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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kelliv

  1. Hi Kristi, thanks for the informative post. You are doing all of the right things and just need to take it one day at a time. Keep telling yourself positive things constantly.
  2. Welcome and all the best for your surgery.
  3. Thanks Sue your comments are very helpful. I eat similarly to you but I do have gluten free bread, rice cakes and small amounts of pasta, potato and rice. Maybe I will cut these put except for grainy GF bread which is important to stay regular. Cheers
  4. Lila, the protein goal amount seems small. Should we be having more than others without sleeve do you think?
  5. Logically I know this but I really thought I was eating more than enough. I will use this tool and see how I go before contacting the dietician and spending more money. Thanks for your help.
  6. Help please..I have put on put 1kg this week and have been stalling regularly since 3 weeks post op. Now 5 months put the weight loss has really slowed. I've lost 24kgs, but still have another 14 to go. I have started to keep a food diary the past few days to discuss with my dietician who I feel a need to consult with again. Others who are 4-6 months out is your weight still coming off consistently and if so what are you eating on an average day please?
  7. I wonder what type of surgery James Packer had? He looks great after losing 35kgs. I've read that it was gastric bypass surgery and I've also read it was lap band. Interesting to know which one and Joe Hockey the politician also reportedly had gastric bypass surgery too. I wonder why they had that instead of the sleeve?
  8. Strained Miso is also yummy
  9. I am so excited for you that you had the band out and the sleeve done in one operation. It's such a relief and should give hope to a few others on this thread hoping to do the same thing in the new future.
  10. That's good. Sounds as though it will be smooth sailing. Enjoy getting used to your new tummy and take things slowly.

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