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Everything posted by kelliv

  1. Had a repeat sleep study last night and my sleep apnea has halved from the original text a couple of years ago due entirely to my weight loss to date. Officially although I still have sleep apnea it is now mild and I don't have to use my CPAP machine, however I am still more tired than I want to be so will go back to using it every few nights. Continued weight loss will mean the sleep apnea will disappear altogether, so for others out there on a machine, there is hope after losing weight. I have enjoyed not using it for the past month but am looking forward to waking up tomorrow feeling refreshed.
  2. Hi Kristi, it's interesting how every doctor seems to have different instructions. Mine was at least one compulsory visit to a dietician and one to a psychologist before even booking the surgery and he recommended people. I personally found the dietician invaluable and could not have got through it without his advice, especially in the four weeks post op. I asked my GP to do a joint carers plan for me which allowed up to 5 psych or dietician visits relating to the planned surgery. These were then heavily subsidised by Medicare. It would be worth you discussing this with your GP. My surgeon also recommended I could have lean Protein such as chicken breast in the pre-op phase, but I only did it once or twice. Re timing drinking away from eating I still find this tough. I try to drink a glass of Water 15 minutes before eating as I am then not as thirsty or obsessed with drinkng afterwards.
  3. Hi Kristi, it sounds tough doing Optifast ONLY for 2 weeks. When I did it under the supervision of my surgeon and dietican I was allowed, non starchy vege and berries and it made it bearable. Sugar free lollies from the chemist then were handy during that phase. I was also advised to only drink the vanilla and chocolate Optifast shakes as the other flavours were higher in sugar. Having Coeliac disease I could not eat any other Opti product as they were not gluten free. For variety I would mix a small expresso coffee into a vanilla Opti shake with ice and blend...Yum or frozen berries ice and either vanilla or chocolate shakes were also delicious. Are you seeing a dietician in addition to the surgeon pre-op? Good luck
  4. Aussiegirl good luck for your surgeries tomorrow. What bad luck for you. Take care and best wishes for a speedy recovery.
  5. Hi Sarah, don't worry, it happens to the best of us. I have had 3 vomiting episodes, 2 of which were in public after eating a small amount of sushi, so rice is my enemy. Just unfortunate I am afraid.
  6. Shell, Dean and I had a lovely catch up over lunch today and compared notes on our progress. Hopefully next time we will have a few more people join us in Brisbane. It's great to know that we are all experiencing similar trials and successes, but all appreciate the tool we are now learning to live with.
  7. Dean, Are you around to join Shelley and I for lunch in Brisbane CBD tomorrow?
  8. Any Brisbane sleevers available to meet for a coffee or lunch maybe this Friday? If so where and when? We met last time at Melange Cafe in Roma St Parklands. Happy to do so again if this suits everyone else. Cheers Kelli
  9. Hi Dean, are you seeing a dietician? Mine told me that I must have a min of 3serves of grainy carbs each day and that is the most important thing to stay regular, plus it gives you the energy you need. Too much protein will definitely clog you up!
  10. Happy New Year to everyone and may all your dreams come true and goals come to fruition in 2013. I have never set New Years resolutions but I will set personal and business goals. Last December 31 I wrote a goal in my diary to be 80kg by today. I had no idea how I would realistically achieve this and in fact it was really wishful thinking. Little did I know I would get a sleeve in August and am now only 3kgs off this goal. The power of writing down your goals cannot be underestimated. I will be aiming to achieve my goal loss weight and improve my fitness in 2013. Sue you may be surprised with a loss when you weight yourself! Let us know how you get on. Dean thanks for working tonight and I am sure you will enjoy your New Years Day instead. We are at Sofitel Broadbeach for a couple of nights and head back to Brisbane in the morning to go to the Brisbane International Tennis. Anyone else going tomorrow?
  11. Christmas Day has come and gone and we are on our way back to Brisbane from NQ. Haven't been near a set of scales for over a week so I will be interested to see if I have lost anything over the break. It was strange this year. Prepared all of the food, but had little urge to eat it. Had small amounts of things I really like rather than eating for the sake of it. The sleeve makes you more discerning when you know you can only fit in a small amount that's for sure. Have had a few rum balls, but again only one or two at a time instead of half a dozen! All NQ family commented on my weight loss, but I didn't tell them I have had the sleeve and none of them even asked how I had done it which was a bit odd. My mother-in-law knows in NQ but no-one else. Thought I would be more chuffed about showing off my weight loss, but in the end I realised that I have done it for me and no-one else's opinion really matters. I hope everyone is having a lovely holiday.
  12. Merry Christmas to all fellow Australian Sleevers regardless of what stage you are in your journey. 2012 has been a great year for most of us on this journey and 2013 will be even better. I wish you all a happy Christmas Day, especially spending time with loved ones. For once it won't be focused on food! I look forward to meeting Brisbane sleevers hopefully at some stage early in the New Year and hope 2013 brings you good health and happiness. Cheers Kelli
  13. I missed my goal by 4kgs. Wanted to be 80kgs by Christmas, but happy with where I am now. Coming off slowly by surely. Now buying mediums and size 14 tops and 16 bottoms, so pretty happy. We are at Brisbane Airport about to fly to Townsville to have Christmas with my husband's family in Ingham. Back in Brisbane on Boxing Day. Would love to arrange a social get together for those of us in or around Brisbane maybe early January. Anyone around then?
  14. Wow Lila you look amazing and so pretty. Love your hair too.

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