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Everything posted by kelliv

  1. Congratulations Nessa, way to go.
  2. Hi Lila, great to hear you are at home and starting to get into the swing of the next stages. Everything you have described sounds very normal and every day it will get easier, even though it may not feel like it at the time. You are doing the right things and as you start to feel better you will want more variety. Keep you your fluids, multi Vitamins and benefibre, lots of tasty Soups, vege or fruit juices etc. When do you think you will start back at work? They will be amazed when they next see you. Stay positive as you always have before and you will be fine.
  3. Well done Shelley. I am yet to have my first session and know it will hurt, but that's good. Guess what??? I bought a size 12 'Not your daughters jeans' today. They are tight, but comfortable and I plan to strink down into them. I am definitely not a size 12. Still more a 16, but these jeans are stretchy and best to get smaller. Still , a bit chuffed!!
  4. Thanks Sue ad yes we did enjoy the night. Re Shelley's comments about there being good men out there I would have to agree. I have known my husband for 21 years and we've been marred for 18. We don't have any children, but that's a long and painful story. Through all of life's ups and downs we've stuck together and he has always been extremely supportive regardless of my size. I was a size 10 and 60kgs when we met. Never has he made a negative comment about it creeping on over the years. Needless to say he's very proud of me now and keeps introducing me to his friends as his new wife! His Italian background also helps as he s very family oriented. Ladies, hang in there and just focus on yourselves at the moment. You will feel better about yourselves as time goes on and that growing confidence will shine through.
  5. Wow you are so tiny!! I've never worn a size 8 as an adult, but would love to get back into a size 10. I was 60kg and a size 10 when I met my husband 21 years ago. My aim s to get as close s I can to that size again. Enjoy your shopping. You deserve it.
  6. I want to get a new updated photo taken, but thought I would use one taken last weekend with my husband at Octoberfest in Brisbane as an interim. I still look big in photos so need to face reality that I have a long way to go before I look slim. In the meanwhile I am happy taking baby steps towards my goal.
  7. Shelley with your determination and commitment you will do well. You are going to be so hot by the time the rest of your family sees you at Christmas. I recently joined the Goodlife gym at Bardon which comes with 4 personal training sessions. I've been a few ties, but had a cyst cut out of the top of my back last week so am a bit restricted for the next week. I am also travelling with my business, so will be away all of next week in the Whitsundays. It will be a busy week, but I am still determined to swim every day.
  8. Sue you now your own body and what works best for you, so stick with what works. Cheers
  9. Hi Sue, you really are 'stuck' aren't you? My dietician advised that the most important foods to ensure constipation is alleviated are grainy carbs, such as brown rice, grainy breads/wraps, crackers, quinoa etc. i have ceo,iac disease, so cannot eat gluten which makes this more of a challenge, but I persevere as constipation is the pits. I thought fruit and vege would have been the key but it's the whole grains instead. Wy not try adding in 2 slices of grainy bread a day with a protein & salad topping?
  10. Hi Shelley, that's another good loss and it sounds like you are doing so well. My best friend/business partner still never comments. I see you most days and we ate travelling together at the moment, away for a week each time. She doesn't make negative comments but she also doesn't make any complimentary ones. Disappointing, but I believe it's her problem not mine and I am not worrying about it any more. My proof is in my progress and that will speak for itself. We are going to the Qld Tourism Awards in a couple of weeks and the dress I was hoping to wear is now too big for me after I was worried it wouldn't fit. I know she will struggle to find a dress to fit into. I
  11. Hi Shelley, that's another good loss and it sounds like you are doing so well. My best friend/business partner still never comments. I see you most days and we ate travelling together at the moment, away for a week each time. She doesn't make negative comments but she also doesn't make any complimentary ones. Disappointing, but I believe it's her problem not mine and I am not worrying about it any more. My proof is in my progress and that will speak for itself. We are going to the Qld Tourism Awards in a couple of weeks and the dress I was hoping to wear is now too big for me after I was worried it wouldn't fit. I know she will struggle to find a dress to fit into. I
  12. Hi Aussiegirl, great to hear from you again. I always look forward to your updates from your travels as being so far aead of the rest of us what you share is really valuable and helps me understand the new 'normal'. You are doing very well and enjoy every bit of happiness you find. When I have been to the US in the past I found their portion sizes huge and the food not particularly healthy and I really missed real cheese instead of the manufactured yellow gunk they have there. Have fun and and I look forward to your next post.
  13. Hi Jules, it's because I have the same issues with those food types too. My favourite used to be lamb chops and now I can't even eat one small one. There are lots of other options such ad: Cereal or porridge Slice of grainy toast with small tin of baked Beans Tamar no sugar fruit yoghurt Rice paper roll with chicken or prawns & salad/avocado with sweet chilli sauce Wrap with salad & meat Rice cakes with wide range of toppings always including some Protein and salad Fresh fruit/salad Mince - any type seems to go down more easily made into a stew with vege, or Pasta sauce or a mexican dish such as a taco or tostada with salad and avocado Chicken cooked in numerous ways Prawn salad Ham steak & vege or salad Fruit toast Hopefully this will give you a few ideas to play with. I still eat too much quite often and feel uncomfortable although I am only talking one or two extra bites tipping me over the edge.
  14. Is anyone else experiencing regular stall? I've been stuck for two weeks now AGAIN. I know I have to wait it out but its frustrating.
  15. Hi Lila, YIPEE, your news is fantastic. We are all so pleased you are out of hospital. It must feel amazing not to be hooked up to an IV after so long. I hope you are staying somewhere nice in the Gold Coast and can actually have a relaxing few days before you head home. Maybe do some shopping at Robina for one or two new interim clothing items as you transition through your weight loss. You've had a great loss so far and I am sure you will have continued success. We look forward to hearing of your continued progress.
  16. Hi Lila, i found Miso soup was great during the liquid phase. You can buy sachets of it in the supermarket or ask someone to get it for you takeaway from the local sushi bar. Just make sure it doesn't have seaweed and tofu in it. Yummy
  17. Hi Lila, what a huge relief to hear that your leak has repaired itself and life can start to get back to normal again. Look forward to hearing of your progress along the road to recovery.
  18. Sue I would love to see an updated photo of us as your profile picture. I need to update mine too. Have a photo shoot of a property this week, so will ask my photographer to take a few new shots of me while we are there.

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