my stomach from the staples and the nurse told me the taste in my mouth was from that. She said it's normal and will go away. And yes that sounds like gas pain and the grumbling in my stomach at least for me is just the air moving around. Gas X strips works for my gas pain and makes that hungry feeling in my stomach go away. Oh and drinking Water helps too

  15. SO excited to step on the scale today and was 197!! I am officially out of the 200s and I hope to never see them again. This sleeve is the best decision I have ever made for myself. I haven't lost a ton yet, it's still early but I'm already confident in myself and learning to love myself again with every pound that comes off. Thought I'd share since this is a huge milestone for me :)

  16. Surgery went well. Still having pain on my left side. Feels like i am lacking muscles on that side. I am sure things will get better each day!! No regrets, but cant wait to feel better!!

    At least for me the pain is easing up every day so I'm expecting to feel good by next week. I have to force myself to eat since if I didn't think about it I probably would go the whole day without anything. Only problem I am having is I defiantly not getting enough Protein. My shakes suck and make me gag and I can only force about 4ozish a day down.

  17. I live in Lowell. Hoping to finally get united healthcare to approve me at the beginning of the year! I will be using Grand Health Partners out of Grand Rapids or if I get denied AGAIN I will be going to Dr. Kelly in mexico! Hope all who just had surgery are doing well!


    I'm sorry you are having such a hard time with insurance. I didn't have a hard time getting actually approved but the hoops I had to jump through was crazy. I hope it all works out for you!

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