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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kelliv

  1. Everyone is quiet at present??? I am on holidays in Kyneton, Victoria visiting my sister and 9 month old niece and will spend a couple of days in Melbourne on my way home. Very easy eating while traveling. How are you all?
  2. Happy Easter everyone. Have a wonderful celebration on Easter Sunday hopefully with friends and family. No doubt food will be in abundance if it's anything like our place. Thank goodness we can enjoy a little of what we would like without going overboard or feeling guilty. I've made a yummy tiramisu for dessert tomorrow and will enjoy a slither!
  3. Sue, you are so right and ditto re the exercise. My dietician really emphasised the importance of it and I am sure the surgeon will do so as well when I see him on Thirsday.
  4. Saw a great dietician today at Wesley Hospital. She suggested I focus on protein (contrary to my original dietician), water and resistance exercise. Interesting that for every 1kg we lose, 200gms of it is muscle which needs to e replaced.
  5. Great results, well done and you must be feeling amazing.
  6. Had fun and met Denise & Bruce Morecombe. What an inspirational couple they are.
  7. Hi Everyone, I am celebrating the break of my latest stall AND reaching another milestone. I hit the scales this morning and am now 79.9kg. Finally broke through the 80's!!!!! For the newbies I was 107kg pre op, 102kg on day of op and now 7 months later I am 79.9kg. Doc's goal is 70kg, but I wish to get back into the 60's. Slowly, slowly I am getting there. It seems that the less often I weigh myself the more I lose and when I travel for work am and out of my usual routine, I also seem to lose more quickly. Very happy!!!! Playing golf today in a 'Day For Daniel' charity event. Have to wear something red. Had nothing that would fit me anymore so am borrowing a size 12 pair of white three quarter length pants and a red and white blouse from my trendy Mum. Good problem to have.

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