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Everything posted by kelliv

  1. Hi Misty, where did you buy this book? Is it available online?
  2. It's good you only needed two nights and no drains by the sound of it. You will sleep better in your own bed too.
  3. Clever girl, well done. Enjoy your two week holiday and keep sipping, sipping, sipping
  4. Ditto Misty and I will be thinking of you tomorrow and in the coming days. You've done all of your research...now it's time to relax and enjoy the ride. Good Luck
  5. Dean & Misty, as Shelley is unable to join us for lunch today and you and Dean both work close to Roma St, would you prefer to meet somewhere closer to there? If so just let me know. You have my number, but I don't have yours Dean. Cheers kelli
  6. Hi Brendan and Tash, several of us on this thread have experienced a bit of a gurgling noise in the beginning but it disappears after a while and it seems to have a lot to do with timing of drinks and eating. It's never been an issue for me in public and it's nothing to worry about. The best thing I can suggest is try not to over think everything. By all means do your research, then trust in your decision.
  7. True although Myers has 25% off at present. Might just go to target for a couple to get my through.
  8. Welcome Brendan and good luck for your exiting journey to a great new you
  9. Yes it is weird. I can't believe I have already lost 30! Life is good and getting the sleeve has been worth it. Main dilemma now is my boobs have shrunk so much I need new bras again but want to hold off on the expense until I am closer to goal. Sorry to the blokes reading this.... girl talk
  10. Hit a new milestone today. I now have a BMI of 29 which is still considered overweight but at least I am no longer obese. I started at a BMI of 41, so am very happy with the progress so far. Next goal is to get to 25 which means I need to lose another 11kgs.
  11. Misty, Let's meet at Jackpot Noodles in Albert Street at 12.30pm? Shelley is also going to be joining us.

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