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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kelliv

  1. Shelley you look fantastic and if you keep this up you will e in a size 10 before you know it!
  2. What is everyone eating in a typical day? 4 months post op my typical day is: 1/2cup Cereal or one slice toast with small tin baked Beans OR one egg Fruit OR yoghurt for morning and afternoon tea 2 Rice cakes with Protein such as ham or tina, avocado, cheese and salad Protein and salad or vege for dinner, served on a bread and butter plate with small fork One slice of fruit of toasted fruit bread sometimes for supper. When out for the day a tuna sushi roll is my fall back food and I carry small packets of sultanas in my handbag for emergency Snacks.
  3. I am in Brisbane. If you wish to email me at kelli@platinumresidences.com.au, I will reply. Cheers
  4. Hi AussieLady, everything Sue mentioned is so true and a good description. Are you seeing a dietician? If not is important to do so as they can support you through this period. You need to eat real food to get enough ad the right nutrition to heal and stay healthy. For examples eating 5 to 6 times per day and a whole range of foods to cover all groups. My dietician advised not to keep drinking shakes as they ate too low calorie and your body now needs more. Hope that helps.
  5. Great news. Sleep doc very happy with my weight loss and I can stop using my CPAP machine straight away. YIPEE!!! This was a major goal and a big reason I had the surgery. I still have to do another sleep study on 13 January, but she thinks it unlikely that I will need it ongoing. Again, this is the best thing I could have done for my health.
  6. I am going to see my sleep specialist tomorrow. She suggested surgery to me 6 months ago and wrote the referral. She doesn't know I have done it. Hoping to have a repeat sleep study early in New Year and would love to able to give up sleeping with a CPAP machine for sleep apnea.
  7. Had a great time last night. Good ego boost which was a nice change. My best friend who does not support what I have done (pure jealously) had a Christmas party. I wore my new size 12 NYDJ jeans for the first time and had compliments from every person there except her. I felt fabulous and enjoyed the positive attention. I knew I looked the best I have been in 20 years and she hated it!! I've never discussed my surgery with her after initially telling her I was having it and now just let the results to date speak for themselves.

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