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Everything posted by kelliv

  1. Not only have I got rid of the sleep apnea I had when I was overweight, I now have too low blood pressure due to the very high dose blood pressure medication I have been taking. Good problem to have so off to the doctors on Wednesday for new lower dosage script. My sleeve has really helped with these health issues which was the main goal. Definite health benefits!!
  2. You'll look so happy and confident. Best of luck.
  3. Hi Sue, your rate of weight loss has been amazing. You are only one month ahead of me and my starting weight was 107kg. I've only lost 26 kgs so far and have stagnated yet again. I've heard the same as Liss from my doc. Your body will slow down when it's ready however I definitely think it would be worthwhile having a further chat with your dietician at this point to get the professional support and reassurance. My dietician also told me that getting the right level of food intake for maintenance can be tricky. I am still 11kgs off my doc goal and 15 off mine, so it's a challenge I am looking forward to.
  4. Wow Shelley, you look amazing and are the incredible shrinking woman! Well done.
  5. Brisbane Sleevers Social A few of us from Brisbane have met a couple of times over the past few months. It would be lovely to so do again and have a few more people join us, especially some of the newbies and others from further afield such as Gold Coast. Any suggestions as to when and where. As we are from all over, we have met in the city in the past. Perhaps we could do a Saturday or Sunday morning Breakfast or lunch somewhere central such as New Farm Deli? Let me know what you all think.
  6. Dean I finally made the chocolate Chia pudding tonight and it is soooo yummy. Strange that it doesn't actually need cooking. I made it with coconut milk and will try it with the others too. Thanks for the tip.
  7. Hi Kazza, it is frustrating when others think it's the easy way out but we all know it definitely isn't. It's hard work but it's also a really smart choice we've all made to get this wonderful tool. Don't listen to anyone who is negative and just be confident in the choice you have for yourself. We look forward to supporting you positively on your journey.
  8. Sarah, Our stomach doesn't stretch after surgery, well that's what my surgeon told me, but as swelling goes down and you start to get used to new smaller stomach you will be able to eat a little more. ultimately it will signal when you have had enough and it gets easier over time to know when to stop eating.
  9. I apologise in advance to those of you in pre- op, liquid or puree phase, but I have to share with you what I made last night. I like to have beans in my diet especially for breakfast as they are a good source of protein, low GI and yummy. I often have a slice of toast with small serve of tinned baked beans. I don't really like the tinned variety so I made my own using a recipe for Boston Baked Beans off www.taste.com.au and they are YUM. Used tinned Cannelloni beans, bacon, tomatoes etc. i followed the recipe this time, but probably wouldn't use as much golden syrup or brown sugar next time. Let me know if you try them. I made. One batch which will do me and my household for a while week.
  10. That's fantastic news and we wish you all the best for tomorrow. Yea I made vege soup and chicken and vege, puréed and fairly thin. I put it in small containers and froze. Miso soup in packages minus the 'bits' is also yummy. I bought organic baby food for the puréed stage and it was disgusting. Still in the pantry 6 months later.
  11. Thanks very much. A friend is at the match and has been texting us updates throughout. Was a good match but Djokivic was too strong. Cheers

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