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Everything posted by kelliv

  1. Hi Lila, I will be paying $500 to the anesthetist next Tuesday, as my Private cover Defense Health covers the other $1500.
  2. Sorry, I haven't heard of this Vitamin.
  3. Hi I started per op Optifast diet 4 days ago and going fine. Allowed to eat non starchy vege and salad, plus 3 serves of Optifast, I cup of berries and diet jelly.
  4. kelliv

    Sleep Apnea...question

    I have been using CPAP machine for mild level 8 seep apnea for 2 years ad it makes me feel so good. My op is on 14 August and it was my sleep specialist was the one who suggested it. I intend to have another sleep study in a year ad hope it has disappeared. 80% of people who have WLS get rid of sleep apnea. I use smallest soft silicone nose mask which just sits into the nostrils . It took a bit of getting used to but is very comfortable now. Good luck
  5. kelliv

    Pre-Op Restart

    I am also on August 14 and am 4 days into my per op diet. What are you having? I am on 3 Optifast shakes a day, unlimited non starchy vege & salad, 1 cup berries and diet jelly, tea, coffee (no milk)
  6. Thanks Sue, will do, although I think I'll just avoid it altogether. 4 days in and not very hungry. Headaches have also disappeared. Already getting tired of salads and veges. Need a few new creative ideas for preparation.......
  7. Hi my sleeve booked & paid for in BrIsbane, Australa, 14 August. Started pre-op diet 3 das ago. Still getting headaches which hopefully will pass soon.
  8. Michelle, I've checked out the website and Mshashi P30 does appear to be gluten free. Thanks
  9. Hi Michelle, if may say on the box, gluten free or contains gluten. Do you have one you could check please when you have time? Otherwise Ii will need to check ingredients list next time I shop. Do you buy these in the supermarket or are they a health food shop speciality? Thanks kelli
  10. Hi Shelley, my husband and I are visiting his family in North Queensland this Christmas and I am like you and want to have lost about 20kgs by then. The only person thre who knows about my op is my mother-in-law and I've asked her not to tell anyone. I will do so when I am ready.
  11. Hi Ladies, does anyone know if the Mushashi drinks are gluten free please? Also I am allowed non starchy vege and salad during prep, but do you know if I can include avocado? Love it and it helps ake salads more interesting. Thanks, kelli
  12. It's cold in Brisbane to***ht. Going to get down to 5 degrees
  13. Thanks for your support ladies, much appreciated.
  14. Hi Michelle, good idea. I had a salad for lunch, but forgot to have my shake and was hungry later in the day. My mother-in-law is visiting from North Qld and she cooked braised chicken & potatoes with salad for her and my husband. IT SMELT SOOO GOOD!!! I am pleased to say I resisted the temptation. As long as I supplement my shakes with interesting vege dishes, I should cope OK. I tried the shakes with water and ice and it does taste better.
  15. Just an update.... 2 days into pre op regime and I have a persistent headache and am cranky! Trying to keep up my Water as this seems to help. Making yummy mushrooms stuffed with vege for dinner. Seems odd making them without cheese and bread crumbs, but I have flavored them with garlic and chilli so shoud be tasty at least. Will finish with diet jelly and 1/2 cup frozen berries.
  16. kelliv

    August Sleevers?! Where Ya's At?

    Hi, my op date is 14 August in Brisbane, Australa. Just started my 2 week pre op diet today. One day down and 13 to go.
  17. Welcome to our Aussie thread. Hw has your experience been so far?
  18. Aussiegirl your photos are amazing. Well done. All the hard work has certainly paid off.
  19. Well I survived day one of prep. 3 Optifast shakes, one carrot & a cup of vege stock for pm tea & stir fried veged for dinner followed by diet jelly and frozen berries. Not bad, 13 days to go!! I also paid for my surgery today ($5900) so no going back now!
  20. kelliv

    August Sleevers

    Yes Umi, I am a bit nervous, but information helps and I have learnt a lot on this site. Great to be able to talk to other sleevers. Are you doing 2 week prep? What's your date? Where are you?

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