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Everything posted by kelliv

  1. Welcome shabby to our great forum.
  2. Had a great night at the Qld Tourism Awards last night. A bubbles and a wine before dinner, then a little bit of yummy healthy seafood entree and fish main course but old habits die hard when it came to dessert which I ate most of, then immediately felt uncomfortable and guilty. It was a white and dark chocolate cheery bavious and it was so rich. I'm not even a big dessert eater, so I was annoyed at myself afterwards. Back to being good today, but going to a friend's for dinner tonight and I know she's been planning the menu all week. This socialising is a killer.
  3. On a totally different topic, my husband and I went to see the latest James Bond film, which opened today. We enjoyed it even though it wasn't a typical Bond film with lots of women and fast paced chases. Love Daniel Craig as Bond, but Casino Royale still my personal favourite.
  4. Re Snacks, i carry the tiny boxes of sultanas in my bag for emergencies. Love nuts and they are good for me, but I only ever have small serve. Fruit, vege and dairy are the best snacks and I love raw veges with yummy hommus as a snack. I don't get the old hungry feeling, but I do get a odd feeling which I usually ignore and yes I too gorget to eat sometimes, but I could never go the whole day without food. Shelley maybe put an alarm on your phone reminding you to eat during the day when you are busy and be organised by having food on hand.
  5. Lila you really do look different. Your whole face has opened up and shows your pretty features. Keep looking back at these for comparison as I am sure it will motivate you even further. Can't wait to see your progress photos.
  6. Hi Lila, great news about you going back to work, but try to take it slowly. What did they all say about your weight loss to date? I would love to see an updated photo as I am sure your face already looks different. Have you bought any new new clothes to wear to work?
  7. Welcome Dean and congratulations on your successful surgery. Don't stress about the weight loss stalling. Sometimes I think it's your body just catching up. I have been experiencing 1-2week stalls since about the 2nd week after surgery. It always breaks but is a bit frustrating at the time. Just keep following doc and dieticians advice and all will be well. You have already done brilliantly. Let us know if you ave any questions along the way. We may not always have the answers but we will always have an opinion often based on our own experiences!!
  8. I had my 3rd episode of throwing up in 3 months tonight. Went out for Chinese. Thought I had been careful about what I ate and how quickly but all of a sudden it came back up. Felt better straight afterwards, but I do try and avoid this happening. Two of the times this happened it was after eating rice.
  9. Hi Deb, thanks for the update and I am very pleased it all went smoothly for you. The next few weeks will continue to feel strange as you get used to your new little tummy, but once you are back on normal foods it will became easier. Let us know if you have any questions along the way as there is a depth of experience on this thread.
  10. Hi Aussie, great to get your update. I haven't thought about Christmas as I still won't be able to eat any more than I do on a normal day. Couldn't even if I wanted to, which I don't thank goodness. I will still look forward to enjoying a little of the yummy foods and am sure I will still fit in a rum ball or two but I am not going to stress about it. Relax and enjoy the festivities.
  11. I always thought dumping was like severe runs as opposed to vomiting??? I have had two episodes of throwing up after eating too much or two quickly. Now I am getting used to what I can tolerate now.
  12. Surgery over and little C is in ICU and breathing on her own which is a huge relief. Thank you for your kind words of support.
  13. kelliv

    Brisbane Bariatrics

    Let us know how your surgery goes and f you ave any questions afterwards. It's definitely a earning process. Nearly 3months out I am still getting used to my new reality, but never once have I regretted my decision. My sleep specialist and orthopaedic surgeon are based at Greenslopes.
  14. kelliv

    Australian Sleevers.

    Hi Louise, I am on a great thread called Attention! Australian Sleevers. It's been going for a few months and has a lot of great info and is a fantastic group of people from all over Australia. Check it out.
  15. kelliv

    Brisbane Bariatrics

    No, but I've heard good things about him. Good luck with your surgery. Was done by Dr Copp who was working from the same office one day a week, but only operates at Ipswich. I would have preferred to be done at Greenslopes as it is a great hospital. Let us know how you get on. Have you looked at thread called Attention! australian sleevers???

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