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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kelliv

  1. You look amazing! Were they taken at Suncorp Stadium in Brsbane?
  2. Hi Misty You can buy Optislim from chemists however my dietician advised that it is not the same nutritional value as Optifast and therefore not recommended for pre-op. Not sure if others have been told the contrary. Also I took a multi Vitamin in tablet form after the end of liquid stage after surgery. No problems.
  3. Sounds like we should pick a weekend and have a sleeve get together in Brisbane and it would be wonderful if some of you from put of town could come. I feel as though we are friends having shared so much over the past 10 months. What does everyone think? Is there a long weekend coming up maybe?
  4. That's great news and amazing that you can get it done so quickly and without a pre op diet too!!! The time will fly by now, especially if you are busy.
  5. I am more than ready for another catch up. I am free for lunch this Thursday if that suits everyone? Just name the time and place as I am totally flexible.
  6. Love your new pic and sorry to hear about your red frog incident.
  7. Hi Sharon, thanks for sharing your interesting story and congratulations on your successful surgery and progress to date. We look forward to hearing more from you in future.
  8. Hi Misty, I had an appt with surgeon within a week of getting a referral and had surgery approx 6 weeks later, as had to see dietician and psychologist and have blood tests first.
  9. Welcome Misty. I am also in Brisbane and would love to meet up with you in the near future. Shelley, Dean and I have met in the city for lunch, so will try and organise another get together shortly and hopefully you will be able to join us. Which surgeon are you going through and t what hospital? You did well to read this whole thread! It is massive these days, but full of useful tips and tricks.
  10. Wow Lily that is a great result and how exciting that you are so close to your goals. You must feel and look fantastic.
  11. Hi Sue, that's priceless and their reaction must have thrilled you. I am having a lovely break in Victoria. I could easily live in Kyneton but don't think I could convince my husband to make the move. Maybe when we are older and ready to retire.

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