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Everything posted by kelliv

  1. I had my first session in the gym today and it felt good to exercise 20kgs lighter than before. Losing weight has certainly taken pressure off my joints, but my fitness level is down as I haven't done much exercise in the past few months. I know I should have been, but I've felt the need to just focus on the food side of things for a while. I've felt a bit guilty about it, but am now back on track and hoping to firm up the flabby bits.
  2. Hi Lila, so good to finally hear from you as we have all been very worried about. i am sorry you have had ongoing issues and that the leak is still there. Have you lost any weight while all this has been going on? I remember you saying you probably wouldn't initially. How exciting that you can start eating again. I am sure custard and jelly have never tasted so good to you before. I hope your tests go positively tomorrow and that you get some good news finally. Stay positive and keep focusing on how well you will be once you ate past all of these challenges. Kelli
  3. I tried to call but did not know her real name at that time. One of the ladies who was sleeved the same day does know her name and called the hospital who said she was still there.
  4. Should one of us phone the hospital and ask after her? Just concerned re privacy. Otherwise we just wait until she is ready to contact us again?
  5. And don't forget eggs are ok at soft stage....scrambled or poached with soft cooked mushrooms. You may only get in 1/2 cup but yummy and good Protein and nuttition
  6. There are lots of soft fruits you can have such as mashed banana, berries etc and why not try porridge as full of fibre and nice and soft. Oat or rice porridge is yummy. Mashed avocado with anything savoury is another way to get fats in. Lots of soft cooked vege including spinach, sweet potato etc should go down. Maybe make a casserole with meat and vege as it all gets soft and yummy.
  7. Justine, the same thing happened to me but what helps is eating a wide variety of foods and 6 small half cup meals per day. You should not be counting calories starving yourself thinking you will lose more weight that way. Our bodies don't work like that. The less we eat the more likely your body is to hold onto it. The most important thing is to have professional help from a dietician until you are confident in your eating. I am 7 weeks post op and have had a couple of stalls, but they disappear when I am more vigilant about eating more. Good luck
  8. A good tip i got from dietician is to have one glass of water (approx 200ml) 10-15 minutes before each 'meal' and don't stress too much if you don'trememer to drink again half an hour after eating as you won't be thirsty. It does help. I am about 7 weeks post op and eating 6 small (1/2 cup) meals per day. Takes some getting used to that's for sure, but definitely worth it as I have already lost 18kg (just over 40 pounds)
  9. kelliv


    I was sleeved on Aug 14 and was drinking tea and coffee in moderation as in one or two small ones per day within one week.
  10. Kristi, your plan sounds great and the time will fly by between now and then.
  11. Hi Sue, my dietician suggested trying to get nutrition from food instead of supplements if at all possible. Re calcium it mens min 2 serves of milk
  12. kelliv

    Severe Constipation

    Benefibre and Coloxil worked for me at that stage but once you are back on solids, the grainy foods are the most important food to help stop cnstipation.
  13. kelliv

    August Sleevers?! Where Ya's At?

    I was sleeved on 14 August and have lost 18kgs (approx 40 pounds) even with a couple of annoying stalls along the way. The best thing I could have done, but still taking a bit of getting used to having to slow down and eat less.

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