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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kelliv

  1. I agree Dean. Couldn't have got this far or to the finish line without the sleeve.
  2. Just an update, I am 7 months post op and have lost 25kg. Started at 107kg and have another 14 to go. Stalled again for the past month so going to see a new dietician in Brisbane who specialises in weight loss surgery patients and in particular the differences in nutrition between Sleevers and lap band people. Stuck in 82kg and really want to get into the 70's. Also haven't seen my surgeon since one month post op as he moved, but seeing him later this month and had a series of blood tests this morning. It will be interesting to see what they show. It's weird that I still see fat when I look in the mirror even though I haven't been this light in about 15 years and my clothes are all a lot smaller. The mind is a strange thing. It's an interesting journey and one I don't for even a second regret taking.
  3. Good luck with your appointment. Hope all goes well and you get booked in for surgery.
  4. I was allowed any berries but no other fruit. It just adds that bit of variety during pre op stage
  5. Yes the hunger almost disappears after day 3 or 4. Are you allowed berries? I was and the frozen ones blended in an Optifast shake are yummy as is a shot of espresso in a vanilla shake. Enjoy
  6. Welcome and we look forward to sharing your journeys ladies.
  7. Wow Lila, you are not consuming many calories, so it's not surprising you get the wobbles sometimes. For good nutrition my NUT told me I have to eat 1000 calories per day, over 5 small meals because I won't fit it in over just three meals. Your weight loss if great, but this few calories may be hard to sustain long term and I would be worried about deficiencies. I know you are busy but why not try to have another meals at morning and afternoon tea???
  8. That's great Sara and good that you felt empowered to take further action. You will enjoy the personal training I am sure. I feel the same about sweets. Makes me feel a bit sick, so I only have a little if I get the urge.
  9. Wow wow wow!!!!!!!! you look unbelievable and must feel so good.
  10. Hi Sarah, I agree the instructor was wrong and could have handled the situation a lot better by suggesting easier options for beginners without singling you out. I recently rejoined a gym and have tried a range of classes. I find the aqua aerobics, yoga and Pilates classes are great as well as body pump and can do them at my own pace. Definitely talk to the manager. The instructor should be coached about sensitivity. Don't give up though as the exercise will help you in many positive ways. If you can afford a few sessions with a personal trainer at the gym to kickstart your fitness and get you familiar with some of the equipment that may also help. I found it did initially and are now into my own routine combining aerobic, weights and classes. Let us know how you get on.
  11. Good luck!! We will be waiting to hear from you on the other side.

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