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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by suepeeps

  1. suepeeps

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    I hated guacamole for a while but tonight we went out for Mexican and I liked it again. I shared a meal with a friend. We had shrimp and refried beans. Yummy and protein packed. Wasn't even tempted by the candy. Not much left over thank goodness!
  2. My NUT told me to try eating 2 bites of protein to 1 bite of veggies. It has worked well for me. You can always get extra protein in a shake.
  3. suepeeps

    Your "large" Incision?

    Right side for me too. My Dr made 7 incisions for mine. I know others have less. I also had my gall bladder out at the same time so maybe that made a difference.
  4. Campbells Tomato is my fav! I toss in a little basil and it is delicious. I still crave it almost 2 months out:)
  5. suepeeps

    Hiding The Scale

    I had my hubby hide the scale. I cant not step on it every time I go in there. Now it is just once a week and much better!
  6. I was able to have tomato soup but check with your Dr. They are all different. Mine just didn't want me to have chunks of veggies etc...
  7. suepeeps

    MyFitnessPal.com Members

    I have lost 30 since surgery. Many stalls and then I will drop 4 -5 pounds. Go figure. I have not had any problems since surgery. No nausea or vomiting the entire time. Love it!! This is the best decision I have ever made! Life is good
  8. suepeeps

    MyFitnessPal.com Members

    I am suepeeps. Sleeved on Sept 6
  9. Thanks for sharing! I am tempted to print it out and put it on the refrigerator! Good things to keep in mind as we progress
  10. suepeeps

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    It was the support group at the clinic where Bariatric Surgery is in St. Louis Park MN. The team at Park Nicollet is awesome!!! One of the Nurse Clinitians runs it and she is awesome. They have it 2x a month
  11. Any surgery has the risk of complications. Getting on an airplane has risks of crashing... Having this surgery will change your life so much! just think of the things you will be able to do with your daughter after losing the weight. Be sure to research your Dr and see what kind of track record they have. Follow all of their instructions and hopefully all will go well. Most of all, keep a POSITIVE attitude throughout. It makes a huge difference! Good luck to you
  12. suepeeps

    Pre Op Diet Tips

    I really missed chewing. I would chew gum once in a while to help with that. I also got so tired of all the sweet drinks!! chicken broth was very helpful then too. sugar free popsicles are another great treat during this phase. the pre op diet went much better than I thought it would. Make sure you don't get too hungry. If you start to feel hungry drink a Protein shake. Just keep looking at some of the before and after pics on here. That will be YOU some day soon! Good luck
  13. awesome!! YOu look great in yellow too!!! Looking forward to reaching my goal. So happy with my sleeve.
  14. suepeeps

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    Went to a support group meeting this week. It was so nice to talk face to face with other people who have had WLS. Many of them were sleevers. There were people 3 years out to people with upcoming surgeries. It is a long drive but I have 2 friends that go too so it is nice to have the "pre-support group" on the way there. lol So lucky to have 2 friends in the same boat as I am. One had her sleeve 1 month before me and the other is getting hers on Tuesday. (2 months after me) Love having friends to talk to about this!
  15. suepeeps

    The Dreaded Stall!

    I was the same way. I finally had my husband hide the scale and I am just weighing once a week. I like seeing more of a loss each time I step on it now:) Last time I had a stall I lost nothing for 2 weeks and then lost 4 pounds overnight. go figure! stalls suck!
  16. suepeeps

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    I am eating most things except raw veggies. I talked to my nurse yesterday and she said I can add them at 3 months. I have never craved a salad but I do now!! lol I have been losing slowly too. Many stalls had me a bit down but I broke this latest stall and now things seem to be moving downward again:) When I look at the over all picture I have lost 50 pre and post op! WOW that is just amazing. Then I realize things are going so much better than pre sleeve!!! The stalls just seem to drag on and on..... So happy with my sleeve
  17. suepeeps

    Trader Joe's Favorites

    What are your favorite things at Trader Joe's? I know a lot of people have great things they get there and it would be nice to start a list. I plan on making a trip to one soon and would like some ideas:)
  18. suepeeps

    Trader Joe's Favorites

    I am going to start making some of the recipes on eggface and I know she uses a lot of trader Joe's things. So glad to see what others like too. I don't have one near me so i do have to drive to get to one. Thanks for the suggestions!!
  19. I had one and the nurse just clipped it off at my 1 month appt.
  20. suepeeps

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    For some reason I have had a lot of "head hunger" today. I really have not had much of that since surgery. I didn't sleep well last night and was out of my routine this weekend as I was doing an art tour. I am hoping that tomorrow will be easier. Luckily I didn't have anything but my proteins with me so my eating was fine.
  21. suepeeps

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    I have not thrown up throughout this entire journey. So thankful for that! I told my NUT I could be the poster child for this surgery
  22. suepeeps

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    I was drying my hair today and.... HOLY BAT WINGS!!! the skin was just a flappin on my upper arms. lol Looks like I better get busy with some extra toning on those.
  23. suepeeps

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    I have been at a stall for over a week. I had my husband hide the scale I told him to bring it out on Saturdays and then hide it again. I got up this morning and it was gone. It was kind of freeing... I think it will be better for me to see more of a loss once a week. I just had to jump on that thing every day! I tried toast with peanut butter today. It was awesome!! First time I have had it in months!! The dog was happy as I couldn't eat it all and gave a bit to her! lol
  24. suepeeps


    A recipe for that would be awesome. I was just thinking of that yesterday and wishing icould have some!
  25. suepeeps

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    Not sure how I have missed this thread. LoL. Surgery was 9-6 I feel like I have turned a corner this week. I have more energy and food just seems easier

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
