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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kelliv

  1. Mine will be to get to my goal weight and also to get off my CPAP machine
  2. Yes that is normal. You may still have lost cms. Also common not to open bowels for a while after surgery. Many of us tried all sorts of things to help. Coloxol tablets and lots of Water helped me, but it all gets back to normal eventually. Good luck.
  3. Miso soup is also filling and yummy at that stage, but without the 'bits' in it. Enjoy and let us know if you have any questions.
  4. My nails are the best they have ever been in my life at the moment, so whatever is causing hair loss isn't affecting my nails.
  5. I am 4.5 months out and seem to losing more hair than usually. Just comes out in the brush or comb, but I have fairly thick hair, so no where near enough loss to be noticeable. Not taking anything for it specifically other than multi Vitamins, but I hear zinc helps.
  6. Congratulations on getting your date and we hope it all goes smoothly and you can get the sleeve on the same day.
  7. Sorry 'crackers, but would feel quite full. I don't believe our sleeves are really able to stretch. My surgeon told me it is almost impossible and that the bit hey didn't cut away is the least stretchy part. I am not worried.
  8. I am in a long stall of 3 weeks and hope it breaks soon. Very frustrating!!
  9. Hi Lili, this still happens to me as I try new things. meat such as lamb and beef are difficult to digest and don't sit very well. You are still in the early days and it will get easier to judge what sits well and what doesn't over time. It does get easier.

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