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Everything posted by kelliv

  1. Thank you everyone for your well wishes. Unfortunately after waiting outside theatre for 2 hours early this morning the surgery was postponed. There had been a car accident emergency and another child needed the ICU my niece was supposed to be in post op. They are now back on the ward waiting again. It won't happen now until at least Monday. Poor little angle. We just want the problem fixed so she can start to put on weight and recover.
  2. My new little niece in Melbourne who is only 4 months old has been in hospital for the past 2 weeks with an unexpected heart condition. She is being operated on tomorrow morning. Puts everything into perspective. We will be glad when the operation is over and she starts putting on weight again. She's almost back to her birth weight. Poor little darling.
  3. Bunny it's a pain to use the CPAP but it is essential for your health until the doc gives you the all clear to stop using it. As you said you feel better after wearing it so why not use every night? It is 'addictive' because your body likes it when you use it. Good luck
  4. I have mild sleep apnea 8/20 and have been on a CPAP machine for about 2 years. It was my sleep specialist who recommended I have WLS. I have lost 22kg in just under 3 months and am seeing sleep doc on 14 Dec. I hope to do a new sleep study in new year and possibly get off machine. Love how the machine makes me feel and have used it religiously since day one with tiny nasal mask. Hope this helps. Go for the surgery if it suits you. PS. Getting sleeve was the best thing I could have done.
  5. Welcome home and I hope you enjoy getting back into a routine. Our food is better in Australia and the portion sizes aren't usually as big than the US.
  6. Any wins? Mum just won $1,000 on a boxed trifecta fromLions!! She's very excited.
  7. Good luck to those who are backing a horse on the Melbourne Cup. i hope we all have wins!!!
  8. Well done Nessa, that's inspiring.
  9. Does anyone know if this gurgling sound disappears after a while?
  10. That's so true Shelley. Love your latest photo. You are looking amazing. How is the training going?
  11. Little celebration this week I am sure some of you will relate to. I haven't been able to cross my legs, as in one over the other for years. Found myself doing it in a meeting this week. Had a little grin to myself. Another small victory achieved.
  12. That's just what it's like. Weird isn't it?
  13. Haven't heard of that one Sue. I have a strange thing happen too. I get these gurgly burping sounds from my chest sometimes when I eat or drink. Does this happen to anyone else?
  14. I wish I was averaging that much, but it's definitely slowed from very early on and I've had a few stalls. I am probably averaging 3kg per month now and hope it keeps going at that rate until I get closer to goal.As long as t keeps going down I don't mind how long it takes. I am trying to weigh myself once a week now too.I've been traveling for my business and just sent all of last week in Airlie Beach, home for a week then in Hervey Bay for 5 nights then a week later in Port Douglas. I can't wait for things to slow down just before Christmas.
  15. Great to hear all went well Scotty. I still get the hiccups most nights after dinner!

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